

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 2868
  2. takipçi 2
  3. puan 63994

god is in the house

bir nick cave parcasi.

we’ve laid the cables and the wires
we’ve split the wood and stoked
the fires
we’ve lit our town so there is no
place for crime to hide
our little church is painted white
and in the safety of the night
we all go quiet as a mouse
for the word is out
god is in the house
god is in the house
god is in the house
no cause for worry now
god is in the house

moral sneaks in the white house
computer geeks in the school house
drug freaks in the crack house
we don’t have that stuff here
we have a tiny little force
but we need them of course
for the kittens in the trees
and at night we are on our knees
as quiet as a mouse
for god is in the house
god is in the house
god is in the house
and no one’s left in doubt
god is in the house

homos roaming the streets in packs
queer bashers with tyre-jacks
lesbian counter-attacks
that stuff is for the big cities
our town is very pretty
we have a pretty little square
we have a woman for a mayor
our policy is firm but fair
now that god is in the house
god is in the house
god is in the house
any day now he’ll come out
god is in the house

well-meaning little therapists
goose-stepping twelve-stepping tetotalitarianists
the tipsy, the reeling and the drop down pissed
we got no time for that stuff here
zero crime and no fear
we’ve bred all our kittens white
so you can see them in the night
and at night we’re on our knees
as quiet as a mouse
since the word got out
from the north down to the south
for no-one’s left in doubt
there’s no fear about
if we all hold hands and very quietly shout
god is in the house
god is in the house
oh i wish he would come out
god is in the house

sozler icin copy paste kaynagi :

red right hand

bir nick cave parcasi.

take a litle walk to the edge of town
go across the tracks
where the viaduct looms,
like a bird of doom
as it shifts and cracks
where secrets lie in the border fires,
in the humming wires
hey man, you know
you’re never coming back
past the square, past the bridge,
past the mills, past the stacks
on a gathering storm comes
a tall handsome man
in a dusty black coat with
a red right hand

he’ll wrap you in his arms,
tell you that you’ve been a good boy
he’ll rekindle all the dreams
it took you a lifetime to destroy
he’ll reach deep into the hole,
heal your shrinking soul
but there wont be a single thing
that you can do
he’s a god, he’s a man,
he’s a ghost, he’s a guru
they’re whispering his name
through this disappearing land
but hidden in his coat
is a red right hand

you don’t have no money?
he’ll get you some
you don’t have no car? he’ll get you one
you don’t have no self-respect,
you feel like an insect
well don’t you worry buddy,
cause here he comes
through the ghettos and the barrio
and the bowery and the slum
a shadow is cast wherever he stands
stacks of green paper in his
red right hand

you’ll see him in your nightmares,
you’ll see him in your dreams
he’ll appear out of nowhere but
he ain’t what he seems
you’ll see him in your head,
on the tv screen
and hey buddy, i’m warning
you to turn it off
he’s a ghost, he’s a god,
he’s a man, he’s a guru
you’re one microscopic cog
in his catastrophic plan
designed and directed by
his red right hand

extra verse from dj spooky remix (from scream 2 soundtrack):
he’ll extend his hand, real slowly for a shake
you’ll see it coming toward you, real slowly for a shake
(grabbing at your peril buddy?) cause you know you ain’t
getting near much as he will take.

he’s a...

he’s mumbling words you can’t understand
he’s mumbling word behind his red right hand.

sozler icin copy paste kaynagi :

lime tree arbour

bir nick cave parcasi.

the boatman calls from the lake
a lone loon dives upon the water
i put my hand over hers
down in the lime tree arbour
the wind in the trees is whispering
whispering low thar i love her
she puts her hand over mine
down in the lime tree arbour
through every step that i take
and every place i go
there is a hand that protects me
and i do love her so
there will always be suffering
it flows through life like water
i put my hand over hers
down the lime tree arbour
the boatman he is gone
the loons have flown for cover
she puts her hand over mine
down the lime tree arbour
through every word that i speak
and everything i know
there is a hand that protects me
and i do love her so

sozler icin copy paste kanynagi :

oh my lord

bir nick cave parcasi.

i thought i’d take a walk today
it’s a mistake i sometimes make
my kids lay asleep in bed
my wife lay wide-awake
kissed her softly on the brow
tried not to make a sound
but with stony eyes she looked at me
and gently squeezed my hand
call it a premonition, call it a crazy vision
call it intuition, or something learned from mother
but when she looked up at me, i could clearly see
the sword of damocles hanging directly above her
oh lord
oh my lord
oh lord
how have i offended thee?
wrap your tender arms around me
oh lord
oh lord
oh my lord

they called at me through the fence
they were not making any sense
they claimed that i’d lost the plot
kept saying that i was not
the man i used to be
they held their babes aloft
threw marsh mellows at the security
and said that i’d grown soft
call it intuition, call it a creeping suspicion,
but their words of derision meant they hardly knew me
for even i could see, the way they stared at me
the spear of destiny are sticking right through me
oh lord
oh my lord
oh lord
how have i offended thee?
wrap your tender arms round me
oh lord
oh lord
oh my lord

now i’m at the hairdresser’s
people watch me as they move past
a guy wearing plastic antlers
presses his bum against the glass
now i’m down on my hands and knees
and it’s so fucking hot!
someone cries, "what are you looking for?"
i scream, "the plot, the plot!"
i grab my telephone, i call my wife at home
she screams, "leave us alone!" i say "hey, it’s only me"
the hairdresser with his scissors, he holds up the mirror
i look back and shiver; i can’t even believe what i can see

be mindful of the prayers you send
pray hard but to pray with care
for the tears you are crying now
are just your answered prayers
the ladders of life we scale merrily
move mysteriously around
so that when you think you’re climbing up, man
in fact you’re climbing down
into the hollows of glamour, o where the spike and hammer
with telescopic camera, they chose to turn the screw
oh i hate them, ma!
oh i hate them, pa!
oh i hate them all!
for what they went and done to you
oh lord oh my lord
oh lord
how have i offended thee?
wrap your tender arms round me
oh lord oh lord
oh my lord

sozler icin copy paste kaynagi :


bağ bahçesi üzüm verir evlere
bulutlar eşlik eder ellere
tadı mayhoş içecekler var sepetimde
gelin buluşalım pembe düşlerde
dağ evleri büyülü mavi oyuncaklardır
aşıklar kara üzüm toplamışlardır
gelin uzanalım kokulu çimenlere
tadı mayhoş içecekler var sepetimde

seklindeki sozleri ile bir dss parcasidir.

kaynak :http://www.allş

huzünlü güzel

aşklarım vardır benim
ne beni ne de mavili hüzünler güzelini anlatır
bir yelkovan rüzgarıdır düşlerim
yaşanmayan bir masalda
güneşi hep yok olan acılarımla beni aldatır
görünen hep gece oldu gözlerimde yanan çocuğa
ölüp dirilen bedendim ben yalnızca
kaçtığım köşelerde birileri bekler
alırlar gözyaşlarımı
yeni doğmuş denizlere dökerler
gurbet yumakları ördüm ellerimde kalbine dair
bütün limanların dinlenen gemilerine doğru koştum
her vakit
patates ve soğuk içecek
ne de güzel giderdi aşklar sohbetinde
yazgıya yenilen büyük sevdalardık yalnızca
bittiği yerden geri döndü masallar
düşlerin ressamı hep mavileri arzular
boncuklar düşer merdivenlerden
o hep boncukları kovalar
değişen zaman mıydı
yoksa içi boş değişgenler mi olduk
bütün aşklarım adına hoşçakal dünya
sen hüzünler güzeliydin
düşlerime mavilerle girip sonra kaybolan

seklinde sozleri ile bir dss parcasidir.

sozler icin kaynak :


adamin biri olmus, muhteremin gunahi da biraz cokmus uzerinize afiyet, hop almislar cehennemin bol ates manzarali bir bolumune.

neyse kendisini yerlestirecekleri mekanin bosalmasini beklerken, bell boyu gelmis cehennemin . buyrun efendim demis, size kalacaginiz yere kadar eslik edecegim ve yol uzerinde cesitli tanitim bilgileri sunacagim. bir miktar ilerledikten sonra pat bir kapiyi acmis, buyrun demis. adam gayri ihtiyari dalmis odaya, o da ne adamin biri kendi kendine oral seks yapiyor. neler oluyor? diye sormus korkulu gozler ile bell boyumuza . bell boy aciklamis; bu misafirimiz dunyadaki yasaminda sigara tiryakisiydi, dudagindan sigarayi hic eksik etmezdi, mukafat olarak burada kendisine boyle bir imkan sunduk.

kapiyi arkalarindan cekip cikmislar, ama adam fena tirsmis , biraz yurumusler ki, pat bell boy tekrar kapinin birini daha aralamis ve buyrun demis. bu sefer temkinli bir sekilde kapinin kenarindan yan gozlerle bakmis bizim eleman. bu sefer de ne gorsun; adamin biri diz ustu cokmus, bir digerine oral seks yapiyor. bu mudur yani cehennemin olayi savasma sevis? yok diye aciklamis bell boyumuz, bu arkadas da dunyadaki hayatinda hep baskasinin sigarasindan otlanirdi.

eski kalpler

yılların ardında kalmış yarime
varmasam incinir varsam incinir
beyaz gölgesinden ince belinden
sarmasam incinir sarsam incinir

toprağın kokusu yağmur sesleri
başımızda esen sevda meltemi
anılarda kalmış sisli günleri
anmasam incinir ansam incinir

nereden nereye sevdim o yari
ateşi komuyor yakıyor beni
eski kalpler sever böyle bir canı
sevmesem incinir sevsem incinir

sozu sibel erulgen’ e, muzigi derya koroglu’ na ait bir yeni turku parcasidir.

copy paste kaynagi : eksi

sevgilisinin penisini kesip dama atan kadın

(bkz: aza kanaat etmeyen cogu bulamazmis)
(bkz: sakla penisi gelir zamani)
(bkz: yemekle oyun olmaz)

seklinde yersiz esprilere konu ve malzeme olabilecek potansiyeli barindiran olayin bas kahramanidir.

guzelim yurdum insaninin ne kadar gulluk gulistanlik bir hayat surdugunun en guzel kanitlarindan biridir. dogaldir biten birsey, baska birseyi olmayan insanin ayni zamanda herseyinin de sonudur. bitiren kendisi olmayinca bu durumda karsindakine kendine verdigini dusundugu zararin boyutlarini algilama konusunda yardimci olmustur ablamiz.

hepimiz aldiklarimiz ya da alacaklarimiz ile o kadar mesguluz ki, vermeyi unutuyoruz. hali ile vermeye istekli olmayan bir toplumda alinanlarin da degeri yuksek oluyor. kaybedince bu tarz sonuclari dogal karsilamali herhalde.

(bkz: her sey cok guzel olacak)
(bkz: durmak yok yola devam)

bir kızı bile idare edemeyen erkek

alem ucunu besini idare ederken bir tanesini idare etmeyi beceremeyen erkek de olabilir kendisi. ayip bir sey olsa gerektir. utanir bu durumdaki erkek. erkekliginden suphe edilir. erkekligin sanindandir cunku, helaldir, yapmasi gerektir. ne o lan bir tane hatun taniyip keriz gibi ona tutulup, askin (sevdiginin) kolesi mi olunur. iliski dedigin nedir, kullan at zaten. kiminin bedeni, kiminin sevgisi, kiminin parasi. tuketmek gerektir. ne varsa. tuketmeyen adam midir? modern cagda erkek olmak iste boyle bir sey olsa gerektir.

modern cag kadini versiyonu icin de;
(bkz: bir erkegi bile idare edemeyen kadin)

adio kerida

adio, adio kerida
no kero la vida
me l’amargates tu

tu madre kuando te pario
i te kito al mundo
korason eya no te dio
para amar segundo

adio, adio kerida
no kero la vida
me l’amargates tu

va bushkate otro amor
aharva otras puertas
aspera otro pasion
ke para mi sos muerta.

adio, adio kerida
no kero la vida
me l’amargates tu

seklindeki sozleri ile olumcul etkisi olan bir yasmin levy parcasidir. copy paste kaynagimizdaki ingilizce ceviriden anladigim kadari ile;

adio, adio kerida
no kero la vida
me l’amargates tu

kismi asagi yukari

elveda sevgili
yasamak istemiyorum
beni canimdan bezdirdin

manasina gelmekteymis.

sozler icin copy paste kaynagimiz :
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