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telling stories

there is fiction in the space between
the lines on your page of memories
write it down but it doesnt mean
youre not just telling stories
there is fiction in the space between
you and me

there is fiction in the space between
you and reality
you will do and say anything
to make your everyday life
seem less mundane
there is fiction in the space between
you and me

theres a science fiction in the space between
you and me
a fabrication of a grand scheme
where i am the scary monster
i eat the city and as i leave the scene
in my spaceship i am laughing
in your remembrance of your bad dream
theres no one but you standing

leave the pity and the blame
for the ones who do not speak
you write the words to get respect and compassion
and for posterity
you write the words and make believe
there is truth in the space between

there is fiction in the space between
you and everybody
give us all what we need
give us one more sad sordid story
but in the fiction of the space between
sometimes a lie is the best thing
sometimes a lie is the best thing

evet yine yaptim, iste bir baska tracy chapman parcasi ve yine sozler arak.

yasasin google, yasasin sarki sozu kaynaklari.

you are the one

some say you re crazy
say that you re no good
say your family’s cursed with bad blood
i think you re cute and misunderstood
and i wouldn t change you if i could

let’em talk you down
call you names
my mind’s made up
it ain’t gonna change
i’m sure in my heart
happy and free
you’re the one you’re the one
you’re the one for me

some say you’re bitter
think you’re mean
uncouth untamed and unrestrained
i think you’re sensitive and sweet
stay as you are don’t change a thing

let’em talk you down
call you names
my mind’s made up
it ain’t gonna change
i’m sure in my heart
happy and free
you’re the one you’re the one
you’re the one for me

some say you’re bawdy
wicked and wild
a restless useless juvenile
i think you’re funny and i like your smile
want to be with you want you to stay awhile

let’em talk you down
call you names
my mind’s made up
it ain’t gonna change
i’m sure in my heart
happy and free
you’re the one you’re the one
you’re the one for me

a no ‘count mixed up
amount to nothing
a day away from a bum on the street
some low class kind of royalty
that’s what they say about you
when they’re talking to me

some say you’re bad
a bad bad seed
you love to play with fire you love gambling
i know what you love and i know what you need
and i like it when you play with me

let’em talk you down
call you names
my mind’s made up
it ain’t gonna change
i’m sure in my heart
happy and free
you’re the one you’re the one
you’re the one for me

seklindeki araklamis oldugum sozleri ile bir baska leziz tracy chapman parcasi.

give me one reason

give me one reason to stay here - and ill turn right back around
give me one reason to stay here - and ill turn right back around
because i dont want leave you lonely
but you got to make me change my mind

baby i got your number and i know that you got mine
but you know that i called you, i called too many times
you can call me baby, you can call me anytime
but you got to call me

give me one reason to stay here - and ill turn right back around
give me one reason to stay here - and ill turn right back around
because i dont want leave you lonely
but you got to make me change my mind

i dont want no one to squeeze me - they might take away my life
i dont want no one to squeeze me - they might take away my life
i just want someone to hold me and rock me through the night

this youthful heart can love you and give you what you need
this youthful heart can love you and give you what you need
but im too old to go chasing you around
wasting my precious energy

give me one reason to stay here - and ill turn right back around
give me one reason to stay here - and ill turn right back around
because i dont want leave you lonely
but you got to make me change my mind

baby just give me one reason - give me just one reason why
baby just give me one reason - give me just one reason why i should stay
because i told you that i loved you
and there aint no more to say

seklindeki copy paste sozleri ile bir tracy chapman parcasidir. votka, sigara, huzun vs. yaninda guzel gider. sakin sakin.

people ain t no good

bir nick cave parcasi.

people just ain’t no good
i think that’s welll understood
you can see it everywhere you look
people just ain’t no good

we were married under cherry trees
under blossom we made pour vows
all the blossoms come sailing down
through the streets and through the playgrounds

the sun would stream on the sheets
awoken by the morning bird
we’d buy the sunday newspapers
and never read a single word

people they ain’t no good
people they ain’t no good
people they ain’t no good

seasons came, seasons went
the winter stripped the blossoms bare
a different tree now lines the streets
shaking its fists in the air
the winter slammed us like a fist
the windows rattling in the gales
to which she drew the curtains
made out of her wedding veils

people they ain’t no good
people they ain’t no good
people they ain’t no good at all

to our love send a dozen white lilies
to our love send a coffin of wood
to our love let aal the pink-eyed pigeons coo
şat people they just ain’t no good
to our love send back all the letters
to our love a valentine of blood
to our love let all the jilted lovers cry
şat people they just ain’t no good

it ain’t that in their hearts they’re bad
they can comfort you, some even try
they nurse you when you’re ill of health
they bury you when you go and die
it ain’t that in their hearts they’re bad
they’d stick by you if they could
but that’s just bullshit
people just ain’t no good

people they ain’t no good
people they ain’t no good
people they ain’t no good
people they ain’t no good at all

copy paste kaynagi :

god is in the house

ayni zamanda, nick cave and the bad seeds’ in, fransa’ nin lyon kentindeki le transbordeur sahnesinde 8 haziran 2001 tarihinde verdikleri konserin canli kayit dvdsi.

01 do you love me?
02 oh my lord
03 lime tree arbour
04 red right hand
05 as i sat sadly by her side
06 the weeping song
07 god is in the house
08 we came along this road
09 papa won t leave you henry
10 hallelujah
11 the mercy seat
12 into my arms
13 saint huck
14 the curse of millhaven

ayrica bunyesinde, no more shall we part in kayit surecinde yapilmis bir video ile, as i sat sadly by her side, fifteen feet of pure white snow ve love letter’ in da muzik videolarini barindirmaktadir bu dvd.

eger bir konser dvd si icin verilebilecek 19,90 iniz varsa iyi bir secim derim. votka, sigara, huzun, ofke vs. ile harmanlaninca gecenin karanliginda siz de hak vereceksiniz.

love letter

bir nick cave parcasi.

i hold şis letter in my hand
a plea, a petition, a kind of prayer
i hope it does as i have planned
losing her again is more şan i can bear
i kiss şe cold, white envelope
i press my lips against her name
two hundred words. we live in hope
şe sky hangs heavy wiş rain

love letter love letter
go get her go get her
love letter love letter
go tell her go tell her

a wicked wind whips up şe hill
a handful of hopeful words
i love her and i always will
şe sky is ready to burst
said someşing i did not mean to say
said someşing i did not mean to say
said someşing i did not mean to say
it all came out şe wrong way

love letter love letter
go get her go get her
love letter love letter
go tell her go tell her

rain your kisses down upon me
rain your kisses down in storms
and for all who’ll come before me
in your slowly fading forms
i’m going out of my mind
will leave me standing in
şe rain wiş a letter and a prayer
whispered on şe wind

come back to me
come back to me
o baby please come back to me

sozler icin copy paste kaynagi :

fifteen feet of pure white snow

bir nick cave parcasidir.

where is mona?
she’s long gone
where is mary?
she’s taken her along
but şey haven’t put şeir mittens on
and şere’s fifteen feet
of pure white snow?

where is michael?
where is mark?
where is maşew
now it’s getting dark?
where is john? şey are all out back
under fifteen feet of pure white snow
would you please put
down şat telephone
we’re under fifteen feet
of pure white snow

i waved to my neighbour
my neighbour waved to me
but my neighbour
is my enemy
i kept waving my arms
till i could not see
under fifteen feet of pure white snow

is anybody
out şere please?
it’s too quiet in here
and i’m beginning to freeze
i’ve got icicles hanging
from my knees
under fifteen feet of pure white snow

is şere anybody here
who feels şis low?
under fifteen feet of pure white snow

raise your hands up to şe sky
raise your hands up to şe sky
raise your hands up to şe sky
is it any wonder?
oh my lord oh my lord
oh my lord oh my lord

doctor, doctor
i’m going mad
şis is şe worst day
i’ve ever had
i can’t remember
ever feeling şis bad
under fifteen feet of pure white snow
where’s my nurse
i need some healing
i’ve been paralysed
by a lack of feeling
i can’t even find
anyşing worş stealing
under fifteen feet of pure white snow

is şere anyone else here
who doesn’t know?
we’re under fifteen feet
of pure white snow

raise your hands up to şe sky
raise your hands up to şe sky
raise your hands up to şe sky
is it any wonder?
oh my lord oh my lord
oh my lord oh my lord
save yourself! help yourself!
save yourself! help yourself!
save yourself! help yourself!
save yourself! help yourself!

sozler icin copy paste kaynagi :

the curse of millhaven

bir nick cave parcasi.

i live in a town called millhaven
and it’s small and it’s mean and it’s cold
but if you come around just as the sun goes down
you can watch the whole town turn to gold
it’s around about then that i used to go a-roaming
singing la la la la la la la lie
all god’s children they all gotta die
my name is loretta but i prefer lottie
i’m closing in on my fifteenth year
and if you think you have seen a pair of eyes more green
then you sure didn’t see them around here
my hair is yellow and i’m always a-combing
la la la la la la la lie
mama often told me we all got to die
you must have heard about the curse of millhaven
how last christmas bill blake’s little boy didn’t come home
they found him next week in one mile creek
his head bashed in and his pockets full of stones
well, just imagine all the wailing and moaning
la la la la la la la lie
even little billy blake’s boy, he had to die
then professor o’rye from millhaven high
found nailed to his door his prize-winning terrier
then next day the old fool brought little biko to school
and we all had to watch as he buried her
his eulogy to biko had all the tears a-flowing
la la la la la la la lie
even god’s little creatures, they have to die
our little town fell into a state of shock
a lot of people were saying things that made little sense
then the next thing you know the head of handyman joe
was found in the fountain of the mayor’s residence
foul play can really get a small town going
la la la la la la la lie
even god’s children all have to die
then, in a cruel twist of fate, old mrs colgate
was stabbed but the job was not complete
the last thing she said before the cops pronounced her dead
was, "my killer is loretta and she lives across the street!"
twenty cops burst through my door without even phoning
la la la la la la la lie
the young ones, the old ones, they all gotta die
yes, it is i, lottie. the curse of millhaven
i’ve struck horror in the heart of this town
like my eyes ain’t green and my hair ain’t yellow
it’s more like the other way around
i gotta pretty little mouth underneath all the foaming
la la la la la la la lie
sooner or later we all gotta die
since i was no bigger than a weavil they’ve been saying i was evil
that if "bad" was a boot that i’d fit it
that i’m a wicked young lady, but i’ve been trying hard lately
o fuck it! i’m a monster! i admit it!
it makes me so mad my blood really starts a-going
la la la la la la la lie
mama always told me that we all gotta die
yeah, i drowned the blakey kid, stabbed mrs. colgate, i admit
did the handyman with his circular saw in his garden shed
but i never crucified little biko, that was two junior high school psychos
stinky bohoon and his friend with the pumpkin-sized head
i’ll sing to the lot, now you got me going
la la la la la la la lie
all god’s children have all gotta die
there were all the others, all our sisters and brothers
you assumed were accidents, best forgotten
recall the children who broke through the ice on lake tahoo?
everyone assumed the "warning" signs had followed them to the bottom
well, they’re underneath the house where i do quite a bit of stowing
la la la la la la la lie
even twenty little children, they had to die
and the fire of ’91 that razed the bella vista slum
there was the biggest shit-fight this country’s ever seen
insurance companies ruined, land lords getting sued
all cause of wee girl with a can of gasoline
those flames really roared when the wind started blowing
la la la la la la la lie
rich man, poor man, all got to die
well i confessed to all these crimes and they put me on trial
i was laughing when they took me away
off to the asylum in an old black mariah
it ain’t home, but you know, it’s fucking better than jail
it ain’t such bad old place to have a home in
la la la la la la la lie
all god’s children they all gotta die
now i got shrinks that will not rest with their endless rorschach tests
i keep telling them they’re out to get me
they ask me if i feel remorse and i answer, "why of course!
there is so much more i could have done if they’d let me!"
so it’s rorschach and prozac and everything is groovy
singing la la la la la la la lie
all god’s children they all have to die
la la la la la la la lie
i’m happy as a lark and everything is fine
singing la la la la la la la lie
yeah, everything is groovy and everything is fine
singing la la la la la la la lie
all god’s children they gotta die

sozler icin copy paste kaynagi :

saint huck

bir nick cave parcasi.

born of the river,
born of its ever-changing, never-changing murky water
oh riverboat just rollin’ along through the great great greasy city huck standing like a saint, upon its deck
if ya wanna catch a saint,
then bait ya hook, let’s take a walk...

’o come to me!, o come to me!’ is what the dirty city
say to huck... huck

woah-woah, woah woah!
woah-woah, woah woah!
saint huck! huck!

straight in the arms of şe city goes huck,
down the beckonin’ streets of op-po-tunity
whistling his favorite river-song...
and a bad-blind nigger at the piano
buts a sinister blooo lilt into that sing-a-long
huck senses somthing’s wrong!

sirens wail in the city,
and lil-ulysses turn to putty
and ol man river’s got a bone to pick!
and our boy’s hardly got a bone to suck!
he go, woah-woah, woah woah!
woah-woah, woah woah!
saint huck! huck!

the mo-o-o-on, its huge cycloptic eye
watches the city streets contract
twist and cripple and crack.
saint huck goes on a dog’s-leg now
saint huck goes on a dog’s-leg now

you know the story!
ya wake up one morning and you find you’re a thug
blowing smoke rings in some dive
ya fingers hot and itchin, ya cracking ya knuckles
ya bull neck bristling...
still huck he ventures on whistling,
and death reckons huckleberry’s time is up,
o woah woah woah!
saint huck!
o woah woah woah!
saint huck! huck!

yonder go huck, minus pocket-watch an’ wallet gone
skin shrink-wraps his skeleton
no wonder he gets thinner, what with his cold’n’skinny dinners!
saint huck-a-saint elvis, saint huck-a-saint elvis
o you recall the song ya used to sing-a-long
shifting the river-trade on that ol’ steamer
life is but a dream!

but ya traded in the mighty ol’ man river
for the dirty ol’ man latrine!
the brothel shift
the hustle’n’the bustle and the green-backs rustle
and all the sexy-cash
and the randy-cars
and the two dollar fucks
o o o ya outa luck, ya outa luck
saint huck! huck!

this is the track of deception
leads to the heart of despair
huck whistles like he just don’t care
but in the pocket of the jacket is a chamber
lead pellets sleeps in there
wake up!

now huck whistles and he kneels
and he lays down there
see ya huck, good luck
a smoke ring hovers above his head
and the rats and the dogs and the men all come
and put a bullet through his eye
and the drip and the drip and the drip of the mississippi cryin’ and saint huck hears his own mississippi just rollin’ by him woah-woah-woah-woah
saint huck! saint huck! saint huck!
saint huck! saint huck! saint huck!

sozler icin copy paste kaynagi :

into my arms

i don’t believe in an interventionist god
but i know, darling, that you do
but if i did i would kneel down and ask him
not to intervene when it came to you
not to touch a hair on your head
to leave you as you are
and if he felt he had to direct you
then direct you into my arms

into my arms, o lord
into my arms, o lord
into my arms, o lord
into my arms

and i don’t believe in the existence of angels
but looking at you i wonder if that’s true
but if i did i would summon şem together
and ask them to watch over you
to each burn a candle for you
to make bright and clear your path
and to walk, like christ, in grace and love
and guide you into my arms

into my arms, o lord
into my arms, o lord
into my arms, o lord
into my arms

and i believe in love
and i know that you do too
and i believe in some kind of path
that we can walk down, me and you
so keep your candlew burning
and make her journey bright and pure
that she will keep returning
always and evermore

into my arms, o lord
into my arms, o lord
into my arms, o lord
into my arms

sozleri icin copy paste kaynagi :

the mercy seat

it began when they come took me from my home
and put me in dead row,
of which i am nearly wholly innocent, you know.
and i’ll say it again

i began to warm and chill
to objects and their fields,
a ragged cup, a twisted mop
the face of jesus in my soup
those sinister dinner meals
the meal trolley’s wicked wheels
a hooked bone rising from my food
all things either good or ungood.

and the mercy seat is waiting
and i think my head is burning
and in a way i’m yearning
to be done with all this measuring of truth.
an eye for an eye
a tooth for a tooth
and anyway i told the truth
and i’m not afraid to die.

interpret signs and catalogue
a blackened tooth, a scarlet fog.
the walls are bad. black. bottom kind.
they are sick breath at my hind
they are sick breath at my hind
they are sick breath at my hind
they are sick breath gathering at my hind

i hear stories from the chamber
how christ was born into a manger
and like some ragged stranger
died upon the cross
and might i say it seems so fitting in its way
he was a carpenter by trade
or at least that’s what i’m told

like my good hand i
tatooed e.v.i.l. across it’s brother’s fist
that filthy five! they did nothing to challenge or resist.

in heaven his throne is made of gold
the ark of his testament is stowed
a throne from which i’m told
all history does unfold.
down here it’s made of wood and wire
and my body is on fire
and god is never far away.

into the mercy seat i climb
my head is shaved, my head is wired
and like a moth that tries
to enter the bright eye
i go shuffling out of life
just to hide in death awhile
and anyway i never lied.

my kill-hand is called e.v.i.l.
wears a wedding band that’s g.o.o.d.
`tis a long-suffering shackle
collaring all that rebel blood.

and the mercy seat is waiting
and i think my head is burning
and in a way i’m yearning
to be done with all this measuring of truş.
an eye for an eye
and a tooş for a tooş
and anyway i told şe truş
and i’m not afraid to die.

and şe mercy seat is burning
and i şink my head is glowing
and in a way i’m hoping
to be done wiş all şis weighing up of truth.
an eye for an eye
and a tooth for a tooş
and i’ve got nothing left to lose
and i’m not afraid to die.

and the mercy seat is glowing
and i think my head is smoking
and in a way i’m hoping
to be done with all this looks of disbelief.
an eye for an eye
and a tooth for a tooth
and anyway there was no proof
nor a motive why.

and the mercy seat is smoking
and i think my head is melting
and in a way i’m helping
to be done with all this twisted of the truth.
a lie for a lie
and a truth for a truth
and i’ve got nothing left to lose
and i’m not afraid to die.

and the mercy seat is melting
and i think my blood is boiling
and in a way i’m spoiling
all the fun with all this truth and consequence.
an eye for an eye
and a truth for a truth
and anyway i told the truth
and i’m not afraid to die.

and the mercy seat is waiting
and i think my head is burning
and in a way i’m yearning
to be done with all this measuring of proof.
a life for a life
and a truth for a truth
and anyway there was no proof
but i’m not afraid to tell a lie.

and the mercy seat is waiting
and i think my head is burning
and in a way i’m yearning
to be done with all this measuring of truth.
an eye for an eye
and a truth for a truth
and anyway i told şe truth
but i’m afraid i told a lie.

sozler icin copy paste kaynagi :


bir nick cave parcasi.

on the first day of may i took to the road
i’d been staring out the window most of the morning
i’d watched the rain claw at the glass
and a vicious wind blew hard and fast
i should have taken it as a warning
as a warning as a warning
as a warning

i’d given my nurse the weekend off
my meals were ill prepared
my typewriter had turned mute as a tomb
and my piano crouched in the corner of my room
with all it’s teeth bared
all it’s teeth bared all it’s teeth bared
all it’s teeth bared.

hallelujah hallelujah
hallelujah hallelujah

i left my house without my coat
something my nurse would not have allowed
and i took the small roads out of town
and i passed a cow and the cow was brown
and my pyjamas clung to me like a shroud
like a shroud like a shroud
like a shroud

there rose before me a little house
with all hope and dreams kept within
a woman’s voice close to my ear
said, why don’t you come in here?
you looked soaked to the skin
soaked to the skin soaked to the skin
soaked to the skin

hallelujah hallelujah
hallelujah hallelujah

i turned to the woman and the woman was young
i extended a hearty salutation
but i knew if my nurse had been here
she would never in a thousand years
permit me to accept that invitation
invitation that invitation
that invitation

now, you might think it wise to risk it all
throw caution to the reckless wind
but with her hot cocoa and her medication
my nurse had been my one salvation
so i turned back home
i turned back home i turned back home
singing my song

the tears are welling in my eyes again
i need twenty big buckets to catch them in
and twenty pretty girls to carry
them down
and twenty deep holes to bury them in
the tears are welling in my eyes again
i need twenty big buckets to catch them in
and twenty pretty girls to carry them down
and twenty deep holes to bury them in

sozler icin copy past kaynagi :

papa won t leave you henry

bir nick cave parcasi.

i went out walking the other day
the wind hung wet around my neck
my head it rung with screams and groans
from the night i spent amongst her bones
i passed beside the mission house
where that mad old buzzard, the reverend,
shrieked and flapped about life after your dead
well, i thought about my friend, michel
how they rolled him in linoleum
and shot him in the neck
a bloody halo, like a think-bubble
circling his head
and i bellowed at the firmament
looks like the rains are hear to stay
and the rain pissed down upon me
and washed me all away

papa won’t leave you, henry
papa won’t leave you, boy
papa won’t leave you, henry
papa won’t leave you, boy
well, the road is long
and the road is hard
and many fall by the side
but papa won’t leave you, henry
so there ain’t no need to cry

and i went on down the road
he went on down the road
and i went on down the road
he went on down the road

well, the moon it looked exhausted
like something you should pity
spent an age-spotted
above the sizzling wires of the city
well, it reminded me of her face
her bleached and hungry eyes
her hair was like a curtain
falling open with the laughter
and closing with the lies
but the ghost of her still lingers on
though she’s passed through me
and is gone
the slum dogs, they are barking
and the rain children on the streets
and the tears that we will weep today
will all be washed away
by the tears that we will weep again tomorrow

papa won’t leave you, henry
papa won’t leave you, boy
papa won’t leave you, henry
papa won’t leave you, boy
for the road is long
and the road is hard
and many fall by the side
but papa won’t leave you, henry
so there ain’t no need to cry

and i went on down the road
he went on down the road
and i went on down the road
he went on down the road

and i came upon a little house
a little house upon a hill
and i entered through, the curtain hissed
into the house with its blood-red bowels
where wet-lipped women with greasy fists
crawled the ceilings and the walls
they filled me full of drink
and led me round the rooms
naked and cold and grinning
until everything went black
and i came down spinning
i awoke so drunk and full of rage
that i could hardly speak
a fag in a whale-bone corset
draping his dick across my cheek
and its into the shame
and its into a guilt
and its into the fucking fray
and the walls ran red around me
a warm arterial spray

papa won’t leave you, henry
papa won’t leave you, boy
papa won’t leave you, henry
papa won’t leave you, boy
well, the night is dark
and the night is deep
and its jaws are open wide
but papa won’t leave you, henry
so there ain’t no need to cry

and i went on down the road
he went on down the road
and i went on down the road
he went on down the road

it’s the rainy season where i’m living
death comes leaping out of every doorway
wasting you for money, for your clothes
and for your nothing
entire towns being washed away
favelas exploding on inflammable spillways
lynch-mobs, death squads, babies being born without brains
the mad heat and the relentless rains
and if you stick your arm into that hole
it comes out sheared off to the bone
and with her kisses bubbling on my lips
i swiped the rain and nearly missed
and i went on down the road
he went on down the road

papa won’t leave you, henry
papa won’t leave you, boy
papa won’t leave you, henry
papa won’t leave you, boy
well, the road is long
and the road is hard
and many fall by the side
but papa won’t leave you, henry
so there ain’t no need to cry

and i went on down the road
he went on down the road
and i went on down the road
he went on down the road
bent beneath my heavy load
under his heavy load
yeah, i went on down the road
yeah, he went on down the road

woah, woah
woah, woah
woah, woah
woah, woah
and i went on down that road

sozler icin copy paste kaynagi :

we came along this road

bir nick cave parcasi.

i left by the back door
with my wife’s lover’s smoking gun
i don’t know what i was hoping for
i hit the road at a run
i was your lover
i was your man
there never was no other
i was your friend
till we came along this road
till we came along this road
till we came along this road
i ain’t sent you no letters, ma
but i’m looking quite a trip
the world spinning beneath me, ma
guns blazing at my hip
you were my lover
you were my friend
there never was no other
on whom i could depend
then we came along this road
we came along this road
we came along this road

sozler icin copy paste kaynagi :
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