
freagl dreams

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  1. toplam entry 2592
  2. takipçi 2
  3. puan 41416

bak amca kızıyor

freagl dreams
çocukların yetişme döneminde en çok zikredilen söz, bugünün insanlarının naçar olmalarının en büyük sebebi kendini ifade etmekten çekinen yetişkinler topluluğu komik gelecektir ama koca adamın aklında geçen düşüncelerimi ifade etsem ya da yapmak istediğimde diretsem acaba amca kızacak mıdır?


freagl dreams
diyalog esnasında duyulduğunda moral bozan kelimedir çünkü bunun ertesinde herşey mübahtır but ın arkasından büyük ihtimalle de övgü dolu cümleler kurulmayacaktır.


freagl dreams
inatla içine soktuğumuz abuk subuk kelimelerden sonra ki neredeyse kimsenin itirazı yoktur buna ve bir çok yabancı kelimenin anlamı varken de kullanılmasından ötürürü dilimizin geleceği noktada ki zikri.

rock you like a hurricane

freagl dreams
scorpions’un love at first sting albümündeki hareketli şarkılardandir daha sonra yine grup tarafindan cover lanarak bok edilmiştir.

it’s early morning
the sun comes out
last night was shaking
and pretty loud
my cat is purring
and scratches my skin
so what is wrong
with another sin
the bitch is hungry
she needs to tell
so give her inches
and feed her well
more days to come
new places to go
i’ve got to leave
it’s time for a show

here i am, rocked you like a hurricane
here i am, rocked you like a hurricane

my body is burning
it starts to shout
desire is coming
it breaks out loud
lust is in cages
till storm breaks loose
just have to make it
with someone i choose
the night is calling
i have to go
the wolf is hungry
he runs the show
he’s licking his lips
he’s ready to win
on the hunt tonight
for love at first sting

here i am, rocked you like a hurricane
here i am, rocked you like a hurricane
here i am, rocked you like a hurricane
here i am, rocked you like a hurricane
rocked you like a hurricane

it’s early morning
the sun comes out
last night was shaking
and really loud
my cat is purring
it scracthed my skin
so what is wrong
with another sin
the night is calling
i have to go
the wolf is hungry
he runs the show
he’s licking his lips
he’s ready to win
on the hunt tonight
for love at first sting

here i am, rocked you like a hurricane
here i am, rocked you like a hurricane
here i am, rocked you like a hurricane
here i am, rocked you like a hurricane
here i am
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