

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 210
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 48068


1. toplumsal bir varlik olarak insana ozgu olan belirti, nitelik ve ozelliklerle, birinin belirli bir kimse olmasini saglayan sartlarin butunu:
"kimligi bilinmeyen bir kadin."- .
2. kisinin kim oldugunu tanitan belge, huviyet.
3. herhangi bir nesneyi belirlemeye yarayan ozelliklerin butunu.

kaynak: tdk


ilk yarisi porno severler, ikinci yarisi da sado-mazolar icin olan, "acaba sonunda bir halt olacak mi" merakiyla sonuna kadar dayanabildigimiz , tarantino’ya isminin kullanilmasi icin verdigi izin icin kufredip, nasil izin verdigine sasirmis oldugumuz anlamsiz filmimsi.

sonradan ogrendik ki; anlasmali oldugu lions gate’in film senaryosunu begenip "cekin bu filmi" demesi sonucu, cekilen filmde tarantino adini kullanmasiymis isin asli.

ikincisi de cekildi, gosterimde. izlemek isteyeni tutmayayim; ama ben almayayim.

romio dansı

hande yener’in dans konusunda ne kadar yeteneksiz oldugunu bilen biri olarak yapabilecegi tek dans oldugunu dusundugum dans turu.
cunku normal dans etmeye calsitiginda da komut almis gibi ve odunmuscasina kereste seklinde hareket ettigi icin, kendisine yakisacak tek dans turu bu olsa gerek diye dusunmekteyim.

pink maggit

deftones white ponynin son parcasi.

ill stick u a little
enough to take your oxygen away
then ill set u on fire
cause im on fire
and im with u alone
im so into this whore be afraid
i might lose her so forget about me
because ill stick u
pushed back to square
now that uve kneed her
in the throat
well there u go
cause back in school
we are the leaders
of all so transpose
or stop u life is what u do
all u are to me is meat
now pass the flask

street carp

deftonesun white ponysinden eglenceli bir parca.

it’s not that i care -truly
but ure that girl -with sharp teeth
who grabs at the walls -and pulls meat down

well here’s my new address
6 6 4 oh
i forget

it’s not like i care -truly
but ure that girl -with gold teeth
who snaps at the walls -and wont calm down

well here’s my new address
6 1 5 oh
i forget
there’s all your evidence
now take it home run with it

now write it down
did you get it?

well here’s my new address
6 6 5 oh
i confess
there’s all your evidence
now take it home and have fun with it

rx queen

deftonesun white ponysinden pesini birakmamak temali guzel bir parca.

i wont stop following u
now help me pray for
the death of everything new
then we’ll fly farther

cause ure my girl
and that’s alright
if u sting me, i wont mind

we’ll stop to rest on the moon
and we’ll make a fire
ill steal a carcass for u
then feed off the virus

cause ure my girl
and that’s alright
if u sting me, i wont mind

now look at em
look at em now
look at em sting

i see a red light in june
and i hear crying
u turn newborn baby blue
now we’re all the virus


deftones’un white ponysinden bir parca. efektlerden dolayi sozleri dinleyerek anlamak kasar.

when ure ripe
u’ll bleed out of control
u’ll bleed out of control

yu like attention
it’s proof to u ure alive
stop parading your angles
u’ll know when ure ripe

when ure ripe
u’ll bleed out of control
u’ll bleed out of control

ure pregnant with all this space
thick with honey
but i lost my taste

ure into depression
cause it matches your eyes
stop this faux to be famous
u’ll know when ure ripe

when ure ripe
u’ll bleed out of control
u’ll bleed out of control

ure pregnant
with all this space
thick with honey
but i lost my taste

when ure ripe
u’ll bleed out of control
u’ll bleed out of control

ure pregnant with all this space
thick with honey
but i lost my taste

u’ll bleed out of control
u’ll bleed out of control
2 /

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