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castles made of sand

nick nicki nickince
the ultimate experience albümünün 13. parçası. jimi’nin başyapıtlarından. özellikle 1:32’den sonrası uzaya çıkarır. kanımca dünyanın en iyi solosunu barındırır.

sözü de var:

down the street you can hear her scream "you’re a disgrace"
as she slams the door in his drunken face,
and now he stands outside and all the neighbours start to gossip and drool.

he cries "oh girl, you must be mad,
what happened to the sweet love you and me had?"
against the door he leans and starts a scene,
and his tears fall and burn the garden green.

and so castles made of sand, fall in the sea, eventually.

a little indian brave who before he was ten, played war games in the woods with his indian friends, and he built a dream that when he grew up, he would be a fearless warrior indian chief.

many moons passed and more the dream grew strong, until tomorrow
he would sing his first war song,
and fight his first battle, but something went wrong,
suprise attack killed him in his sleep that night

and so castles made of sand, melts into the sea eventually.

there was a young girl, whose heart was a frown,
because she was crippled for life, and couldn’t speak a sound
and she wished and prayed she would stop living, so she decided to die.
she drew her wheel chair to the edge of the shore, and to her legs she smiled

"you won’t hurt me no more."
but then a sight she’d never seen made her jump and say
"look, a golden winged ship is passing my way"
and it really didn’t have to just kept on going.
and so castles made of sand slips into the sea,

teorideki aşkın pratikte çuvallaması

nick nicki nickince
teoride aşk için gerekenlerin pratiği karşılamamasından ibaret durumdur. yoksa sevdiğimiz, bizi seven; karşılıklı fedakarlık ve özveride bulunabildiğimiz; görmek için can attığımız, gördüğümüzde canımız çıkacak sandığımız; omzunda huzur, dudağında sakinlik, gözünde sonsuzluk bulduğumuz herhangi biriyle bir yastıkta kocayabilirdik. hem mutlu olurduk, hem huzurlu.

onun yerine, bunların hepsini bulduğun insanla settle edemediğini görmek insana yalnız huzursuzluk vermez, üstüne bir de karakterini sorgulatır. insanın kendine algısını yabancılaştırır, içine kapar.

fenadır, evlerden uzak olsundur, ama malesef yakındır.
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