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kaliteli yazar gece yazar

gece yasayan insanlarin yaraticiliginin daha ust seviyelerde seyrettigini duymustum bir vakitler. eger boyle bir seyin dogruluk payi varsa bu varsayimdan yola cikarak gece kasilan entrylerin kalitesinin de belli bir seviyenin uzerinde olmasini bekleyebiliriz. kisaca; gecenin, bilgic kisisinin yazarligi ve entrylerinin kalitesi uzerindeki olasi olumlu etkisine vurgu yapan bir onermedir diyebiliriz.

başörtüsü takaçağım

ece temelkuran’ in 5.12.2008 tarihli milliyet gazetesinde yer alan kose yazisinin basligi.


ülkemde örtülü olmadığım için taciz edildiğim, dışlandığım yerler var. acaba başörtülü arkadaşlar benim ötekileştirmeme karşı beş dakikalığına başörtülerini çıkarırlar mı?


kose yazisinin tamamina erismek icin;

my love is your love

bir whitney houston parcasidir.

if tomorrow is a judgement day (sing mommy)
and i’m standin’ on the front line
and the lord ask me what i did with my life
i will say i spent it with you

if i wake up in world war 3
i see destruction and poverty
and i feel like i want to go home
it’s okay if you comin’ with me

(clap your hands, ya’ll it’s alright)

’cause your love is my love
and my love is your love
it would take an eternity to break us
and the chains of amistad couldn’t hold us

(clap your hands, ya’ll it’s alright)

if i lose my fame and fortune
and i’m homeless on the street
and i’m sleepin’ in grand central station
it’s okay if you’re sleepin’ with me

(clap your hands, ya’ll it’s alright....)

as the years they pass us by
we stay young through each other’s eyes
and no matter how old we get
it’s okay as long as i got you babe

(clap your hands, ya’ll it’s alright)

’cause your love is my love
and my love is your love
it would take an eternity to break us
and the chains of amistad couldn’t hold us

if i should die this very day
don’t cry, cause on earth we wasn’t meant to stay
and no matter what people say
i’ll be waiting for you after judgement day

’cause your love is my love
and my love is your love
it would take an eternity to break us
and the chains of amistad couldn’t hold us

ayrica soyle de birseydir kendisi;

kimler var

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tayfa75 (2. nesil bilgic) [msg] [kim]

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0 moderator,
1 bot(genelde gorunmez bu),

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1 bilgic,
0 comez,

uyelerden toplam 1 ki$i sozlukte at ko$turuyorlar.


$u anda bilgi sozluk’u 5 ki$i okuyor.

dun aksam gelin birlikte guzelleselim aksamiydi herhalde sozlugun, daha kimseler ayilmamis.
88 /

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