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the silence of light

elend’in 1996 tarihli les tenebres du dehors albümünden...

i heal my wounds in
the orchard of misery
where the fruits and the trees
have turned to dust.
be merciful, my lord.
the meadows of light and pulchritude
are blackened and soiled
by emptiness and despair.

domine, eius miserere,
lord have mercy on me.
eam libera de animis damnatorum
sine eam fulgere in refugio tenebrarum.

confutatis maledictis,
alas, that day of tears
and mourning.
flammis acribus addictis.

miserere, miserere,
salva me.
gloria in excelsis deo.
hosanna in excelsis.

eternal rest give unto me, o lord,
perpetual light cannot shine upon
the soul of the damned.

salva me, libera me.
ille sanguis, ille cruor.
lumen moritur.

numquam lumen moritur!
hosanna in excelsis.

eternal rest given unto me, o lord,
because thou art merciful.

non dono tibi soporem aeternum,
nam misericors sum.


elend’in 1996 tarihli les tenebres du dehors albümünden...

horror atque terror
quid faciebas, malefice
die irae, dies ille
sovet saeculum in favillam.
lost in the garden,
with the blood on my hands,
captive of the luminous trees,
of wisdom and of life
the holy keepers,
my face unmasked, monstrous, bloodred,
is shining through the emerald light.
numquam diruetur templum
nos, qui olim vicimus,
vincemus te iternum.
i eat the deadly flowers
of murderous lust,
and begin to chant my freedom.
musical death, of heaven the dirge.
the universe i master,
i make mine the burning delights of life,
the joy of power unbounded,
eternal fury of celestial destruction...
lucifer, damnatus es, pro ea,
quae faciebas.
persequemur te,
iterum perdemus te,
inferna dulcius perfugium
quam vorago cruciatuum,
in quam te praecipitabimus.
non est dominus noster,
nihil potest.
god is dead
god is dead
god is dead

as i tore the shreds
of this morbid dream,
i abandoned my heart,
and on the silent ocean of my soul,
the waters were so calm
one could hear the dying of light.

the luciferian revolution

elend’in 1996 tarihli les tenebres du dehors albümünden...

flores solis, ardentes in aeternum,
ne secuti sitis fatum floris venenati...
colores delectant, inebriant odores,
at siccatur sinus perpetuo lacrimando...
nam angeli cursus firmamentum

i depart from this world of grey
to reach the red eternal.

red, the scarlet letters burn within my mind:
we won’t follow the sun in its course.
we will follow the moon in its curse.
lacerate the heavens, devour the sun,
rape the light.

we are waiting for an eternal night
where to keep heaven’s tears away from the
eyes of the sun,
cast away from your universe of warmth,
of love and shelter,
the path of the angel is a firmament of tears.

luxuries of pain, lurid agony,
the universe echoes the scream
of a soul overflowed with sorrow.
exhausted, let me drown in your eyes!

shatter the stars, drag out the ligth
and drown it in the deepest seas of my mind;
i need no more brightness:
i am the night and the shadows.
i am the field when pain is the seed.

flores noctis sumus atque alas pandimus
in profundis tenebrarum
solus halitus emanans penna speculae,
quam expellit folium mortis.

shatter the stars, drag out the ligth
and drown it in the deepest seas of my mind;
i need no more brightness:
i am the night and the shadows.
i am the field when darkness is the seed.

the golden pandaemonic silence soothes me
as the streams of my satufied thoughts draw
the pattern of my kingdom,
imperium infernale.

but we will regain the paradise
for in the east of eden,
i will shed the blood of christ...

ethereal journey

elend’in 1996 tarihli les tenebres du dehors albümünden...

vaste oceane stellate, virgo omnis malefici,
est hospes mirus se mergens in sinum tuum.
creaturam tuam custodi,
tempestate ignem arce,
quem non restinguere potes.
venit lucifer!
venit angelus mortis!

luciferian revolution!

far beyond the sky,
far beneath the heavens,
where once before i died,
to perpetuate my hymen...

...with a star...
heading for the open sky... where the flames
never dared to come...
the rays of the moon linking
the spheres... the molochian comets...

during my ethereal journeys,
with celestial glory and pride,
i will celebrate the day
when you become my bride.

to rape the shining stars in the secrets
of the dying light.
the starred delights will enrapture
my soul to insanity.
rapturous elevation frightening
the god of light.
i tear the flowers of the sky,
the firmaments of stars embosomed
in his creation,
but the starlit ocean will not quench my
thirst for their glowing nectar:
i drained the wine of a thousand suns.

sanctus, sanctus, sanctus,
dominus deus sabaoth,
pleni sunt caelum et terra gloria tua.
hosanna in excelsis.

you are the light, i am the flame,
the freezing blow of my thoughts
unburns me
and i am dying but cannot die.

the divine has deserted the altar
where your pain is multuplied in the prism
of my lust witnessed by the stars.
the delight burns at its paroxism.

to rape the shining stars in the secrets
of the dying light.
the starred delights will enrapture
my soul to insanity.
rapturous elevation frightening
the god of light.
i was made the morningstar,
embowered from the night...
god of lie, i am the prince of darkness,
the star of mourning
hunting the light of salvation.

o domine,
dona nobis vim, ut eum oppugnemus.
in nos luminem perpetuum fundi iube.

you took the fire in my eyes
when i was starving of light.
you take delights in my cries
for i am dying but cannot die.

while entrusting the flame
to a celestial abyss,
i will get drunk of screaming and of pain,
and the silence and the night
will move at last unto me.

far beyond the sky,
far beneath the heavens
where once before i died,
to perpetuate my hymen...

with a star!

the emperor

elend’in 1995 tarihli lecons de tenebres albümünden...

and hell saw first the bringer of light weep.
"o myriads of immortal spirits! i should not cry,
for who can yet believe, though after loss,
that all these legions, whose exile
has emptied heaven, shall fail to reascend
self-raised, and repossess their native seat?
for this infernal pit shall never hold celestial
spirit in bondage, nor the abyss
long under darkness cover."
anon out of the earth a fabric huge,
built like a temple, rose, with the sound
of dulcet symphonies and voices sweet,
pandaemonium... was built!

"in this capital, of hell the temple,
worship your emperor,
worship lucifer!"


elend’in 1995 tarihli lecons de tenebres albümünden...

"we are only pain,
our fighting was vain."
say the evil.
drowning in the sea of lamentations,
sinking in the abyss of desolation...
orb within orb,
the moon marry the sun,
and the universe will burn,
orb within orb,
upon this realm of grey,
neither the night nor the day.
but the death of the sun.
but the agony of the moon.
neither the day nor the night,
below the holy throne, no delight.
orb within orb,
the moon marry the sun,
and the universe will burn,
orb within orb,
the sky is open wide,
the black pit masking the light:
the kingdom of evil.
the clouds have drawn the pentagram,
this, the time to be what i am.

eclipse! revolution!


elend’in 1995 tarihli lecons de tenebres albümünden...

nominem tuum despicamur, denegamus nostram originem.
spiritus domini atque verba deceptoris preces perdiderunt.
at once, he views
the dismal scenery waste and wild,
a dungeon horrible, on all sides round,
flam’d ; and there the pale light
served only to discover sights of woe.
regions of sorrow, doleful shades, where peace
and rest can never dwell ; hope never comes,
that comes to all ; but torture without end
still urges, and a fiery deluge, fed
with ever-burning sulpur unconsum’d.

--"thou, profoundest hell,
receive thy new possession ;
one who can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven,
he whom thunder hath made greater!
i am lucifer."

[english translation of two first lines:]

we despise your name, we deny our origin.
the spirit of the lord and the treacherous words have lost their curse.

into bottomless perdition

elend’in 1995 tarihli lecons de tenebres albümünden...

he of the first, if not the first archangel,
great in power, favour and preeminence,
he resolv’d with all his legions to dislodge
and leave unworshipt the throne supreme.
with ambitious aim they gather
on the mountain of congregation,
and, against the throne and monarchy of god,
raised impious war in heaven.
him the almighty power
hurl’d headlong flaming from the ethereal sky,
down to bottomless perdition.
he with horrid crew,
lay vanquished rolling in the fiery gulf,

confounded through immortal.
confounded through immortal.
confounded through immortal.


elend’in 1995 tarihli lecons de tenebres albümünden...

"we, the host of seraphim, the armies of bright,
we do not rue the dire event
that, with sad overthrow and foul defeat, hath lost us heaven.
ever to do ill will be our sole delight,
reassembling our afflicted powers
on the burning lake of liquid fire.
hail horrours! hail infernal world!
here at last we shall be free!
better to reign in hell than serve in heaven!"

snø og granskog

1995 tarihli darkthrone albümü panzerfaust’tan...

tale om heimsleg
snø og granskog er heimsleg
frå fyrste stund er det vårt
før nokon har fortalt det, at det er snø og granskog
har det plass i oss,
og sidan er det der, heile, heile tida

meterdjup fonn kring mørke tre,
det er for oss
innblanda i vår eigen ande,
heile, heile tida.

om ingen ser det, har vi snø og granskog med
ja, lia med snø, og tre ved tre så langt ein ser
kvar vi er, vender vi oss imot det
og har i oss ein lovnad om å koma heim
koma heim, gå borti der
bøyge greiner, og kjenne så det fær i ein
kva det er å vara der ein høyrer til.
heile, heile tida
til det er slåkt i våre innlandshjarte

beholding the throne of the might

1995 tarihli darkthrone albümü panzerfaust’tan...

when hell calls your name
there’s no way back
and the burning slaves
and the burning holy
will be seen from afar
as the new risen throne (star)
and when the fires have burned
beholding the seas of ashes
and roll the (ir) blooded flesh
on holy areas now cold
and dead
and flowers smell of black
now emperor of no light
and pain
for the eternal slaves
the envy of losers so indeed upon losers themselves
and destruction upon the holy man
who hails a
join us we are (the) future now
be desecration master
be the hammer
the hammer

hans siste vinter

1995 tarihli darkthrone albümü panzerfaust’tan...

en mann drog for å lage ild,
om hjertet brant hans sjel, var vill
i et slag hvor far var glemt, det ble hans lange, kalde siste vinter.


en kriger stor, med kovnet sinn
i tåkedal, han ble ført inn
fra sitt ariske palass
det ble han siste, lange, kalde, siste vinter

kvitekrist og jøder feirer nå
de tror at odin ville forgå
men kampen den har nå begynt
det er hans største ærefulle seier


1995 tarihli darkthrone albümü panzerfaust’tan...

eight miles deep the well forgotten by mortals
oh, i drank it empty in one single sip
eight miles wide the valley beyond all hope
oh, i filled the whole with one single fist

five million christians on a ride towards us
oh, i slaughtered the bunch with one single hit (with my spear)
five million women so alone in the night
oh, i had them all satisfied profusely (every night by myself)

ten thousand trolls hard as rock cold as ice
oh, they ran when i rose to face them
ten hungry waves they swallowed my ship
oh, i steadily walked home (and i only got wet on my feet)

no single book were beholden by me
oh, no question i cannot do answer
only one single lamp do show me this way
and that is the eye of satan

the hordes of nebulah

1995 tarihli darkthrone albümü panzerfaust’tan...

scent of (the) flying shadows
are in the eyes of the vast uranus
for these eyes have seen
the horses of the universe fade away

oh, father (the) fog of nebula
your faithful children have escaped
the walls of eternity
the elders curse-
like snow of the solstice of the sun

and what the eyes of uranus can see
far yonder in the shade of the walls
was happening millenniums ago
so whatever lies beyond the gate
it lies in the past

oh, we are the hordes of nebula
having travelled through an eternal sea of void
we glance upon a distant light
star in the far; ye mighty sun
will you die before we reach you?
are you a fatal result of the laws of distance?
the swords of time are pointing at our hearts
the grass here seems raped-
as we face eternal misery

triumphant gleam

1995 tarihli darkthrone albümü panzerfaust’tan...

bearer of sword
stands beyond (the) triumphant
as eternal night falls
on the planet of (almost full) void

weaves war with a gesture of might
fallen are the souls
blinded by the warrior dreams
finds the star invisible
to most of the regular men and slaves

and the master serves him

leaves then for the last time
finally his castle
monument of misanthropy and wrath
loyal friend of his sober hours
treads on while the faith whips sharp
mental pain makes his eyes gleam
a light made of dark thrones and frozen winds
now can leave the planet

en vind av sorg

1995 tarihli darkthrone albümü panzerfaust’tan...

en vind av sorg
la seg tungst
de eldstes hus

en eim av frost
pa en allerede frossen sjel
et savn av hyllest
fra disse de edle sinn

minnes de svundne tider
et hav av tid
har gaet siden den gang
norroners tro og skikk

til skogen hjem en kom
og trakk luften inn
her lukter det kristen manns blod
- igler pa vare hjerter
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