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en as i dype skogen

1994 tarihli darkthrone albümü transilvanian hunger’dan...

en grind stod åpen, en rytter viste seg.
en kald tåke hadde lagt seg over marken.
ni svarte hester, og ni armerte menn.
et øye stirret olmt ned fra et flagg.

stillhet senket seg, da følget stopped opp,
de stoppet i en sirkel rundt en stein.
stille red de mot den, og forsvant da de kom fram,
for steiner var en tanke fylt av kraft.

stjerner på en himmel, som aldri faller ned.
lysglimt i en natt som varer evig.
tusen kalde vintre, med kun kule og forakt.
det finnes ingen sommer uten vinter.

i en gammel skog, hvorhen troll og tusser vandret,
var en stein som rørte seg og ble til liv.
ni armerte menn, på ni grå stolte hester,
bar en fane hvorpå øyet viste seg.

ihver en natt er et nytt mørke.
ihver en vinter fryser jeg,
men dog aldri skal jeg gråte,
for stolt red jeg jo dengang,
ut av den dype skogen.

as flittermice as satans spys

1994 tarihli darkthrone albümü transilvanian hunger’dan...

flittermice of eld unveiled at the plenilune
fordone by mournful rest now seeking to be fed again
rising terrestrial power umbraged by celestial light
that shineth forth from the palace of god - the palace of no return

flittermice of eld they peer into the morrows,
they peer the yesteryears as thoose are coming back.
beholding the son recrucified, beholding gods race browbeaten,
beholding the devastation of all morals built by them.

flittermice of eld they fly to blaspheme yehova
and to build their temple (of the) damned on once holy pleasure ground
a fare to raise the flag (of satan), to desseminate the races,
to build the hall of battle and to live in eternal strife

flittermice came forth from the land beyond the forest
multifarious winged black creatures slew the angels (up so) high.
devastation, blasphemy, desecration, unholy he
who burned the face of god with the eye of our master

i en hall med flesk og mjíd

1994 tarihli darkthrone albümü transilvanian hunger’dan...

ien gammel ask - hang en naskald gubbe,
under en svart himmel - hvorfra regnet fosset ned.
ingen for dithen - for a hugge liket ned,
for ingen kunne vite - hrorhen hengingen fant sted

ensom mann han var - da han dro til valfars plass,
han ankom iført brynje - til et storslått grimt palass.
tusen år var gatt - siden forrige mann kom dit.
de gråt av dyster glede - da en sønn kom endelig.

nor for det trolske gapet - var en tåkeheim dypt ned.
rekker av nors sínner - vandret dithen nor og ned.
ingen manglet grav - og ingen manglet sønner,
for de for av elle og sott - dit til kuldeheimens senger.

kun få av vaktens barn - kom til farens rike rad,
for listig svik blant dem - førte flestemann dypt ned.
dog kan man híre sangen - hver en hedensk gammel høytid
for ja enna festes det - blant de trofste ods sønner.

graven takeheimens saler

1994 tarihli darkthrone albümü transilvanian hunger’dan...

naberg reiste seg, når ved mannahemens garden.
økstid, sverdtid, ufred var der ikke - dog var er byllepestens plager.
ingen gjestet frender, ingen gjestet prest,
ingen drog til byen, uten lanse og til hest.

i opphavs tider sang de sanger, for seg selv og sine fedre.
i dag synges kun de sanger, som skal gjøre morgendagen bedre.
sanger for den neste, ingen sanger for den beste.
svik og løgn har fått sin plass, i midgard jotneses palass.

en mann vandret rolig, sikker, stolt der mellom hus.
han ferdedes blant folk, han tråkket tyredd der blant mus.
flere hundre menn, han gjestet hver kald natt.
han var eníyd, høy og tynn, og på sitt hode bar han hatt

ensom mann han vandret, over bivsrot en kald morgen.
han ristet på sitt hode, over menneskenes tap.
for de sikret seg en plass, i en ufødt tragisk himmel,
for de vandret nor og ned, for de råtnet i hels fred

slottet i det fjerne

1994 tarihli darkthrone albümü transilvanian hunger’dan...

kan du øyne slottet i det fjerne
og dets lystige, skrålende fest
par som danser, par som ler
par som svømmer i uakstom synd

og under den sol dom (de) sorte tilber
feirer de nyår med festing og tull
en skammelig synd som guder anser
som åndelig makkverk fra de svakes hull

og hullene er graver
som bare er for dem
med åndelige nåler
som for alltid...
vil pine alle lem

kan du øyne slottet i det fjerne
fra din mørke, grimme hule
så kan du hate i tusen år -
fryde deg over smerten de får

skald av satans sol

1994 tarihli darkthrone albümü transilvanian hunger’dan...

tåken tetner
mørket faller
ondskap slumrer
skogen kaller

her ute i dyrets domene
gjennom en dyster, gusten skog
engler løper, engler flyr
vekk fra min egen kikegård

jeg star under en kald vind.
tåken letter ifra englers flukt
jeg drikker fra månens kalde,
bleke lys og hylder satans sol.
en grusom ondskap siver inn og fyller kropp og sjel
en himmel av daudinger
tortur og hat

tåken tetner
mørket faller
ondskap slumrer
skogen kaller

la meg for evig tjene de toogsytti evig falne
i den kolde mørke brønn av de slue sorte
verdig utropes jeg som den uhellige treenighets skald
når helvete engang kaller er det ingen vei tilbake

tåken tetner
mørket faller
ondskap slumrer
skogen kaller

over fjell og gjennom torner

1994 tarihli darkthrone albümü transilvanian hunger’dan...

over fjell og gjennom torner
gjennnom den one dunkle skog
dø som ein kriger, hodet på eit tre
skjær i kjøtt. nåler dype i huden ned.

ravners nebb i blod vil fratse
efter slaget har holdt sted
pansrede kropper i grusom kamp
økser plantet, sjeler led.
kolde sverd som huden åpner
hår som lukter friskt av blood

den norrøne rase må slakte den andre
når blammen dunker for tungt på vår dør

transilvanian hunger

çektikleri nadir kliplerden birini bu şarkı için kullanan grubun albüme adını veren şarkısı.

transilvanian hunger...cold..soul
your hands are haunt

the mountains are cold...soul...soul...
careful..pale...forever at night

take me...can’t you feel the call
embrace me eternally in your daylight slumber

to be draped by the shadow of your morbid palace
oh, hate living...the only heat is warm blood

so pure... so cold
transilvanian hunger

hail to the true, intense vampires
a story made for divine fulfillment

to be the ones breathing a wind of sorrow
sorrow and fright the dearest catharsis

beautiful evil self to be the morbid count
a part of a pact that is delightfully immortal


feel the call freeze you with the uppermost desire
transilvanian mountain is cold


so pure... evil, cold
transilvanian hunger

crossing the triangle of flames

efsane grup darkthrone’un 1993 tarihli under a funeral moon albümünden...

engulfed in frost
i sailed our dreams
gloomy inner landscape comes to life

i am the wolf in the darkest scene
phantasm sweep my role
i am lucifer, i bring you light and pride

three steps for the white
a journey for the black
no flags for the ten lines
(but) i’ll shoot you full of signs

in other dimensions
my visions grew black wings
you wouldn’t know if i was him

the dragon rises before me
i’ll fornicate the beast
possess me as i burn
into your painted realms

inn i de dype skogers favn

efsane grup darkthrone’un 1993 tarihli under a funeral moon albümünden...

det går en vei over fjellet
inn i de dype skogers favn
gårder her led grusom skjebne
ved likbål sørget mang en ravn

pesten trod den norske mark
fra havn over land til annen havn
med tunge subbende skritt den steg
inn i de dype skogers favn

dauden i sort gjorde sjelen frossen
gjorde huden veik under en norrøn himmel

det går en vei over fjellet
inn i de dype skogers favn
langsom vandring fører meg
inn i det dunkle skogsriket

for å finde gard, eldet og forlatt
fra en ensom, sort og endeløs natt...

to walk the infernal fields

efsane grup darkthrone’un 1993 tarihli under a funeral moon albümünden...

from the abode of demons
a wing of the pentagram
comes the juice that painted
my heart and my soul

swept in black they are
swept in black i am

from this soul comes the eyes
that will look upon your ten
beautiful heads with delight

my heart is the one
that will tend to your flames
and make them mine
we share this spirit -
my heart is yours...

i am your disciple
and therefore my own
your weapon i will be
with the demons that posesses me
we’ll ride the seven sins of death
that takes me to katharian

the sign of your horns
is my dearest vision
they impale all holy and weak

you watch me face the mirror
and see desecration
with my art i am the fist
in the face of god

unholy black metal

efsane grup darkthrone’un 1993 tarihli under a funeral moon albümünden...

when the sun has died
when the angels are blind
when the pig lies thick
over the palace of god

when the fullmoon lights the earth
when the wolves gather in the open
when blood rains from heaven high
and from the pearly gates

when jehovas hordes are slaughtered
when disciples twelve are dead
when beheth of easter lands
and raped and raped again

when the whore of babylon rides
when fury turns to hate
when all sons of satan
sodomize the lambs of christ

when the gates have all been opened
when the funerals never end
when satans ports paint out hearts
and sadness our souls

when witches burn the priests
when the ancient ones return
when the demons ride the numb
with their hares of dark desires

the dance of eternal shadows

efsane grup darkthrone’un 1993 tarihli under a funeral moon albümünden...

must embrace visual hell
to satisfy us
rape the whores in blasphemy
i am man while i feast upon your flesh

glance in my eyes
and see the eternal shadows dancing
playing in the desert of my life
burning -
and my soul is descending...

leader of all - face the apocalyps
you fools deep under the black rain
and nothing remains

flowers to step on, flowers to burn

am i ready for the god below
red flesh to penetrate my skin
to send my soul away
to the grave i work
until i’m feeling weak...

but there’s fire
in my heart, in my eyes
in his body, in his eyes
and in his lonely kingdom

summer of the diabolical holocaust

efsane grup darkthrone’un 1993 tarihli under a funeral moon albümünden...

come the raging chaos, rule power from your soul
pure demoniac blessing as i kill myself in woe
alls souls coloured the face of the moon
shall suffer the eclipse

you must know that i can no longer see
the difference of dreams and reality
for the walls have been sieged
and conquered by our

dark satanic blasphemy

i stand alone in a valley filled with starlight
my eyes suffer from eternal sparks
so shut the light and dream so i can see
the trident clearer than ever now

and in my darkest fantasy
and as i reach for hell
i am free...

hearers are raising from the open sky
meglomania reigns supreme
chilled in horror - christian death
they learned how long to stand and pull

i head to receive
the lust and pain
beat me jesus
and we will win

natassja in eternal sleep

efsane grup darkthrone’un 1993 tarihli under a funeral moon albümünden...

alcohol is in my veins...
tears fall as i think of you.
the true memory you left me with
is a key to the wine of melancholy.

i drown myself in the deepest of sorrows-
as you burned on that stake they burnt
my soul as well.
your pure feelings, your flaming hate;
it was not enough.

natassja, my beloved satanic witch,
the power in your eyes and yourself.
worked for the noble in man.
pass the bottle, pass the knife,
pass me your unholy crafts.

i shall never forget you, the best
of all there is, i lick your cold lips,
i embrace your coffin as i sigh in woe.
you never kissed the priest, you never
drank the blood of jesus. weird, they say -
well, turn it upside down like you did,
and they kill, kill, and they take you away...

now, centuries later, i do yours and my sign.
you live in me, like you moved in with my soul.
your resurrection is the spirit of you -
installed in me. so now, your thougths
and your pains are my wine; and natassja:
i’ll get these goddam angels drunk...

under a funeral moon

20 yy’ın en karanlık albümlerinde biri ve albümde ismini veren darkthrone klasiği...

on the day of my final sacrifice
the chilling steel open my veins
blood staines my skin
silver chalice must be filled

drinking the poisoned blood
i enter my shadowed coffin
two goathorns in my hands
i raise my arms and close my eyes
to receive the infernal hails
from my brother in the land of the damned

the howling wind blows in the naked trees
moonlit fields are glowing in the dark
below me, the path to the cemetary
where my spiritual brothers take me

they halt at the shadows of an oak
my nocturnal funeral commence
lying in my blasphemous sleep
i am lowered down to the pit

a raven sings my last song
as the wolves howl their goodbyes
the funeral moon glows strongly now
for i am nearly there

this night of late october
the darkside open it’s gate
morbid souls wait for me
- for satanic conspiracy

flowers of doom
rising in bloom
you will see
our immortality!

the pagan winter

efsane grup darkthrone’un 1992 tarihli a blaze in the northern sky albümünden...

horned master of endless time
summon thy unholy disciples
trained for centuries to come.
gather on the highest mountain
united by hatred;
the final superjoint ritual...

this, the pagan winter
kept for the obscure (ones)
candles hold the only light
sextons hide in fear

for this eternal winter
a new god ruled the sky
the million hands of joy
have something holy to burn

from the top of the world one could see
the white light servants flee
engulfed in an infernal cyclone
created by (our) blasphemy

religious bodies crossed the sky
the vision was our wine
roar of fire, feeble fools
into the furnace fire

where cold winds blow

efsane grup darkthrone’un 1992 tarihli a blaze in the northern sky albümünden...

where cold wings blow i (was) laid to rest
i can not reach my rusty weapons
the blood and sword that guided my path
for they drowned in the sands of wisdom

i was, indeed, a king of the flesh
my blackened edges; still they were sharp
honoured by the carnal herds
but asketh thou: closed are the gates?

my mind cut my winged weapons
and teeth that was my pride
and from the forest all would hear:
"wisdom opens the gate for the king"

my weapons sighted - my tears they tasted
summon my warriors - to the land of desire
to the domain of hate - where cold winds blew
for lust for hell - we rode with the north wind

only i could accomplish a fucken self-deceit
there are only two paths - the mind or the sword
and the mind was open like the sights in a dream
but the sword was like a stone around my neck

i entered the soul of the snake
and slept with the armageddish whore
(but) without my throne and my weapons;
where cold winds blow became my grave

paragon belial

efsane grup darkthrone’un 1992 tarihli a blaze in the northern sky albümünden...

i lay enshrined
contaminated time warp
my flesh yearns
for the tombworld

my soul like layers of frost
simulating a spectre shadow
frozen in time and space
i was hacked out of ice

faded am i, behind a wall of consciousness
still feeling a different world
surrounding me
chilling voices fill my head -
i open my eyes;

the boiling sea beneath
the castle of faust
belial finally comes forth:

"the ancient white light writings
were just lying men and their pens
you are the same, only in black.
return with the knowledge
of making your own god"

dreamking of the tombworld:
i enter into an eternal oath
creating my paragon belial

in the shadow of the horns

efsane grup darkthrone’un 1992 tarihli a blaze in the northern sky albümünden...

face of the goat in the mirror
eyes burn like (an) october sunrise
as once they gazed upon the hillside
searching for the memories...

in the shadow of the horns
only seen by the kings
of the dawn (of the) first millennium
upon the thrones

in the shadow of the horns
cleansed like the air in the night
world without end

(we’ve become) a race of the cursed seeds
for five united forces
in the eternal dawn
the kings that held (their) heads high

the triumph of chaos - has guided our path
we circles the holy sinai - our swords gave wings
invisible force of our abyssic hate
our seeds boil as we gaze upon the new millennium

weeping by the graves of the glorious ones
(so) the hardened frost melts away
clouds gather across a freezing moon
i kiss the goat - witchcraft still breathes
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