(bkz: bunu yapan insan olamaz)
sadece wonderwall icin bile sevilebilecek grup.
bu kadar koru korune insanlari kendine nasil bagladigina hayret edilesi adam.beyin yikadigi,sag gosterip sol vurdugu bu kadar barizken genclerimizin olumune savundugu,cahilligi kullandigina inandigim sahis.
yoklugu insani delirtmeye kadar goturebilecek,zaman kaybindan cok guc kaynagi olarak gordugum yegane durum.
trip yapan kisi cok onem deger verdiginiz biri degilse sallanmamasi gereken eylem.kaldi ki tribi onemsediginiz olcude trip abartilacaktir.
ayrica (bkz: trip atmak)
ayrica (bkz: trip atmak)
istanbulu ozleme nedeni.
"ask bir sudur ic ic kudur" gibi varyasyonlari cok olan cumle.
baya a?yr bir ingilizceyle yazylmy? kitap.türkçe çevirisinden çok orjinali okunmalydyr diye dü?ünüyorum yine de.
yagmurlu bir gunde,tiklim tiklim otobusteyken en cok ozlenen yerken;aileyle kavga vs. durumlari oldugunda en uzaklasilmak istenen olan yine de baska hic bir yerde sicakligi bulunamayan pek guzel hatta en guzel mekan.
"umarim bir gun bu dernege uye olmam" dedirten dernek.
thursday’in harika sarkisi.
now it’s time to wrap our fears in the night
and on the first day i’ll dress this city in flames
after the things you say
you hate me for being this way
still you won’t let go of old ideals
there is no headline to read at night
when the record skips and you’re not holding the needle
we all sing the songs of seperation
and we watch our lives bleed out through our hands
thats how it was on the first day
we saw paris in flames
rain rain down
i think it’s gonna rain, rain down
i think it’s gonna rain, rain down
i think it’s gonna rain
i think it’s gonna rain, rain down
i think it’s gonna rain, rain down
i think it’s gonna rain
here in this collapsed lung of a borough
there is no sunlight
the sunlight is manufactured in a windowless room
distant and incoherent
businessmen hang themselves
we all sing the songs of seperation
and we watch our lives bleed out through our hands
that’s how it was on the first day
when we saw paris in flames
the lower side is a jukebox playing the deadman’s crescendo
the needle is a vector
an intersection that we all must cross
a dimly lit hallway where shadows of moths decorate the walls
discard this message, discard this message, discard this message
burn your city down
discard this message
throw this bottle back in the ocean
rip this page from the history books
smash all the street signs
erase all the maps
forget my name
forget my face
forget my name
because it’s gonna rain, it’s gonna rain
and it never ends
we all sing the songs of separation
(rain rain down, i think its gonna rain rain down)
and we watch our lives bleed out through our hands
(i think its gonna rain rain down, i think its gonna rain)
that’s how it was on the first day
(rain rain down, i think its gonna rain rain down)
when we saw paris in flames
now it’s time to wrap our fears in the night
and on the first day i’ll dress this city in flames
after the things you say
you hate me for being this way
still you won’t let go of old ideals
there is no headline to read at night
when the record skips and you’re not holding the needle
we all sing the songs of seperation
and we watch our lives bleed out through our hands
thats how it was on the first day
we saw paris in flames
rain rain down
i think it’s gonna rain, rain down
i think it’s gonna rain, rain down
i think it’s gonna rain
i think it’s gonna rain, rain down
i think it’s gonna rain, rain down
i think it’s gonna rain
here in this collapsed lung of a borough
there is no sunlight
the sunlight is manufactured in a windowless room
distant and incoherent
businessmen hang themselves
we all sing the songs of seperation
and we watch our lives bleed out through our hands
that’s how it was on the first day
when we saw paris in flames
the lower side is a jukebox playing the deadman’s crescendo
the needle is a vector
an intersection that we all must cross
a dimly lit hallway where shadows of moths decorate the walls
discard this message, discard this message, discard this message
burn your city down
discard this message
throw this bottle back in the ocean
rip this page from the history books
smash all the street signs
erase all the maps
forget my name
forget my face
forget my name
because it’s gonna rain, it’s gonna rain
and it never ends
we all sing the songs of separation
(rain rain down, i think its gonna rain rain down)
and we watch our lives bleed out through our hands
(i think its gonna rain rain down, i think its gonna rain)
that’s how it was on the first day
(rain rain down, i think its gonna rain rain down)
when we saw paris in flames
paris in flames adli sarkilariyla omrumu yemis olan grup.
beyoglunu guzel anlatmis roman;ama guzelligi burada sinirli kaliyor kanimca.sonuna gelicek olursak beklenmedik ama bilindik bir sondur kendisi.asla bir patasana gibi olamamasinin yaninda okumak zevkli olabilir.
israrla sevemedigim grup.ister istemez milliyetci duygularimizi costuruyorlar efendim.
muzige baska seyler karistirmaya gerek yok zira sessiz sakin takilsalar yaptiklari muzik onlara yeter de artardi bile.
muzige baska seyler karistirmaya gerek yok zira sessiz sakin takilsalar yaptiklari muzik onlara yeter de artardi bile.
(bkz: cem yilmaz)
temkinli olmak gerekse de gonlumuzun cimbom diye atmasinin engellenemeyecegi mac.1-0 olsun bizim olsun.
(bkz: screenshot)
shaq bi kere ustune dusmustu de bizim allen hemen kalkmisti.sormaz mi adam ona ulan shaq bu,insan olan kalkamaz aptal olur diye.ama yok allen bu dinlemez.asidir,yakisiklidir.uyusturucuyla zamaninda pek alakaliymis umuyorum tum iliskisini kesmistir.sabahin korunde sirf allen izlemek icin uyanmisligim vardir.ayrica all starlarda hep mvp olsun,hep mvp olsun =)
angel’in oldugu bolumler ne guzeldi,bok mu vardi gittin angel dedirten dizi.
neden bekliyorsun?
bu sözlük, duygu ve düşüncelerini özgürce paylaştığın bir platform, hislerini tercüme eden özgür bilgi kaynağıdır.
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