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self esteem

offspring’in vokallerinin çok başarılı olduğunu düşündüğüm şarkısı,sanki vokale sadece o solistin sesi gidiyo gibi.sözleri;

la la la la la la la la la la la la
i wrote her off for the tenth time today
and practiced all the things i would say
when she came over
i lost my nerve
i took her back and made her dessert
now i know i’m being used
that’s okay man cause i like the abuse
i know she’s playing with me
that’s okay cause i’ve got no self esteem

oh wayo, yeah, yeah
ohhhhhhh, yeah, yeah (repeat three times)

we make plans to go out at night
i wait till 2 then i turn out the light
this rejection’s got me so low
if she keeps it up i just might tell her so


when she’s saying, that she wants only me
then i wonder why she sleeps with my friends
when she saying, that i’m like a disease
then i wonder how much more i can spend
well i guess, i should stick up for myself
but i really think it’s better this way
the more you suffer
the more it shows you really care right? yeah!

now i’ll relate, this little bit
that happens more than i’d like to admit
late at night, she knocks on my door
she’s drunk again and, looking to score
now i know, i should say no, but
that’s kind of hard when she’s ready to go
i may be dumb, but i’m not a dweeb
i’m just a sucker with no self esteem


when she’s saying, that she wants only me
then i wonder why she sleeps with my friends
when she’s saying, that i’m like a disease
then i wonder how much more i can spend
well i guess, i should stick up for myself
but i really think it’s better this way
the more you suffer
the more it shows you really care right? yeah!

streets of philadelphia

philadelphia filminin en güzel şarkılarından biridir,bruce springsteen seslendirmektedir.sözleri de aşağıdadır..

i was bruised and battered and i couldn’t tell
what i felt
i was unrecognizable to myself
i saw my reflection in a window i didn’t know
my own face
oh brother are you gonna leave me
on the streets of philadelphia

i walked the avenue till my legs felt like stone
i heard the voices of friends vanished and gone
at night i could hear the blood in my veins
black and whispering as the rain
on the streets of philadelphia

ain’t no angel gonna greet me
it’s just you and i my friend
my clothes don’t fit me no more
i walked a thousand miles
just to slip the skin

the night has fallen, i’m lyin’awake
i can feel myself fading away
so receive me brother with your faithless kiss
or will we leave each other alone like this
on the streets of philadelphia


internetteki porno içeriklerinde oldukça ilgi gören yandal(!),demek ki aramızda bir sürü sapık var ve bunlar olayı "yandal" olarak değil "çift anadal" olarak dahi yorumlamaya dünden razılar.

inti illimani

şili’li devrimci müzik grubu,artık çok yaşlı olmalarına rağmen hala sahneyi doldurmaktadırlar,izleyicilere içlerindeki devrimcinin kıpırtılarını izleme şansını verirler.2003 yazında da konsere gelmişlerdi türkiye’ye.bu konserlerden biri ardından sıkça sözü edilen grup yorum ve moğollar’la birlikte harbiye cemil topluzlu açıkhava tiyatrosu’nda verdikleri konserdir.bu konseri inti illimani açısından da diğer konserlerinden ayıran bir özelliği vardır;"yıllardır destekledikleri dava uğruna hayatlarını kaybedenlere saygı" gerekçesiyle venceremos’u konserlerinde seslendirmemiş olan grup,bu konserde istanbul’lu izleyicilerin baskılarına dayanamayarak bu geleneğini bozmuş ve izleyicilerin "vencereeemos,vencereeemos,kıralım zincirlerimizii!" nidalarıyla bu güzel şili halk şarkısını seslendirmiştir.
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