

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 2124
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 72900


nestle ve quick kelimelerinin biraraya gelmesinden olusmus, sutte harikalar yaratan madde. kendinizi tutamayip bir bardak sut icine bes kasiktan fazla nesquik koymak mideniz icin pek hayirli degildir, test edilip onaylanmistir.

yapma çocuğum yapma evladım

kisinin sabrinin son sinirina geldigini ve muhtemelen birazdan patlayip ortaligi savas alanina cevirecegini gosteren ifade.

eger burdaki cocuk siz iseniz, kendi can guvenliginiz icin susmaniz ve sakin sakin oturmaniz onerilir, zira soyleyen kisi her an size girismek uzeredir. dislerini sikmaktadir.


sutsuz, kremasiz, zift halinde icmeye alistigim, ve bu haliyle bana vize-final donemlerini hatirlatan icecek. uykuyu kacirmasi icin saat basi bir bardak icmem sonucu icim disim kahve ve kahverengi olmustur. kahve kokusu uzerimden bir hafta gitmemistir. kanimdaki kafein seviyesi tavana vurmus beynim uyusmustur.

two beds and a coffee machine

savage garden isimli grubun soyledigi, her dinleyisimde tuylerimi diken diken eden sarki.

and she takes another step
slowly she opens the door
check that he is sleeping
pick up all the broken glass
and furniture on the floor
been up half the night screaming
now it’s time to get away
pack up the kids in the car
another bruise to try and hide
another alibi to write
another ditch in the road
you keep moving
another stop sign
you keep moving on
and the years go by so fast
wonder how i ever made it through

and there are children to think of
baby’s asleep in the back seat
wonder how they’ll ever make it
through this living nightmare
but the mind is an amazing thing
full of candy dreams and new toys
and another cheap hotel
two beds and a coffee machine
but there are groceries to buy
and she knows she’ll have to go home

another ditch in the road
you keep moving
another stop sign
you keep moving on
and the years go by so fast
wonder how i ever made it through

another bruise to try and hide
another alibi to write
another lonely highway in the black of night
there’s hope in the darkness
i know you’re gonna make it

another ditch in the road
keep moving
another stop sign
you keep moving on
and the years go by so fast
silent fortress built to last
wonder how i ever made it

türkçe ezan

1932 yilindan 1950 yilina kadar turkiyede tam on sekiz sene devam etmis uygulama. adnan menderesin basbakanlik doneminde (bkz: demokrat parti) yeniden arapca okunmaya baslamistir.
ezanin turkcesi soyledir :

"tanri uludur;
suphesiz bilirim, bildiririm:
tanri’dan baska yoktur tapacak,
suphesiz bilirim, bildiririm
tanri’nin elcisidir muhammed
haydin namaza, haydin felaha
namaz uykudan hayirlidir."

yeni yıl

haftalar oncesinden gun saymaya basladigim tek aktivite. bu daha ziyade herkesin birbirine hediye alip vermesinden kaynaklaniyor olabilir. yoksa baska bi ozelligi yoktur yeni yilin.

ha bir de "gelecek yil gorusuruz" esprisi vardir ki, yapani yaptigi yerde sislemek gerekir.
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