  1. toplam entry 59
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 7550

lafmacun org

five finger death punch
moderatorlerinin hicbir aciklama yapma geregi duymadan kullanicilari yasakladiklari, aciklama isteyince de ’hatirlamiyorum ki neden atmisiz sizi, istersen baska mail adresiyle yeniden uye olabilirsin’ diyerek uye sayilarini fazla gosterme cabasi icinde olduklarini sandigim, ayrica yaptiklari radyo yayininin da oldukca dandik oldugu soylenebilecek sozluk.


five finger death punch
bacardi nin bir rom cesidi. çok fenadır. erkek içeçegi de denir, yakar, adami bayiltir. hatta eve to adam 151 adli parçasinda soyle der ’burn like 151’. sozleri de asagidaki gibidir.

momma won’t be home tonight
momma’s goin’ out all night
set your clock to 6 a.m.
won’t be gettin’ back ’till then
now leave your worries, let ’em go
punch your ticket to the show

i’m gonna get my fun
on a midnight run
kiss the mornin’ sun, baby
where the night lasts long
where the liquor’s strong
turn your engine on
burn like 151...

some my friends say take it slow
ain’t the friends i wanna know
worked all week it’s in the past
tell you all to kiss my ass
now wind me up and let me go
punch my ticket to the show

i’m gonna get my fun
on a midnight run
kiss the mornin’ sun, baby
where the night lasts long
where the liquor’s strong
turn your engine on
burn like 151...

then from across the bar
i catch a different look
come show no mercy girl
you wanna know me?
come get me out of my,
come get me out of my,head
come get me out of my,
come get me out of my,head

i’m gonna get my fun
on a midnight run
kiss the mornin’ sun, baby
where the night lasts long
where the liquor’s strong
turn your engine on
turn your engine on

i’m gonna get my fun
on a midnight run
kiss the mornin’ sun, baby
where the night lasts long
where the liquor’s strong
turn your engine on
burn like 151...
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