

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 108
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 46819

lal u şarap

aşağıdaki şiir, edebiyat tarihimizin saygın şahsiyetlerinden sümbülzade vehbi efendi’nin müstesna bir eseridir. şiirin hikayesi ise şöyle: bir gün padişah vehbi efendi’yi yanına çağırır ve: "bana öyle bir şiir yaz ki bir mısrasını okuyunca içimden seni öldürmek, bir sonrakini okuyunca ise ödüllendirmek gelsin" der. ve işte sonuç aşağıda:

azm-u hamam edelim, sürtüştürem ben sana,
kese ile sabunu, rahat etsin cism-u can.
* * *
lal-u şarap içurem ve ıslatıp geçirem,
parmağına yüzüğü, hatem-i zer drahsan.
* * *
eğil eğil sokayım, iki tutam az mıdır?
lale ile sümbülü kakülüne nevcivan.
* * *
diz çökerek önüne ılık ılık akıtam,
bir gümüş ibrik ile destine ab-ı revan.
* * *
salınarak giderken arkandan ben sokayım,
ard eteğin beline, olmasın çamur aman.
* * *
kulaklarından tutam, dibine kadar sokam,
sahtiyenden çizmeyi, olasın yola revan.
* * *
öyle bir sokayım ki, kalmasın dışarıda hiç,
düşmanın bağrına, hançerimi nagehan.
* * *
eğer arzu edersen, ben ağzına vereyim,
yeter ki sen kulundan lokum iste her zaman.
* * *
herkese vermektesin, bir de bana versene,
avuç avuç altını, olsun kulun şaduman.
* * *
sen her zaman gelesin, ben vehbi’ye veresin,
esselamun aleyküm ve aleykümesselam.

ain t no other man


do your thang honey!

i had feelings from the start,
couldn’t stand to be apart.
something about you caught my eye,
something moved me deep inside!
don’t know what you did boy but
you had it and i’ve been hooked ever since.
i told my mother, my brother, my sister and my friend
you’re the other, my lover don’t have to past the test.
everytime i see you everything starts making sense.

never thought i’d be allright
till you came into my life
world was cloudy now it’s clear
your the life that i needed
you got what i want boy and i want it
some people giving it up
so tell your mother your brother your sister and your friend
tell the other, your lover, that they’re not be presented
i want everyone to know that you are mine and no one elsesain’t no other man, can stand up next to you
ain’t no other man on the planet does what you do
(what you do).
you’re the kinda guy, a girl finds in a blue moon.
you got soul, you got class.
you got style shake your bad arse - oh yeah!
ain’t no other man its true - alright -
ain’t no other man but you.

ain’t no other man, can stand up next to you
ain’t no other man on the planet does what you do
(what you do).
you’re the kinda guy, a girl finds in a blue moon.
you got soul, you got class.
you got style shake your bad arse - oh yeah!
ain’t no other man its true - alright -
ain’t no other man but you.

ain’t no other ain’t ain’t no other other
ain’t no other ain’t ain’t no other lover
ain’t no other i i i need no other
ain’t no other man but you

you are they’re all the best
thank me now for everything
give me strength boy you’re the best
you’re the only one who crossed everything

ain’t no other man, can stand up next to you
ain’t no other man on the planet does what you do
(what you do).
you’re the kinda guy, a girl finds in a blue moon.
you got soul, you got class.
you got style shake your bad arse - oh yeah!
ain’t no other man its true - alright -
ain’t no other man but you.

now i’m telling you theré ain’t no other man but yo

stars are blind

i don’t mind spending some time
just hanging here with you
cuz i don’t find too many guys
that treat me like you do
those other guys all wanna take me for a ride
but when i walk their talk is suicide
some people never get beyond their stupid pride
but you can see the real me inside
and i’m satisfied, oh no, ohh*

even though the gods are crazy
even though the stars are blind
if you show me real love baby
i’ll show you mine

i can make you nice and naughty
be the devil and angel too
got a heart and soul and body
let’s see what this love can do
baby i’m perfect for you

my love, ohh oh

i could be your confidante
just one of your girlfriends
but i know that love’s what you want
if tomorrow the world ends
why shouldn’t we be with the one we really love?
now tell me who have you been dreaming of
at night at home? oh no, ohh

even though the gods are crazy
even though the stars are blind
if you show me real love baby
i’ll show you mine

i can make you nice and naughty
be the devil and angel too
got a heart and soul and body
let’s see what this love can do
baby i’m perfect for you

excuse me for feeling
this moment is critical
might be me feeling
it could get physical, oh no, no no

even though the gods are crazy
even though the stars are blind
if you show me real love baby
i’ll show you mine

i can make you nice and naughty
be the devil and angel too
got a heart and soul and body
let’s see what this love can do
let’s see what this love can do
baby i’m perfect for you

baby i’m perfect for you

even though the gods are crazy
even though the stars are blind
even though the gods are crazy
even though the stars are blind

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