  1. toplam entry 252
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 9790

away and anywhere

use condom don t be silly
john frusciante nin to record only water for ten days albumundeki parca..

i do dream you
allow me to believe you are the real me
i see you breathing under water
see you on both sides of a door
i didn’t mean you to fathom what you bought
i’m away and anywhere to suffice
every life filled with what will be
if my own will is from me
how do i take another mirror
how do i drink the whole shore
i do greet you
and slam the door in your face
you come in anyways
it’s a long, long time before this takes place
i answer these these questions now
as to why i’m the only one
who carries answers to their fathers
who carries gray sky to the sun
i’m not the railway
i leave all of it to the air
passing highway’s traffic just lying there
carry me away
come in anyways
both sides of the door
the closed and open door


use condom don t be silly
duzenli bir haraket sistemine sahip olmayan teroristlere verilen ad..

edit:Özellikle bir örgütten güç alan, baltalama eylemlerine giri?en birlik.(tdk)

ayrica duzenli bir sisteme sahip olmayan teroristlere verilen ad oldugu icin tamamen yanlis degildir..eksiktir..

edit2:her gerilanin terorist oldugu degil,duzensiz haraket eden teroristlerin gerilla oldugu anlatilmakta yukarda..

for what its worth

use condom don t be silly
1967 yilinda buffalo springfield tarafindan yapilmis olan son zamanlarda lord of war filminde karsimiza cikan guzel parca..

there’s something happening here
what it is ain’t exactly clear
there’s a man with a gun over there
telling me i got to beware

i think it’s time we stop, children, what’s that sound
everybody look what’s going down

there’s battle lines being drawn
nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong
young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

i think it’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound
everybody look what’s going down

what a field-day for the heat
a thousand people in the street
singing songs and carrying signs
mostly say, hooray for our side

it’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound
everybody look what’s going down

paranoia strikes deep
into your life it will creep
it starts when you’re always afraid
you step out of line, the man come and take you away

we better stop, hey, what’s that sound
everybody look what’s going down
stop, hey, what’s that sound
everybody look what’s going down
stop, now, what’s that sound
everybody look what’s going down
stop, children, what’s that sound
everybody look what’s going down


use condom don t be silly
1974-1984 yillari arasinda faaliyet gosteren ermeni teror orgutu..turkiyede de bircok diplomat ve ust duzey yoneticiye suikast planlamislar ve bu planlardan bazilarini uygulamislardir..avrupa tarafindan bagimsizlik savascilari olarak adlandirlirlardi..pkk nin ozgurluk savascilari olarak adlandirildigi gibi..
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