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simple man

bir lynyrd skynyrd parcasidir.

mama told me when i was young
come sit beside me, my only son
and listen closely to what i say.
and if you do this
it will help you some sunny day.
take your time... dont live too fast,
troubles will come and they will pass.
go find a woman and you’ll find love,
and dont forget son,
there is someone up above.


and be a simple kind of man.
be something you love and understand.
be a simple kind of man.
wont you do this for me son,
if you can?

forget your lust for the rich mans gold
all that you need is in your soul,
and you can do this if you try.
all that i want for you my son,
is to be satisfied.


boy, dont you worry... youll find yourself.
follow you heart and nothing else.
and you can do this if you try.
all i want for you my son,
is to be satisfied.


the international


hayatta bazen en zor şey, hangi köprüyü yakıp, hangi köprüyü geçeceğini bilmektir. şimdi yakman gereken benim.


cheers darlin

cheers darlin’
here’s to you and your lover boy
cheers darlin’
i got years to wait around for you
cheers darlin’
i’ve got your wedding bells in my ear
cheers darlin’
you gave me three cigarettes to smoke my tears away

and i die when you mention his name
and i lied, i should have kissed you
when we were runnin’ in the rain

what am i darlin’?
a whisper in your ear?
a piece of your cake?
what am i, darlin?
the boy you can fear?
or your biggest mistake?

cheers darlin’
here’s to you and your lover man
cheers darlin’
i just hang around and eat from a can
cheers darlin’
i got a ribbon of green on my guitar
cheers darlin’
i got a beauty queen
to sit not very far from me

i die when he comes around
to take you home
i’m too shy
i should have kissed you when we were alone

what am i darlin’?
a whisper in your ear?
a piece of your cake?
what am i, darlin?
the boy you can fear?
or your biggest mistake?

oh what am i? what am i darlin’?
i got years to wait...

you are my destiny

bir paul anka klasigi.

you are my destiny
you share my reverie
you are my happiness
that’s what you are

you have my sweet caress
you share my loneliness
you are my dream come true
that’s what you are

heaven and heaven alone
can take your love from me
’cause i’d be a fool
to ever leave you dear
and a fool i’d never be

you are my destiny
you share my reverie
you’re more than life to me
that’s what you are

you are my destiny
you share my reverie
you are my happiness
that’s what you are.

love infernal

bir poisonblack parcasi.

come...the thick night and breathe in me
yes, come...with lifeless eyes and die with me
burn... unleash the holy smoke to flee
yes, burn... deceased and buried is misery

to live in desire is to play with the fire
that burns within our every cell
dying eternal, love infernal... just one kiss to feel the spell
so fall and surrender the weak pretender
dont resist the call of hell
dying eternal, love infernal... just one kiss to feel the spell

heart... kill the heart make the beating cease
yes, heart... the chained emotions crave for release
souls... together entwined in debauchery
yes, souls... flee beyond divinity

the day that never comes

born to push you around
better just stay down.
you pull away
he hits the flesh
you hit the ground.

mouth so full of lies
tend to black your eyes.
just keep them closed
keep praying
just keep waiting

waiting for the one
the day that never comes
when you stand up and feel the warmth
but the son shine never comes.
no, the son shine never comes.

push you cross that line,
just stay down this time.
hide in yourself
crawl in yourself
you’ll have your time.

god i’ll make them pay
take it back one day.
i’ll end this day.
i’ll splatter color on this gray.

waiting for the one
the day that never comes
when you stand up and feel the warmth
but the son shine never comes.

love… is a four letter word,
and never spoken here.
love… is a four letter word,
here in this prison.

i suffer this no longer,
i’ll put an end to this, i swear.
this, i swear. the son will shine.
this, i swear,
this, i swear,
this, i swear!

bilgi sözlük

insan ki$iler tarafindan kurulup, yonetilen,insan ki$ilerce $enlendirilen bir ortamdir.

her insanin kendi oldugu ki$inin baki$ acisina/bilgisine uygun olarak bir insan ki$i tarifi olabilecegi dusunulerek, kendi kaliplarimizla yapacagimiz karakter vs. tahlillerine fazla yer verilmemesi gerektigini dusundugum, icinde bulunmaktan an itibari ile keyif aldigim, keyif vermeye calistigim mekandir. keyif alamadigim gun, ya da ben keyif vermedigim gun bir sekilde bu ili$kinin de sonlanmasi kacinilmazdir.

icerisine katilanlari degerlendirmek icin puanlama sistemine sahiptir sozluk. onun haricinde polemik adi verilen -haddime du$mese de fikrimi belirtmeden gecemeyecegim- gereksiz, kimseye fayda getirmeyecek tartismalardan kacinilmasi gereken, eglendirirken dusunduren bir mekandir.

insan ki$iler birbirlerinden ancak ricalarda bulunur, birbirlerine tavsiyelerini bildirirler ise ortaya daha faydali ili$kilerin ve diyaloglarin cikabilmesini mumkun kilabilecek gri panjurlu mekanimizdir.

demedi deme

- demedi deme
- hah! dedin ba$in goge erdi, gotun tavan yapti a.q.

maliz ya, bir boktan anlamiyoruz ya, demese bilmeyecegiz ya, dedi bildik. ogrendik. artik bir bok olursa ben demi$tim diyecek, ben pa$ayim, ben kralim diyecek. pek dostane bir insan ki$i repligi olmayan, ce$itli ugursuzluklara vesile olabilecek soz obegi.
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