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  1. toplam entry 2868
  2. takipçi 2
  3. puan 63994


şu dağlar karlı dağlar gule
etrafı kavak bağlar
kırık köprü altında gule
murat’ın suyu çağlar

gule uyan sabahtır gule
ciğerimiz yanıktır

şu bağlar bizim olsa gule
etrafı üzüm olsa
yarin uykusu gelmiş gule
yastığı dizim olsa

gule uyan sabahtır gule
yüregimiz yanıktır

şu dağlar olmasaydı gule
lalesi solmasaydı
ölüm allah’ın emri gule
ayrılık olmasaydı

gule uyan sabahtır gule
yüregimiz yanıktır...

seklinde sozleri ile ezginin gunlugu’ nun hakan yilmaz ile seslendirdigi agri yoresine ait halk turkusudur.

sozler icin kaynak :

endless song

is it hard to go on
make them believe you are strong
don’t close your eyes
all my nights felt like days
so much light in every way
just blink an eye

i used to be someone happy
you used to see that i’m friendly

all your smiles, all is fake
let me come in, i feel sick
gimme your arm
from the shadow to the sun
only one step and you’ll burn
don’t stay too high

i used to be someone happy
you used to see that i’m friendly

is it why in your tears
i can smell the taste of fears
it’s all around
all my laughs, all my wings
they are graved inside your ring
you were all mine

i used to be someone happy
you used to see that i’m friendly

seklinde sozleri ile bir aaron parcasidir.

sarki sozu sponsorumuz

a sunday smile

all i want is the best for our lives my dear,
and you know my wishes are sincere.
whats to say for the days i cannot bare.

a sunday smile you wore it for a while.
a sunday mile we paused and sang.
a sunday smile you wore it for a while.
a sunday mile we paused and sang.
a sunday smile and we felt true. (and)

we burnt to the ground
left a view to admire
with buildings inside church of white.
we burnt to the ground left a grave to admire.
and as we reach for the sky, reach the church of white.

a sunday smile you wore it for a while.
a sunday mile we paused and sang.
a sunday smile you wore it for a while.
a sunday mile we paused and sang.
a sunday smile and we felt true. (and)

seklinde sozleri ile bir beirut parcasidir.

sozler icin kaynak :

baba ve piç

...yağmur da huzun gibi bir sey galiba: ilk basta, aman bana ilismesin diye didinir sakinirsin, emniyetli ve kuru kalmak icin elinden geleni yaparsin, ama baktin ki olmuyor, baktin ki yagiyor uzerine dort bir koldan, gark olursun ta dibine kadar ve bir kez bu kadar battin mi icine, ha bir damla eksik ha bir damla fazla ne fark eder. yagmur da huzun gibi bir sey, yakalandin mi bir kez, azi cogu yok artik. olsa olsa "kuru kalabilenler" ve "saganaktan nasibini alanlar" var.

das mader s mom ri noren koh chi m nats

birbirlerinden nefret ederlerdi ama yine de bunca yildir evliliklerini surdurmuslerdi; kadin gun gelir intikam alirim umidiyle, adam da gun gelir her sey duzelir umidiyle.

butun mutlu aileler birbirine benzerler ama her mutsuz ailenin mutsuzlugu farklidir.

mumkun muydu savasmak iyilikle?

ne de olsa kadinlar birbirlerinin biraktigi enkazlar uzerinde calismaktan hoslanir.

bakislarinda, insani evvela anlamaya calisacagina, ne olursa olsun yargilamadigina dair bir guvence tasiyordu adeta.

milliyetcilik muktedirlerin ve mutehakkimlerin kisvelerini yenilemesinden baska bir sey degildi. farkli etnik kokenden birileri tarafindan baski gormek yerine, kendi etnik grubundan birileri tarafindan baski gorurdun en nihayetinde.

nar ortadan ayrilip da parcalara bolunurse, bir daha mumkunu yok yerine koyamazsin sacilan taneleri...

insanlari yargilarsan eger, onlar da gidip inadina bildikleri gibi yaparlar.

bilirsin ki hatirlamamak tek secenegindir. bilirsin ki hatirlamamak kendini inkar demektir. bedeli goze alirsin. ancak boyle hayatta kalirsin. bu yuzden bakmadi arkasina...

akşam şarkıları

bir şarkı sesiydin yıllar içinde
bir çığlık direnciyle seni arar.
aradığım sen misin yalnızca
yoksa seni yitirirken yitirdiği şey mi var?
akşam vakti incesaz’da koyulurken şarkılar

güneşlerden güzelsin sen düşünme
geçen yıllar elinden çıktı sanma
ne bir iz var, ne yorgunluk var yüzünde
güneş varken ışık bitmez inanma

şarkılardan geçilir şarkılara
eski bir semaverde son pırıltıları günün
mor bir karanlık gibi başlar birden gözlerine
özlem senin kadar kimsesize ne desin
en iyisi bir şarkı

yıllarla geçen günlere dön bak ne bulursun
bir bitmişe bitmezi sunmak niye olsun
bir kuş gibi göklerde gezer vurulursun
sensiz geçecek yılları, yıllar diye alma.

aradığım sen misin yalnızca
yoksa seni yitirirken yitirdiğim şey mi var?

seklinde sozleri ile bir ezginin gunlugu parcasidir.

sarki sozleri icin kaynak

cross bones style

oh how time flies
with crystal clear eyes
and cold as coal
when you’re ending with diamond eyes

oh come child
in a crossbones style
oh come child
come and rescue me
’cause you have seen some
unbelievable things

hater i have your diamonds and still
’cause you have seen some unbelievable things
hater i have your diamonds

oh come child
in a crossbones style
oh come child
come rescue me
’cause you have seen some
unbelievable things

hater i have your diamonds and still
so still

oh how time flies
with crystal clear eyes
and cold as coal
when you’re ending with diamond eyes

oh come child
in a crossbones style
oh come child
come and rescue me
’cause you have seen some
unbelievable things

seklinde sozleri ile bir cat power parcasidir.

sozler icin kaynak :

ayrica ciplak ayaklari ile inanilmaz cekicidir klibinde chan marshall.

i m not the enemy

basrollerini ashley judd ile morgan freeman in paylastiklari high crimes isimli filmin muzikleri arasinda yer alan, bir lina parcasidir.

i don’t, know you
don’t know those melancholy eyes i see
do you even know me?
your scent is familiar
your voice familiar, but those words you speak,
are not familiar to me

you can’t love nobody, unless you love yourself
don’t take it out on me baby
i’m not the enemy
are you the man i love, the man i know loves me
come on talk to me boy
i’m not the enemy

your worries. your stress
are both the root of your unhappiness
fueled by insecureties
the pressures of being a man is hard
don’t think i don’t understand
put a little faith in me

you can’t love nobody, unless you love yourself
don’t take it out on me baby
i’m not the enemy
we can’t be happy until your happy with yourself
come on talk to me boy
i’m not the enemy

oooooohhh what i feel is unconditonal
i love you at your best and at your worst
don’t shove me out
i’m here for you, i’m on your side


you can’t love nobody, unless you love yourself
don’t take it out on me baby
i’m not the enemy
are you the man i love, the man i know loves me
come on talk to me boy
i’m not the enemy

you can’t love nobody, unless you love yourself
don’t take it out on me baby
i’m not the enemy
we can’t be happy, until your happy with yourself
come on talk to me boy
i’m not the enemy

sozler icin kaynak :

lost without you

tehlikeli sozleri ile bir beverly craven parcasidir.

soyle ki;

all the years of living alone
thinking of myself
were filled with days of emptiness
and room for no one else
i found a haven in isolation
with nothing to lose
safe and lonely thinking of only
what i had to prove
i was lost without you
i was lost without you
like being frozen in time
disillusioned with life
until i knew
i found myself in you

i remember being afraid
of my destiny
fear of change or losing my way
and my identity
then something bigger just took over
and it happened so fast
lying here, my head on your shoulder
reliving the past

i was lost without you
i was lost without you
like being frozen in time
disillusioned with life
until i knew
i found myself in you
i found myself in you

and all the love i needed to give
finally found a home
you’ve given me a reason to live
can’t go back
don’t let go

i was lost without you
lost without you
like being frozen in time
going out of my mind
until i knew
i was lost without you
lost without you
like being frozen in time
disillusioned with life
until i knew
i found myself in you
i found myself in you

sozler icin kaynak :

you will be my ain true love

cold mountain filminin muzikleri arasinda yer alan bir alison krauss parcasidir.

you’ll walk unscathed through musket fire,
no ploughman’s blade will cut thee down,
no cutless wound will mark thy face
and you will be my ain true love,
and you will be my ain true love

and as you walk through death’s dark veil,
the cannon’s thunder can’t prevail,
and those who hunt thee down will fail,
and you will be my ain true love,
and you will be my ain true love.

asleep inside the cannon’s mouth,
the captain cries, "here comes the rout,"
they’ll seek to find me north and south,
i’ve gone to find my ain true love.

the field is cut and bleeds to red.
the cannon balls fly round my head,
the infirmary man may count me dead,
when i’ve gone to find my ain true love,
i’ve gone to find my ain true love

sozler icin kaynak :

aller plus haut

enfes bir tina arena parcasidir.

j’ai tant cache mes differences
sous des airs ou des faux semblants
j’ai cru que d’autres pas de danses
me cacheraient aux yeux des gens
je n’ai jamais suivi vos routes
j’ai voulu tracer mon chemin

pour aller plus haut, aller plus haut
ou l’on oublie ses souvenirs
aller plus haut, aller plus haut
se rapprocher de l’avenir

j’ai perdu tant de fois la trace
des reves brules que je vivais
je n’ai pas su te dire je t’aime
seulement te garder
il faut aussi dire ses doutes
et les poser dans d’autres mains

pour aller plus haut, aller plus haut
et dessiner des souvenirs
aller plus haut, aller plus haut
et croire encore a l’avenir

pour aller plus haut, aller plus haut
et dessiner des souvenirs
aller plus haut, aller plus haut
et croire encore a l’avenir

aller plus haut, aller plus haut
se rapprocher de l’avenir.

sozler icin kaynak :


here’s a lullaby, for anyone who wants to fly,
from their hometown where people drown,
and where the townies die.

this old library, has thirty books and one dictionary.
but thats ok, no one reads anyway,
we all watch tv.

so here’s your lullaby.
no boy, don’t cry.
just rest your head and go to bed,
your time will come to fly...


never today, just dream your life away.

all the dogs will die.
they just can’t seem to stay alive.
cause in this town, our cop shoots them down.
and we just let him go and sigh.

please god, please.
whats happened to our dreams?
we’re losing hope, so we invest in dope
to feel our vacant feelings

so here’s your lullaby.
no girl, don’t cry.
just rest your head and go to bed,
your time will come to fly...


never today, just dream your life away.

seklinde ayar sozleri ile bir adet priscilla ahn parcasidir.

sozler icin kaynak :

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