

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 1257
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 20005

into the west

annie lennox seslendirmistir.
into the west

lay down
your sweet and weary head
night is falling,
you have come to journey’s end.
sleep now,
and dream of the ones who came before.
they are calling
from across the distant shore.

why do weep?
what are these tears upon your face?
soon you will see
all of your fears will pass away,
safe in my arms
you’re only sleeping.

what can you see
on the horizon?
why do the white gulls call?
across the sea
a pale moon rises --
the ships have come to carry you home.

dawn will turn
to silver glass
a light on the water
all souls pass.

hope fades
into the world of night
through shadows falling
out of memory and time.
don’t say,
"we have come now to the end."
white shores are calling
you and i will meet again.

and you’ll be here in my arms
just sleeping.

what can can you see
on the horizon?
why do the white gulls call?
across the sea
a pale moon rises
the ships have come to carry you home.

and all will turn
to silver glass
a light on the water
grey ships pass
into the west.


1000. entryimde ne yazsam diye dusunurken aklima gelen;bilgi sozlugun yaraticisi olan ve surekli gelismesi icin buyuk bir caba harcayan jedi ki$i.
bilgi sozlugu yarattigi icin tesekkuru bir borc bilir ve basarilarinin devamini dilerim...
14 /

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