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the foreshadowing furnace

dimmu borgir’in in 2007 tarihli in sorte diaboli albümünden bir şarkı.

sparks fly and fire licks my wings
tied to this wood - i was born for burning
i rebelled against the flock
declined to submit to slavery
as a token from my legions of the chosen few
i reveal the secrets to the world’s most famous forgery

as flames devour my skin
flesh melting - peeling off
my days as an earthbound entity
are outnumbered and have come to an end

i will never be laid to rest
but be free from oppression

those of my kin - the black flame
those of my sin - hail my name
those of us that have been given eyes to see
will never be laid to rest but be free from oppression

in this hour i finally separate
carnal knowledge from divine will
in this hour i finally separate
myself from your tyranny

still our enemies will keep hiding
in the shadows with betrayal against reason

but with my reprisal i shall endure
and uncover the magnitude of this treason

i will arise from perdition
and let me presence known
i will author a new era
and have my beast shown
my stigma is of damnation
i am from beyond your god

the invaluable darkness

dimmu borgir’in in 2007 tarihli in sorte diaboli albümünden bir şarkı.

fear tomorrow’s adversary
and the wealth of uprising
the final storm will be released
and the unmerciful will erect

hidden from the eyes of your god
i will proclaim original sin
and have you all purged and purified
from the lies that remain within

cleansed and draped in sulphur linen
black and pure since the beginning

mercy is not truth
your sins are next to mine
mercy is not truth
all your sins are next to mine

my soul’s ablaze
inflamed with rage and isolated
in whirlwinds of hate
my soul’s ablaze
yet camouflaged in the haze

why did he not see this coming
what did he not understand
one time forsaken
but forgotten i am not

i will win this war
but never the peace
i am my own free spirit
hence i will not rest

the fundamental alienation

dimmu borgir’in in 2007 tarihli in sorte diaboli albümünden bir şarkı.

my eyes got blinded
and conned by the light
like a fugitive on the run
i sought perseverance in the night

deceptive icons were finally
taken out of my sight
as the contender to origin
i will forever unveil his might

they say i am the cancer
on the back of the inquisition
i may well be the cancer
in the heart of the inquisition

they say i am the cancer
on the back of the inquisition
i am the cancer
in the heart of the inquisition

through my years of sacrifice
evolution came with lessons learned
respect and fear
is what i earned
so underestimate not your vision
or you will be taught
calculate your intuition
and you will teach

you all have been conned
and i always take the blame
for you do not understand
you are all the same

the sinister awakening

dimmu borgir’in in 2007 tarihli in sorte diaboli albümünden bir şarkı.

i sense the darkness
the desire overtakes
my devotion endeavors
habitation changing course

repentance oh not
no name or remorse
will i ever authorize
on this treasured path

i am warm by this fire
and its flaming desire
for what i can not fulfill
my destiny completes

i believe my truth to be
a much greater thing
than a manufactured lie
too great to comprehend

where i come from
there’s no higher authority but me
being my own god
is all i was meant to be

antichristus spiritualis
antichristus spiritualis
antichristus spiritualis
antichristus spiritualis

in sorte diaboli

the sacrilegious scorn

dimmu borgir’in in 2007 tarihli in sorte diaboli albümünden bir şarkı.

have i not
been too long in the shadows of invention and creation
as i rightfully behold the flesh
fear of the conscious mind will have you facing away

my word and world holds ground and is real
your word is like floods of poisoned water
a language spoken with spit of different tongues

it all seems like an eternity
this battle between us two
"good and evil"
me and you

time has come to step up
and take back what you took from me

my word and world holds ground and is real
your word is like floods of poisoned water
a language spoken with spit of different tongues
you can never corrupt me again

time has come to step up
and take back what you took from me
you can never corrupt me again

i protect every man guilty of sin
the ultimate sin being me
the vapor from the plague
that infested my mind, body and soul
obscured my view from wisdom
the mist that had me wonder in resentment cleared
and troubles me no more

the conspiracy unfolds

dimmu borgir’in in 2007 tarihli in sorte diaboli albümünden bir şarkı.

fallen i have, fallen i am
cursed and destined to burn
fallen i have, fallen i am
cursed and destined to burn

my loyalty towards a liar ceased to exist
once misled by an empty fraudulent face
i will never turn my back on you
and deceive the flesh of our race

i will always speak truly
so you can understand
no riddles that manipulate
the words and symbols of man

do not believe false promises
conspiring to cover up the truth
find solace in darkness within yourself
and have your legions unleashed

do not withhold the air
of your very last breath
in the end of days
you will transcend life and death

let the one who is fit
be the king
of the heavens above
and all worlds down below

the serpentine offering

dimmu borgir’in in 2007 tarihli in sorte diaboli albümünden bir şarkı.

my descent is the story of everyman
i am hatred, darkness and despair
my descent is the story of everyman
i am hatred, darkness and despair

evoked and entertained through centuries
wrathful and sullen -- dormant still

the ferocity pervades everywhere
waiting to be released at last
hear my offering
ye bastard sons and daughters
share my sacrifice
share my sacrifice.

my descent is the story of everyman
i am hatred, darkness and despair
my descent is the story of everyman
i am hatred, darkness and despair

reconcile not with the fear of the snake
but embrace it as your own
inject its venom into your veins
and replant the seed that gives growth
still shrouded in mystery
until you arise above perception
a veil of ignorance is in motion
continuing throughout generations

(a veil of ignorance is in motion
continuing throughout multiple generations
let me be the one that deliver you from the deceit
and back into perfect accordance with the laws of nature)

the snake is notoriously tempting
but the snake is fair
what is worse than not knowing?
to live or disappear?

the ferocity pervades everywhere
waiting to be released at last
hear my offering
ye bastard sons and daughters
share my sacrifice
share my sacrifice


dimmu borgir’in puritanical euphoric misanthropia albümünde yer alan aşmış şarkı.

we do away with your kind
countdown to exterminate the human race
0, 3, 2, 1

let chaos entwine
on defenseless soil
remove errors of man
and sweep all the weakening kind

i am war, i am pain
i am all you’ve ever slain
i am tears in your eyes
i am grief, i am lies

bygone are tolerance
and presence of grace
scavengers are set out
to cleanse the human filth parade

i am pure, i am true
i am all over you
i am laugh, i am smile
i am the earth defiled

i am the cosmic storms
i am the tiny worms
i am fear in the night
i am bringer of light


iskandinav folk müziğini yine yöresel enstrümanlarla mükemmel bir şekilde yorumlayan isveçli topluluk.
özellikle tina vieri harika bir şarkıdır.

diskografya ;

kaski 1992
tra 1994
kruspolska: sasha mixes 1994
hippjokk 1997
remix project 1997
karleia visa 1999
hedningarna best of 1989-2003

tina vieri

hedningarna’nın muhteşem şarkısı.

tina vieri, tenka vieri
raha vieri, rauta vieri
mie viel enemmn vierin
vierin maille vierahille
kuss ei lenn mein linnut
harvoin lentvt harakat
miss ei muut miuista tunne
min muita tunnustelen
varpa vaari mie vapisin
lehti vieri mie lekatin
varpa vaari mie vapisin
lehti vieri mie lekatin
kun miun tietsi emoni
arvajaisi miun isoni
tulis tuolta tuonelasta
tallojaisi taivahasta
laittamahan lastajansa
en sitten emoa nhnyt
kuin lie kirstu kiini pantu
tnanauloilla tikattu
vaskinauloilla nakattu
vaskinauloilla nakattu
kuutani min kumarsin
paistoi kerran kirkkahasti
sulata tinaiset naulat
vaskinaulat hellittele
sulata tinaiset naulat
vaskunaulat hellittele
plt ehtoisen emoni
plt ehtoisen emoni
sulata tinaiset naulat
vaskinaulat hellittele

black metal

black metal’in ilk temsilcileri –türe isim babalığı yapan “black metal” adlı albümünün yapımcısı da olan- venom, mayhem, hellhammer, mercyful fate, bathory ve celtic frost gibi gruplardır. black metal günümüzdeki biçimini ise büyük oranda darkthrone, enslaved, burzum, mayhem, immortal ve emperor gibi norveçli grupların etkisiyle almıştır.

şarkı sözleri genelde satanizmle ilgili ve paganizm gibi diğer okült konulardan oluşur.

davullar hızlı ve agresif bir tonda olup, “blast beat” olarak adlandırılan aynı parçaya (zil, trampet vb…) defalarca üst üste hızlıca vurulması biçiminde yapılan yöntemle çalınmıştır.

gitarlar hızlı ve yinelemeli çalınmıştır (gitarın tıpkı ud gibi çalındığı tremolo yöntemi olarak adlandırılır).

“scream vocal” olarak adlandırılan, seslerin derin ve içten bir böğürtü olarak duyulmasını sağlayan, ses tellerini titreştirmekle gerçekleştirilen vokal yöntemi kullanılmıştır. hızlı perküsyon yapılmıştır. müzikte yinelemeler yoğundur ve soğuk ve hüzünlü bir atmosfer hissedilir.

black metal gruplarını diğerlerinden ayıran bir diğer özellik ise eskiden daha yoğun olarak kullanılan “corpse paint” adlı, yapanın çürümekte olan bir ceset ya da bir veba kurbanı gibi gözükmesini sağlayan özel bir tür siyah ve beyaz makyajdır. bu makyaj ve black metal müzisyenlerinin tüm dünya’da yaygın olarak takma sahne adları kullanması müzisyenlerin kimliklerinin saklanmasına yardımcı olur.

itü sözlük

her ne kadar ismini ve nickini yeni öğrenmiş de olsam , hal ve yazılarını okuyabildiğiniz gencecik bir insanın böyle bir sonu seçmssi gerçekten üzücü.
ölüm bir başlangıçtır kimilerine göre...
umarım burada bulamadığın huzur orada seninle olsun...
allah rahmet eylesin...


2002 - i en tid som var
2004 - huldran
2006 - eld

gibi bir diskografya ile müzik dünyasında saygın bir yer edinen isveçli folk - etnik müzik grubu.
albümlerinde bouzouki, swedish bagpipe, jew’s harp, hurdy-gurdie, cow antler, recorder, willow-pipe , oraharpa gibi etnik sazlar kullanan bu grup kesinlikle dinlenilmeyi hakediyor.
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