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dimmu borgir’in in 1999 tarihli spiritual black dimensions albümünden bir şarkı.

glowing eyes, staring eyes
manifest of evil presence
with entities swept in disease and decay
a fall from paradise beyond redemption

wrathchild’s afterglow

he who speaks of nightly treasures
he who wraps the serpent around my neck
he who pours poisonous wine in my chalice
he who lets me serve and slip away

...and so i will take shelter
in the absence of the light
hiding like a masked miniature in the dark
a revenant without relief it seems
for the art of becoming a progeny
and to be raised in such curse

is to forever creep among naive mortals
infesting the dead in herdes

his grandeur of guidance in roundtrips obscure
he who immerse my hands in sullen thrills
his paths on wich domination linger
he who dares to prove the sanity of mine

he who speaks of nightly treasures
he who lets me serve and slip away

black unearthly void creatures crawling
forbidden forgotten fairly underrated
bastards in the shape of angels holding my hands
passing me what is left of the wine

devils path

dimmu borgir’in in 2001 tarihli puritanical euphoric misanthropia albümünden bir şarkı.

thousand different paths
so many sterile ends
i chose the devil’s path

never shall the sun kiss my face
and caress me with it’s burning light
for i dwell in the shadows
and sleep side by side with death

in dark desire i embrace the whore
giving her an escape from an unworthy life

for with the appearance of the fallen angel

i serve satan
i serve darkness

i am a prince among the damned
as i’ve been for eternity
a monarch in a dark paradise
cursed by life and the living

oh tremble not my immortal heart
though you beat in the shadows of death
eternal life is the blessing
and i shall rule for another thousand years

i blew out the light
abandoned jesus christ
christian life forms’ grief’s
we buried their belief’s

waiting for their saviours rebirth
the dawn was soon to come
the dawn would soon be gone

there in that formless abyss was i made
a partaker of the mysteries averse


dimmu borgir’in in 2001 tarihli puritanical euphoric misanthropia albümünden bir şarkı.

chains of despair
cloaked by darkness
the thundering echoes of great destruction to come
mankind’s mysteries
the dying world

madness in it’s sweetest form
what shrivels and dies must face the tempest
the angelic heaven bows to the ultimate truth
and melancholy grew

anticipation mender through madness
condemned to the same horrid fate
insanity applauds
how sharp the awakening
pale as disease
give up the ghost
cease the gloomy awakening

history foretold
the hidden stigmata
totally annihilating the ecstasies innumerable
materialize the vision
give up the ghost
cease the gloomy awakening

absolute sole right

dimmu borgir’in in 2001 tarihli puritanical euphoric misanthropia albümünden bir şarkı.

as cyclones detach from the world above
and all the other worlds beneath them flow
timewinds caressing the dust of cold memories
sought, to strive in twilight mist and penal fire

as daylight suffers, night time recollects
for what wind hath drawn near, so near:

death has a contract on life and hell in-between
what was once not certain is now foreseen

when the pendulum is in it’s reverse factor
rivers run red and skies turn black
accuracies of bloodbaths liberate from within
conquests of a crooked cross and its coming loss

a magisterial maintenance of diabolic education
where the opposite of innocence paves way for intelligence
where pearls are chained for each tragic event
the glorification of deviance in progress

liars in wait tries to quench their thirst for more
drowning victims of a parallel universe
the scum of the earth, a rejoice of fouls
the world hates you for being precise

the maelstrom mephisto

dimmu borgir’in in 2001 tarihli puritanical euphoric misanthropia albümünden bir şarkı.

ride the vortex winds with the beast inside
cast down all memories from a past and future world
the cynic icons and the cryptic writings
as a picturesque creation in force and spirit
against their reason and will, it is time
give darkness it’s passion plea

the venomous tongue
the inevitable poison
paralyze the angels
freeze the forgiven
baptize in fire
unleash the devil at heart

unleash the maelstrom mephisto

so sinner, mourn well
make all the swans suffer in hell
the maelstrom of the mephisto left the trace
to revel and feast in undelivered grace

pledged to judgmental arrogance in
drawn principles of ignorant falsehood
to comprehend that the sin of life is life itself
a tyranny in torment, an inner-sanctum stealing sleep

in the dimness surrounding the towers of the castle
where the ravens spread their wings out wide
dwell in depths of the darker self at any shore of infinity
and watch the relentless paint the soil black
what is being formed echoes throughout eternity
as the painter chooses color no more

hold your shadows close when the comedy is over
as the days of mourning seem to be the days of joy
fragments fell from the sky in order to penetrate the eyes
a convict wallowing in a lifetime of lies:lies


dimmu borgir’in in 2001 tarihli puritanical euphoric misanthropia albümünden bir şarkı.

oh, look at those lifeless leaves
all their precious pride is taken away
a lost creation for a graven image
trembling of nothing but their own fear

on behalf of water made to wine
elements of deception must entwine
righteous greed and derangement divine
vacuum is given to the blind

to surrender to a faith so fake
to not comprehend while you’re awake
thrive on your deity for heaven’s sake

do loose your battle before actual birth
for some sheep need the company of a shepherd
to face the scorn of the earth

existential parasite drama across the lands
what a relief never bother the why’s
investing illusions and folding hands
the passion for mankind’s ignorance feeding you lies

all those naked faces, empty shells
procreation of the mind put to rest
crippled and caged, anaesthesia adjust
the lambs of slaughter preoccupied in disgust

architecture of a genocidal nature

dimmu borgir’in in 2001 tarihli puritanical euphoric misanthropia albümünden bir şarkı.

a dismal universal hiss, the sound of public scorn
the brush that sweeps across the spectral fields
this landscape is not without a sense of epic wonder
a vast scale that places this sprawling underworld
into a realm of frames

with a blood-storm fading into the distance
floating without directions over this smouldering landscape
caught in a moment of transformation
these shades of anatomic malignant nature
approached on another in an unpleasant way
frozen in the act of speech, desperate to express it’s state
created in a shape to accommodate a wide variety of demonic forms
the realm of the benighted aristocracy of evil most pure

this is where wounds of deadly hate have pierced so deep

emerged from the depths of the earth gasps
it rages against mankind, to annihilate the earth and worse
it spills the blood like rain, the beauty of death it represents

devouring their flesh with a razorblade smile
genes would still blindly carry on smouldering ember of hell
limned with gold leaf, the scarlet brush
that sweep all traces of time, place and pattern

total death in every nation
monuments of vanquished civilization
just as brilliantly removed ruthlessly eliminated
the cornerstone of human emotions
has now been drained away
i saw death of a most uncommon nature

hybrid stigmata the apostasy

dimmu borgir’in in 2001 tarihli puritanical euphoric misanthropia albümünden bir şarkı.

the apparition of two faces in disgust
invisible but yet so clear
reflections seen by a fugitive
trying to escape the looking glass
blood runs from open wounds of false flesh
the one in front of the mirror exceeds the image
eager to leave further but chained still

to crumble into such nothingness
a despairing fate, for your lies
to pretend is the lunatic’s legacy
privileged to bolt the nails of heresy

born lifeless into a world of coma
as the chronic sufferer trapped in paradise lost
missing insinuations of what life was meant to be
angels and demons, a march man’s bewildering hosts

the charlatans and deceivers walk the line in prejudice
the narrow slits the veins in search for the crown
profound impatience makes the blind struggle in stupidity
the paradox of the daily prayer, diffidence is confiteor
phenomena of ironies, cast the litany aside
how intelligible, blessed be the forgetful

holding the banner high, unrestrained
slowly abandoning the surface in contempt
still in costumes to please the ways of living
witnessing the details of defilement, intoxicating

make sure to be pleased with the ways of your death
for in days of reckoning and when the twilight torn is ticking
elysium is halfway and as an answer to the plea
you’re destined to yield fragments of hell in return

leave unnoticed with the perfect conscience
with the strength of the spiritual eye
spirits of the token unchained and free
recover from the philanthropic macabre frenzy
the pale dove grins, black at heart ready to flee
demon to some, angel to others

heavenly perverse

dimmu borgir’in in 2003 tarihli death cult armageddon albümünden bir şarkı.

devoted to your own opiate
in escapades from discontentment
are you shutting off from the outside world
to reflect on your mind shallow gutter?

for this is your empire, this is your intrigue
here you own them all, here you seal the deed

contaminated from the spree of self salvation
to keep the fever flowing in the veins
prominently manipulating heaven and hell
does your sophistically discreet interlude
maintain stories not to be revealed?

in your search for redemption
greed and lies become the savior
through the lecherous eyes disgust withstand
for are not these the windows to your soul?

fatherly fornication of sweat lips in dismay
repeatedly unlocking the vaults to the holocaust
the dormant prodigy seeks it’s reason for rebirth
but it will never, never gain the strength

a surrender in superficial scorn
the rape of an ever unborn
seeds have been planted in the name of the son
until this day, ungodliness is yet to be gone

sacramental suicide amidst the flow of virgin vine
the only way to comfort the defeat

regrets can no longer find it’s ways
streams of innocent bitter tears flowing down the drain
mirrored in the haze of a partaker’s eyes

unorthodox manifesto

dimmu borgir’in in 2003 tarihli death cult armageddon albümünden bir şarkı.

the memories far beyond the reckoning
have begun to lurk in the distance
like visual objects dearly known
the grace of devils hands

as they walk with me like a medium
when i choose and require a burn-out
resting in expanded malicious force
drained for murderous weapons

knowing where you stand
in the magnitude of this thought
looking at the spirit of fire and flames
enduring on the throne of the black heart

a bringer of evil i am
and therefore also a carrier of light
as i use this focus through the dark
and face the sunshine in the dead end

limitations do not exist
when you are ahead of the crowd
with the art of confidence
i reign at the throne of my soul

the value of this darkness unwinds
travelling the other path
a hidden triumph
but obvious to the strong and wise

by understanding this reality
i remain in a twice-coloured cloud
with feet connected solid in the ground
and thus i get peace of mind

a bringer of evil i am
and also a carrier of light
as i use this focus through the dark
and face the sunshine in the dead end

eradication instincts defined

dimmu borgir’in in 2003 tarihli death cult armageddon albümünden bir şarkı.

as mortal manufactured waste
and part of the commonly infected
you prevent the ones worthy the gift of life
to surface on once a prosperous soil

as superficially bewildered whores
and succumbing to fictional truth
you are taught to preserve and profit
the life institutional lie

you worthless piece of shit
may we all depart from this world
and dissolve into nothingness
compassion will not be granted
when life’s value
is point below zero

human depravity is at our disposal
as the perfect tool to destroy mankind
the worst kind of them all
modern times’ ignorance, the world disease
appeal to death of every man

a living hate smoldering abyss
nurtured through centuries with quietly exercised wrath
seeks the easiest way to the feed the engine
praising the final bloodbath

uncertainty and guilt
will no longer endorse our fate
there will be no remorse, we kill to kill again
killing all

go ahead end it all, we deserve no better
as a forever unblessed detonation
the great plutonium chord fulminates
blinding the eyes of creation

cutting off all life support
sweeping away existence instantly
iced desolate ruins linger
leaving traces of our lovely humanity

cataclysm children

dimmu borgir’in in 2003 tarihli death cult armageddon albümünden bir şarkı.

are you born from the abyss
and have you sought the creed
that drape the shadows
of your own thought?

is your heart mesmerized
by the fire that burns forevermore
and do the secrets from the flames
hold the mysteries over which you preside?

reveal the infantile wound and regain strength
free your spirit from those who lead in praise
recollect the anger and the hate
for not shall your morals dissolve in pity

righteous warmth accompanied
by deceitful tongues
stay away from processed promises
let them fear what you know
a malicious smile on their lips
to keep us all under control
now it’s time to rise and demand our due
the whores and their illusions left us bitter and cold

drench them in their own poison, spit back the scorn of their ways
out win their defect morality, and the words they pray
consolidate the troops and expose the lies in their eyes
the ones deprived from the ecstasy that binds the neglect

better lead than being led, earn any victory
for you stand superior above the plague and it’s mass
the burden of proof rests on your shoulders

blood hunger doctrine

dimmu borgir’in in 2003 tarihli death cult armageddon albümünden bir şarkı.

man and his faithful ethics
intoxicated by the fruits of the earth
diabolical fanatikism, so cold and grim
the perfect perversion, bestiality incarnate

as instruments of torture
and leaving no room for sympathy
we bring forth the monstrous birth
to the worlds light

as all great art is made from suffering
so are we
good in nature, but evil by our own free will
incestuously created by the will to kill

time is here to walk the final abyss march
bound to the force of the last holocaust
pour free the gifts of grace
and slaughter the entire human race

not permitted to redemption
when pain rises high in purgatory
a reality so convincingly justified
feeding from death cult’s gown

we bring forth monstrous birth
to the worlds light

for the world to dictate our death

dimmu borgir’in in 2003 tarihli death cult armageddon albümünden bir şarkı.

let us sit by and watch
death and destruction’s devotees revel
let us sit back and witness
innocent semen being poured

into the arms of armageddon
let it pour, more and more
pure fucking armageddon
let it pour more and more

reason faithfully defiles
on bloodstained hands
where graceful motion
are lost arts

there are only battles to be lost
in the kingdoms of the blind
for those who seek salvation
in the dust of the earth
will only find wrath
in the sands of time

engulfed by the desert
we taste death in the dry heat
the disciples of prophetic ablution
had sworn to let the skeptics bleed
for great are their love for warfare
henchmen of the disastrous creed

watch us all celebrate in their name
the lambs of our time being slain
awaiting the final perdition
defeat against all and everything
for whatever adorned righteousness
justice never wait for the guilty to speak the truth

for mankind so hated the world
that it gave all it’s begotten sons and daughters
that whoever believed the lie
to perish and receive everlasting hell

lepers among us

dimmu borgir’in in 2003 tarihli death cult armageddon albümünden bir şarkı.

the commotion breeding the perverse
for bloodbath is on your doorstep
a mass impending threat
the perfection of religion
becoming our death

do not respond blindly
to growing gardens in decay
stand guard when visitors fall silent
blow the candles out, end the road here

no solace will be found
within elements of the tribe
when covered with filth from all sides
compassion will fail

their promises are honored
in a mind controlled state
the absence of reality, reason and logic
prove failure of faith

enriched by the presence of it’s clarity
darkness descends, everyone dies

for wisdom aligns in our favor
illuminated before our eyes

a new beginning, the inevitable dawn
justice will be given where justice is due
and guide the righteous ones
back to the final resting ground
to perceive the truly hellbound

demonstrate superiority
a grand gesture of liberation need no judge or jury
demons rate inferiority
scatter the remains of the prey


dimmu borgir’in in 2003 tarihli death cult armageddon albümünden bir şarkı.

cuddled through a cold womb he was
pitch black and without sunshine rays
hell patiently awaiting him on blood spilled soil
a noble grief stirred heart, always ready to die

in sinister systematisation, submission is golden
as an apprentice to violence, slaughter and bloodshed
he was like an object that is being processed
a force-fed destructor ready for abomination

the vast solitude in him witnessed it all
those self afflicting eyes
and their fear painted faces
made out of utter discipline, failure unacceptable
hosts to oblivion
exploring the darkest of places
stench of rotten flesh breathing down his neck

every day seemed like an endless night
when would he ever wake from this void
no other voice than his own will ever tell
what was real and where he had been
what he had done

did you bleed for the cause
like the rest of his men
did you capture the euphoria
how it was like to kill
such a necromantic force behind it all
they sure did battle till the end

but when came all the glory
and who got spared to carry his body
just pure death and too profound to be shared
was it all a fabricated vision in his memory
to serve the wastelands of insanity
at the front

life forever lost its innocence
never to see the light of day again
he pondered his last few steps
into the realms of death
with his hands bloodstained

courage and consistency
bravery and valor
honor and pride
for what was it all worth

the ancestral fever

dimmu borgir’in in 2007 tarihli in sorte diaboli albümünden bir şarkı.

from who or what have i
received this gift?
for what purpose do i
seduce this craft?

i know these answers
lie hidden beyond
the powers that be
the power that is me

i will continue to decipher
and make it easier for you
behold! let it be told

try and understand
that all and everything
which i have done
i have done for you

i will continue to decipher
and make it easier for you
behold! let it be told
what is fiction and untrue

i will not leave you behind
with the burdens of belief
and divine misery
that means restless grief

for it is written
the times of old will come anew
and have the universe reversed to its origin
when the ancient winds blew
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