

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 1138
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 58806

warmness on the soul

$ahane bir avenged sevenfold $arkısıdır. grubun vokali, matt shadows bu $arkıyı seize the day klibinde sevgilisi rolünde oynattığı -normalde de sevgilisi olan- sevgilisine yazmı$tır.

your hazel green tint eyes watching every move i make
and that feeling of doubt, it’s erased
i’ll never feel alone again with you by my side
you’re the one, and in you i confide
and we have gone through good and bad times
but your unconditional love was always on my mind
you’ve been there from the start for me
and your loves always been true as can be
i give my heart to you
i give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you
and we have gone through good and bad times
but your unconditional love was always on my mind
you’ve been there from the start for me
and your loves always been true as can be
i give my heart to you
i give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you


bildiğin deli. ak$am ak$am tutturdu " bot ile konu$cam, encarta bulun bana" sonra encarta bunu eklemeyince beni bot yaptı, küfür bile edemedi, sonra kendi bot olmak istedi, benden güzelce küfürleri yedi, rahatlamı$tır sanırım $imdi. evet.

pretty pathetic

bir smoking popes $arkisidir ama the ataris coverı orjinalinden daha güzeldir. kris roe ve piano insanı ayrı diyarlara alıp götürür. ahanda sözleri;

you should have heard me sobbing
as i drove home that night
got in the bed and stayed there
for days i just laid there
having been permanently changed
but we won’t give into that now
let’s take it from the start
you should have seen me smiling
like the world was mine
she used to call me baby
softly, sometimes
but if i dwell on those days to long
i feel like my life is over
and that’s no good so lets move on
to the part where i began to sense
her distance
i barely can hold on tighter
and that makes it worse
cause how am i supposed
to take it when she says
this is something im going through
it’s got nothing to do with you
i had a special evening all planned out
desperately determined to re ignite
some spark between us
she had to feel something for me
a love as strong as ours
doesn’t just go away
you can’t just turn it off
unless she was lying all those times
but i don’t think so
i really don’t think so
the way she used to look at me
made me a thousand feet high
the meaning of the word cool
not the same geek
who fumbled with his words that night
the ugliest night
i said some pretty awkward things
i got the feeling she felt sorry for me
i should have seen it was hopeless and left it alone
but i had to go on
embracing my self
i miss what we had i need you so badly
i must have sounded pretty pathetic i know
and that’s why i don’t blame her for what she said
listen to her rambling
and we don’t know each other that well
but you’re so easy to talk to
i feel i could tell you almost anything
i hope i haven’t put you off
i have a tendency to do that
why don’t i just be quiet.


sapkın ili$kilere de yol açabilen ve bu nedenle göz korkutan bir erkek hayatı evresi. belki de bize askerliği hep farklı anlattılar bilemeyiz.

resimde anlatilmak istenen zannimca "sava$ma, sevi$" ya da ben öyle anlıyorum.

ps: bu entryde askerliğin ne kadar kutsal olduğu/olmadığı konusunun dikkate alınması gereksizdir. bu $ekilde dü$ünmek taoculuktan farklı bir $ey ifade etmez.
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