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triarchy of the lost lovers

baştan sona mükemmel bi rotting christ albümüdür.1996’da piyasaya çıkmıştır.albümde 2 adet kreator parçası (tormentor,flag of hate/pleasure to kill) yorumlanmıştır.parça listesi:

1.king of a stellar war
2.a dynasty from the ice
4.snowing still
5.shadows follow with the forest
7.diastric alchemy
8.the opposite bank
9.the first field of the battle

bonus track:

11.flag of hate/pleasure to kill


koridor atlayarak (ki yakalanmamak gerekir) 3:35 saniyede biten (ben yaptım.hatta daha erken biterdi.rütbeli anlar diye bi duvara dayanıp sigara içip beklemiştim) eğitim lunaparkı.atlatılması gereken üst üste 3 duvar vardır ki anlatamam o acıyı.3 günde 1 bu parkura girerseniz 1 ay içerisinde 4:00 rahatlıkla yakalayabilirsiniz.


1997’de çıkan crossing the rubicon albümünde iron maiden’ın die with your boots on parçasını iğrenç yorumlamış önceden melodik death metal yapan şimdi ise power metale dönmüş gruptur.grubun davulcusu daniel erlandsson in flames ve arch enemy gibi gruplarda baget sallamıştır.3 albümleri vardır.bunlar:

crossing the rubicon
embrace the mystery


christopher amott - gitar,vokal
tobias gustafsson - bass
daniel erlandsson - davul


finlandiya’lı varg vikernes özentisi petri "pete" ilvespakka isimli elemanın black metal grubudur.bu eleman ayrıca depravity ve psychopathic terror grubundada pena (tezene) salladığı olmuştur.bütün alet edavatları bu lavuk çalar.tam bir balta hastasıdır.1999 aralık ayında baltayla adam öldürdüğü gerekçesiyle gözaltına alınmıştır.ardından bu elemanı gaza getiren,yorgan ve yatakçılık eden 4 kişi daha gözaltına alınmıştı hepsi mart 2002’de serbest bırakılmıştır.neden serbest bırakıldıklarını bilmiyorum,anlayamadım.grup 1992-1995 seneleri arasında sigillum diaboli ismini kullanmıştır.bu isim altında death metal icra etmişlerdir.bu süre zarfında 2 demo (descent into hell,demo ii) çıkarmışlardır.grupta ara sıra gelip vokal yapan hrim grimn’r isimli arkadaşımız haziran 2001’de cinayete kurban gitmiştir.temmuzda ise tüm finlandiya helvasını yemiştir.adam öldükten 3 hafta sonra öldüğü anlaşılmıştır.gereksiz bi adam olduğu açık bi şekilde ortadadır.


mesmerized by darkness (unisound records(yunanistan) tarafından kaydedilmiştir)
towards damnation
anthems of sorrow
descent into hell (ep)
unseen age of war best
the antichrist


2000 senesinde polonyada kurulmuş brutal death metal-goregrind grubudur.grup elemanları gündüz güneşiyle tipe ve şekillerine bakıldığında insan sanılır.fakat hafif karanlıkta belli bi açıdan bakıldığında insan olmadıkları göze çarpar.kadroları:

maciek - gitar
misiek - davul
piotr popiel - vokal
grzegorz - gitar


hecatomb of aberration
cut your head before they do
patologicum/gruesome malady
promo 2006 (demo)

no meat,no eat parçalarının sözleri:

nooooo meeeeğğaaat noo eeeğğaaaat

thine is the kingdom

rotting christ’ın sleep of the angels albümünün son parçasıdır.sözleri:

this is the dead land
this is cactus land
here the stone images
are raised, here they receive
the supplication of a dead man’s hand
under the twinkle of a fading star

is it like this
in death’s other kingdom
waking alone
at the hour when we are
trembling with tenderness
lips that would kiss
form prayers to broken stone

this is the way the world ends
this is the way the world ends
this is the way the world ends
not with a bang but a whimper

the eyes are not here
there are no eyes here
in this valley of dying stars
in this hollow valley
this broken jaw of our lost kingdoms

between the idea
and the reality
between the motion
and the act
falls the shadow
for thine is the kingdom

between the conception
and the creation
between the emotion
and the response
falls the shadow
life is very long

between the desire
and the spasm
between the potency
and the existence
between the essence
and the descent
for thine is the kingdom

imaginary zone

rotting christ’ın sleep of the angels albümünün güzel bi parçasıdır.sözleri:

i am trying to explore
the mountain of mystery
i envy and adore
the myth and its history

i am in the house of dreams
a different dimension
nothing is as it seems
an altered direction

i can rest, i can’t hide
wondering if i feel like
crossing to the other side
is it different or the same
yesterday or tomorrow
there is no difference
joy or sorrow
i have no preference

for the time i wonder
that has long before flown
am i remiss or a fighter?
i have never known


rotting christ’ın sleep of the angels albümünün 8. parçasıdır.sözler:

take me in a heavy sleep
in adventures i’ve never seen
in a dimension before death
mentally lost always have been

if none of us / return from death

there is so a weaving
to explain life
in a place
there is no life
what i adore
is lost behind

all the figures feel like me
how can i feel as pain does not exist
here knowledge meets nothingness
a lost dream, a psychotic feast

if none of us / return from death

there’s so weaving
to explain life
in a place
there is no life
what i adore
is lost behind

i have no advice
how i could
it seems so cordial
but in a way it’s not

delusions: lead my like
delusions: name all my life
with a picture of an empty heaven
a clear distinction

sleep the sleep of angels

rotting christ’ın sleep of the angels albümünün en garip parçasıdır.o ne gitar pişkinliğidir anlayamadım.parçada duygusal bi hava mevcuttur.sözler:

in the darkness
of the years that went by
i see through loneliness
only fear pain and lies

fear can take my soul
just like the odor of death
changes me as a whole
makes me hold my breath

sleep the sleep
of the angels
let my eyes sweep
this beauty that excels

delicate silk all memories
cuts through my brain
can’t see the mysteries
that made me so plain
they can’t be seen
they can’t be heard
just like a sin
always there to hurt

another day has passed
another night is here
eternal end and start
i sense guilt coming near

the world made end

rotting christ’ın sleep of the angels albümünün 6. parçasıdır.sözleri:

clouds of guilt gathering
into a sky of bitterness
rain of tears comes from walls
i once cursed
children of the one entranced,
celebrating so blind
for the desolate feels none
of his lost glory bat awe

behold! the serpent’s fear,
forgotten emotion
since the first fall of tear
wisdom’s failure knowledge
as the tree of life decomposes here

the seventh and the liar,
underneath the innocence disguise
fools! you who laid your faith
in prophecies of deliverance

the world made end - never to be spoken
the world made end - cease of immortality
the world made end - a name revealed
the world made end - empyria drowns

no furious beast shall reign
before the days of wrath
wait for no lightbringer
as stars fade away

you my flesh

rotting christ’ın sleep of the angels albümünün garip bi parçasıdır.sözleri:

flesh from my flesh
natural or unnatural guess?
even if they harm you
you can’t die

you my flesh, you my blood
i see the truth
when you die i’ll die
i saw through your eyes
i spoke with your tongue
i name you with my name
flesh from my flesh
natural or unnatural guess?
even if they harm you, you can’t die

they can’t harm you
they are only clouds
come with me in a higher sky
imagine your will and let it be

what is this that comes from you?
the way it comes it makes me tremble like you
without movement it creeps against us
how does it dare it can’t kill us

i never studied with my mistakes
even when tired i’ll do the same
why did i give you life?
why did i give you life?


rotting christ’ın sleep of the angels albümünün güzel bi parçasıdır.sözleri:

like the ocean that roars
everything i have done
echoes in my ears
but can never be undone

the battle has offered
the passion and the heat
i can not be denied
triumph or admit defeat

i remember now
vigorous i had been
really cruel but somehow
so glorious no man’s ever seen

may we be
the first to know
the first to see
the glory to bow
what else could it be?
the victory i foresaw

i honor the past
i carry the future
i’ll make it last
i live up to our culture

in memory of those
who’ve crossed my path
i keep them close
in times of death

the battle has offered,
the passion and the heat
i can not be denied, triumph or admit defeat
i remember now vigorous i had been
really cruel but somehow
so glorious no man’s ever seen

cold colours

rotting christ’ın sleep of the angels albümünün ilk parçasıdır.sözleri:

the cold twilight
was giving way
to that frozen night
when he started to say

through you eyes
i can see
none of your lies
convince me

the dancing shadows
i wait to appear
the omen that shows
you are here

away from you untrackable
and yet near you untouchable

a sudden fear came into me
the night is here it circles me

a sudden fear
came into me
the night is here
it circles me

the silver of the moon
so intoxicating
i’ll see them soon
it’s almost scaring

undoing hatred
reflected the gold colours
golden fire and red
the black of death follows
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