

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 1610
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 63029

boat on the river

styx grubunun en bilinen sarkisidir.

take me down to my boat on the river
i need to go down, i need to come down
take me back to my boat on the river
and i won’t cry out any more

time stands still as i gaze in her waters
she eases me down touching me gently
with the waters that flow past
my boat on the river
so i won’t cry out any more

oh the river is deep
the river it touches my life
like the waves on the sand
and all roads lead to tranquillity base
where the frown on my face disappears
take me back to my boat on the river
and i won’t cry out any more

oh the river is wide
the river it touches my life
like the waves on the sand
and all roads lead to tranquillity base
where the frown on my face disappears
take me back to my both on the river
and i won’t cry out any more

yirmi yaş dişi

ozellikle cene kemigine yapisik olanlari pek bi sevimlidir.sahibinden ayrilmak istemez,ugrastirir doktor amcalari.daha sonra da sen misin benden ayrilan diye, sizden ayrildiktan sonra hediye olarak muhtesem bir aci ve agri birakir.
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