
flavor of the week

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  1. toplam entry 348
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  3. puan 11131

fuck forever

flavor of the week
down in albion albümünden pek eğlenceli, pek dinlenesi babyshambles parçası. bir iki dinleyişten sonra eşlik etmemek nerdeyse imkansız. sözleri kate moss’a yazılmış hissi veriyor. şöyle ki;

what i’m saying, what i’m saying
what’s the use between death and glory?
i can’t tell between death and glory
happy endings, they never bored me
happy endings, they still don’t bore me
but they, they have a way
they have a way to make you pay
and to make you toe the line
sever the ties
oh i’m so clever
but clever ain’t wise

fuck forever
if you don’t mind
oh can we fuck forever?
good pal of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine

oh whats to tell between death and glory?
whats to tell between death and glory?
new lab-our and tory
purgatory and no happy families

oh, so what i’m saying
what i’m saying
no, it’s not the same
it’s not supposed to be the same
oh, i’ll tell you about the way
the way they make you pay
and to make you toe the line
sever the ties
oh, you’re so clever, oh yeah
but you’re not very nice

so i say fuck forever
if you don’t mind
cause i’m stuck forever
stuck in your mind, your mind, your mind,
do you mind?

oh they have a way
a way to make you pay
and a way to make you toe the line
sever the ties
oh so clever
and so very wise

so fuck forever
if you don’t mind
i’m stuck forever
in your mind, your mind, your mind,
do you mind?
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