
emma the gold one

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aynı ben gibi

emma the gold one
rocka’nın arabesk hezeyanlarla coşan, coşturan şarkısı. ’’aslında rock biraz da arabesk değil midir zaten’’ ’’isyan eden ezilmiş ..’’ klişelerinden uzak kalmaktır dileğim. arabesk terkedilenin, cevab veremeyenin, ayar yiyenin müziğidir. diyeceğim odur ki bu şarkı düpedüz arabesk ve/ama güzel be kardeşim!

aslında yalandı herşey
boşa geçen dünler yapmacık gülüşler
bir anlık düşler bir anda bitişler
gittiğinde içimde ..

karar ver ne fark eder sevsen de
ne fark eder sevmesen de

biraz yorgun biraz suskun
zamanla yıpranmış kahpe bir vurgun
hayallerdeydim ben senleydim
şimdi sahte bir intihar gibiyim

ıslandık yağan her damla yaşla
yosmaydık yandık hepsi farklı aşktan
olmamakta hayaller al ve kur yeniden
hepsini kandır kendini

ne fark eder gitsen de
ne fark eder kalsan da! (bağırıyor burda ondan ünlem sdfgfsd)

adisin sen de -aynı ben gibi!
yalansın sen de -aynı ben gibi!
bir oyunsun sen de -aynı ben gibi
ve ben yok olurken sen de bittin.

(bkz: arabesk dinliyorum kollarım kesik)

merak edenler içün;

yeats grave

emma the gold one
’’why should i blame her,
that she filled my days with misery,
or that she would of late have taught
to ignorant men most violent
ways or hurled the little streets upon the great.
had they but courage equal to desire.’’

kısmı yeats şiirinden alıntıdır.


emma the gold one
şiirsi tadı olan xandria parçası. ’doomcu’luk müessesesi gururla sunar:

come to me, ravenheart
messenger of evil
come to me. what’s the news?
here i’m still left lonely

you shadow of forgotten dreams
you come to take away
my hope on your black wings

of love and hate the singers tell
but i feel more, more of both,
more than heaven and hell.
i take a bow to destiny
now i have really learnt my part
once loving him, now hating love
i’ve made mistakes, my ravenheart

will i get back who i adore?
thus spoke the raven:


emma the gold one
şarkılarda, şiirlerde, oyunlarda çok işlenen bir alman denizkızı efsanesi olması dışında şahane bir theatre of tragedy parçasıdır.

a poet of tragedies, scribe i lauds to death,
yet who the hell was i to dare?
canst thou not see thou to me needful art?
canst thou not see the loss of loe painful is?’’


(bkz: loreley)


emma the gold one
küçük iskender şiiridir. aşağı yukarı şöyle bi’şey;

sirkime girme mecnun kalp
kendi koynunda kendini
kendi koynunun belirsizliğine atarsın

tahrike açıktır çünkü ölümlü dünyanın hüznü
şehvetli gülleri yalayıp birer birer
acının paramparça tahakkümünde

diline dikenin kanlı zehrini katarsın!

a poetic retelling of an unfortunate seduction

emma the gold one
ağır bunalımlı bright eyes parçası. sözler;

the language
in the dimmer rooms
seems to represent the light source well
how soft they speak
and seem to be at peace
with the movement of the music and the madness
that’s pulling me into this

and the shades of the lamps are woven red
the light, it stains and consecrates
anointing all forgotten forms
that swirl and smoke
and haunt this place
the girls in gowns all nurse the dark
pulling it near to their swelling breasts
and watch as it seeps to their hearts
and beats within their virgin chests
and here i know seduction breeds
from wanton hearts that would seduce
and grows and spreads its vines and leaves
embracing those who might have moved
but now remain to drink the night
from vials black and thick with steam
with intoxicating delights
would leave you drunk inside this dream
and you watch them take the light from you

and you find yourself on a velvet couch,
tasting the skin of a foreign girl
her eyes are black and wet like oil
and she ties your hands with a string of pearls
and you tremble like a frightened bird
as she closes in and captures you to place you
in a silver cage deep within her poisoned womb
so once you’re safe inside, she might let you out
to fly in circles around the room
but its always night and there is no moon
and you wonder if you are alive
and you re not sure if you want to be
but you drink her sweat like it was wine
and you lay with her
on a bed of blue
and it’s awful sweet
like the fruit she cuts and feeds to you..!
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