sanılanın aksine, filmin sonunda ganimet ile kaçamamıştır. filmin sonunda sesi açıp dinlerseniz, herkes öldükten sonra dışarıya çıktığında gelip kendisini yakalayan polislerin seslerini duyabilirsiniz.
reservoir dogs
mr. blonde nin kesik kulağa beni duyuyormusun diye seslendiği enteresan sahneyle beraber gelmiş geçmiş en güzel gangster filmidir.
(aşağıdaki entry fena halde spoylır içermektedir)
bol kanlı, basit konulu ama pulp fiction gibi inanılmaz diyalogların yer aldığı, küfür dağarcığınızı genişleten tarantino klasiği. kanımca filmin en etkileyici sahnesi mr white’ın mr orange’ın polis olduğunu duyduğunda kurşun yarası acısıyla karışık inlemeleridir. kulak kesilme sahnesi de ayrı bir hoplatır insanı tabi. ama tabi ki tarantino’nun asıl dehası "bahşiş vermek" gibi basit bir konudan bile inanılmaz keyifli, ezberlenesi diyaloglar oluşturmasıdır. bir klasik. kült film.
(yukardaki entry fena halde spoylır içermektedir)
bol kanlı, basit konulu ama pulp fiction gibi inanılmaz diyalogların yer aldığı, küfür dağarcığınızı genişleten tarantino klasiği. kanımca filmin en etkileyici sahnesi mr white’ın mr orange’ın polis olduğunu duyduğunda kurşun yarası acısıyla karışık inlemeleridir. kulak kesilme sahnesi de ayrı bir hoplatır insanı tabi. ama tabi ki tarantino’nun asıl dehası "bahşiş vermek" gibi basit bir konudan bile inanılmaz keyifli, ezberlenesi diyaloglar oluşturmasıdır. bir klasik. kült film.
(yukardaki entry fena halde spoylır içermektedir)
bu filmi cok gec izledikten sonra; guzide bircok turk filmi ve hatta yabanci filmlerin, bu filmden esinlendikleri ne esinlenmesi birebir caldiklarini gormekte ve tarantino yu tekrar takdir etmekteyim.
(bkz: ben neden pembe oluyorum)
(bkz: repertuar köpekleri)
finansmanı harvey keitel tarafından sağlanan ve tarantino’yu meşhur eden olağanüstü film.bu filmle birlikte tarantino’nun uslubu az çok belirmiştir.
(bkz: pisuvar)
tarantino nun kanlı canlı filmlerinden biri.
şiddetin estetize edilebileceğini örnekleyen tarantino başyapıtında doglar arası durmuş oturmuş bir tanışıklık olmayışı da ın kanıyla beslenmiş filmde şiddetin dozajını mantıklı bir zemine oturtmuştur.
filmin başında restaurantta yaptıkları konuşmada madonna ın like a virgin şarkısının dick lerden ibaret olduğunu savunduğu bölüm efsanedir.
mr. brown: let me tell you what like a virgin is about. its all about a girl who digs a guy with a big dick. the entire song. its a metaphor for big dicks.
mr. blonde: no, no. its about a girl who is very vulnerable. shes been fucked over a few times. then she meets some guy whos really sensitive...
mr. brown: whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... time out greenbay. tell that fucking bullshit to the tourists.
joe: toby... who the fuck is toby? toby...
mr. brown: like a virgin is not about this nice girl who meets a nice fella. thats what "true blue" is about, now, granted, no argument about that.
mr. orange: which one is true blue?
nice guy eddie: true blue was a big ass hit for madonna. i dont even follow this tops in pops shit, and ive at least heard of "true blue".
mr. orange: look, asshole, i didnt say i aint heard of it. all i asked was how does it go? excuse me for not being the worlds biggest madonna fan.
mr. orange: personally, i can do without her.
mr. blue: i like her early stuff. you know, lucky star, borderline - but once she got into her papa dont preach phase, i dont know, i tuned out.
mr. brown: hey, you guys are making me lose my... train of thought here. i was saying something, what was it?
joe: oh, toby was this chinese girl, what was her last name?
mr. white: whats that?
joe: i found this old address book in a jacket i aint worn in a coons age. what was that name?
mr. brown: what the fuck was i talking about?
mr. pink: you said true blue was about a nice girl, a sensitive girl who meets a nice guy, and that like a virgin was a metaphor for big dicks.
mr. brown: lemme tell you what like a virgin is about. its all about this cooze whos a regular fuck machine, im talking morning, day, night, afternoon, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick.
mr. blue: how many dicks is that?
mr. white: a lot.
mr. brown: then one day she meets this john holmes motherfucker and its like, whoa baby, i mean this cat is like charles bronson in the great escape, hes digging tunnels. now, shes gettin the serious dick action and shes feeling something she aint felt since forever. pain. pain.
joe: chew? toby chew?
mr. brown: it hurts her. it shouldnt hurt her, you know, her pussy should be bubble yum by now, but when this cat fucks her it hurts. it hurts just like it did the first time. you see the pain is reminding a fuck machine what it once was like to be a virgin. hence, like a virgin.
joe: wong?
mr. brown: let me tell you what like a virgin is about. its all about a girl who digs a guy with a big dick. the entire song. its a metaphor for big dicks.
mr. blonde: no, no. its about a girl who is very vulnerable. shes been fucked over a few times. then she meets some guy whos really sensitive...
mr. brown: whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... time out greenbay. tell that fucking bullshit to the tourists.
joe: toby... who the fuck is toby? toby...
mr. brown: like a virgin is not about this nice girl who meets a nice fella. thats what "true blue" is about, now, granted, no argument about that.
mr. orange: which one is true blue?
nice guy eddie: true blue was a big ass hit for madonna. i dont even follow this tops in pops shit, and ive at least heard of "true blue".
mr. orange: look, asshole, i didnt say i aint heard of it. all i asked was how does it go? excuse me for not being the worlds biggest madonna fan.
mr. orange: personally, i can do without her.
mr. blue: i like her early stuff. you know, lucky star, borderline - but once she got into her papa dont preach phase, i dont know, i tuned out.
mr. brown: hey, you guys are making me lose my... train of thought here. i was saying something, what was it?
joe: oh, toby was this chinese girl, what was her last name?
mr. white: whats that?
joe: i found this old address book in a jacket i aint worn in a coons age. what was that name?
mr. brown: what the fuck was i talking about?
mr. pink: you said true blue was about a nice girl, a sensitive girl who meets a nice guy, and that like a virgin was a metaphor for big dicks.
mr. brown: lemme tell you what like a virgin is about. its all about this cooze whos a regular fuck machine, im talking morning, day, night, afternoon, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick.
mr. blue: how many dicks is that?
mr. white: a lot.
mr. brown: then one day she meets this john holmes motherfucker and its like, whoa baby, i mean this cat is like charles bronson in the great escape, hes digging tunnels. now, shes gettin the serious dick action and shes feeling something she aint felt since forever. pain. pain.
joe: chew? toby chew?
mr. brown: it hurts her. it shouldnt hurt her, you know, her pussy should be bubble yum by now, but when this cat fucks her it hurts. it hurts just like it did the first time. you see the pain is reminding a fuck machine what it once was like to be a virgin. hence, like a virgin.
joe: wong?
tarantinonun gangsterlerden mr. brownu canlandırdığı film.
filmin başından sonuna kadar karın boşluğundan vurulan gizli ajanın yerde kan içerisinde acı çekmesiyle beni büyüleyen harika tarantino filmi.
(bkz: psikopatım ben )
(bkz: psikopatım ben )
kulak kesme sahnesi (bkz: george baker)
(bkz: kult filmler)
quentin tarantino tarafindan 1992 yilinda cekilen hareketli olmadigi halde diyaloglari ile insani kendine hayran birakan filmdir.
muzikleri oldukca basarili filmdir..
neden bekliyorsun?
bu sözlük, duygu ve düşüncelerini özgürce paylaştığın bir platform, hislerini tercüme eden özgür bilgi kaynağıdır.
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