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aktif mucadele yerine pasif direni$ yolunu on goren du$unce sistemi. bu aktif mucadeleye kimi zaman sava$, teror vs gibi ince konular da girebildigi icin tam olarak dogru ya da yanli$ oldugunu soylemek zordur. temelde olaylari $iddetsiz yontemlerle cozmeye cali$maktir. bunu benimseyen vatandaslar da pasifist denir. en onemli savunucularindan biri de mahatma gandhi`dir.

out of touch

death in individual thought patterns albumunun 9. sarkisi.

trapped in a lost world of brutality
so weak are the ones that must rely on shock
to push this so called force that inspires their call
to be extreme so it seems is a mental crutch
to cover up for those that are completely out of touch
say what you want, i know the truth when it comes to your kind
[lead: chuck]

in time we’ll see who lasts
in time you will disappear
who are you to question my sincerity
for now you are high on yourself
drowning in your dreams of misguided hope
to be extreme so it seems is a mental crutch
to cover up for those that are completely out of touch.


death in individual thought patterns albumunun 8. sarkisi.

time is a thing we must accept
the unexpected i sometimes fear.
just when i feel there’s no excuse for what happens,
things fall into place
i know there is no way to avoid the pain that we must go through
to find the other half that is true
destiny is what we all seek
destiny was waiting for you and me

i believe behind confusion awaits the truth for us
past the obstacles we face
i value our life and trust
years of questioning why things happen the way they do in life
wishing that i could turn back time,
so we could join our souls
i know there is no way to avoid the pain that we must go through
to find the other half that is true
destiny is what we all seek
destiny was waiting for you and me.

nothing is everything

death in individual thought patterns albumunun 5. sarkisi.

living like us and sharing our day.
in another world very far away
a diffirent existence, yet virtually the same.
aggression is sadness and laughter is pain
look deep into their eyes for what they have to say
emotions take control of life everyday.
unpredictable variations of behavior,
hold the key to the mental door
where nothing is everything, and everything is nothing
staring beyond the wall a thousand times over
[lead: chuck]

seeing a part of them that is real
just imagine how it might feel
to be denied of what life has to give
behind mental shadows they must live
look deep into their eyes for what they have to say
emotions take control of life everyday.
nothing is everything

living like us and sharing our day.
in another world very far away
a diffirent existence, yet virtually the same.
aggression is sadness and laughter is pain
look deep into their eyes for what they have to say
emotions take control of life everyday.
unpredictable variations of behavior,
hold the key to the mental door
where nothing is everything, and everything is nothing
staring beyond the wall a thousand times over
[lead: chuck]

seeing a part of them that is real
just imagine how it might feel
to be denied of what life has to give
behind mental shadows they must live
look deep into their eyes for what they have to say
emotions take control of life everyday.

trapped in a corner

death in individual thought patterns albumunun 4. sarkisi.

i want to watch you drown in your lies.
the end of your masquerade, a matter of time
interwining lies, domination, control
feed his twisted nature
it is sickening to see dreams die
a word of advice, fate’s patience is growning short.
fake down to your mind and appearance
you will fall short of the dreams to destroy
in time you will find yourself trapped in a corner
these four words my friend, i promise you will not forget
[lead: andy, chuck]

i am one of many that see through your lies
hiding will do you no good, many seek revenge.
soon to become a victim of what you live to create, and cannot have.
it is sickening to see dreams die
a word of advice, fate’s patience is growning short.
fake down to your mind and appearance
you will fall short of the dreams to destroy.


death in individual thought patterns albumunun 3. sarkisi.

what do you want from me,
what is it you expect
i have spoken my mind from deep inside my soul
behind the eyes is a place on one will be able to touch
containing thoughts that cannot be taken away or replaced
you want what is not yours, jealousy
you want what you cannot have, jealousy
spiteful harsh words, it comes as no real surprise.
tell me what you are.
[lead: chuck, andy]

i cannot understand how you seem to exist
on what people create for you, good must turn bad.
behind the eyes is a place on one will be able to touch
containing thoughts that cannot be taken away or replaced
you want what is not yours, jealousy
you want what you cannot have, jealousy.

in human form

death in individual thought patterns albumunun 2. sarkisi.

people of the earth beware,
it is here in human form
an atrocity laced with greed.
filled with evil intentions.
ready to attack
[lead: andy]

look to the air for stories to choose,
who will be your next victim
profitting on visions of others,
dark emotions run through its veins
its motives are false its mind is insane
a distant planet with no signs of life
to become a home for this alien breed.
scientists of the world unite,
your services are more than needed
this creature in human form is out of control
[lead: chuck]

looks can be deceiving, see beyond the shell
flesh and eyes mean nothing.
the truth, time it will tell
before you think you fool the world.
what comes around goes around.
shown for what you are, a waste of life.
[lead: andy]

şişman değilim iri kemikliyim

sismanca bayanlarin en buyuk savunma silahidir. bu tip kadinlar hafif kilolu oldugunu kendi kendine itiraf etse de, ba$kalarina itiraf edemez cogu zaman. i$te bu sebepten de kadinlar durumlarina bahane bulmak icin bu soz grubunu sarf eder. ancak kendi vicdanlarini susturamazlar ve hepsi de olumune rejime girerler. kendilerini mutsuz ederler. ne var ki herkes manken gibi 90-60-90 olmak zorunda degildir. o halde kendi ruh sagliklari icin kadinlarin ne yapmasi gerekir? cevap elbette ki tektir : "kendi kendileriyle barisik olmak".
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