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one season too late

keepsakein sozleri cok guzel olan parcasi ve akabinde sozleri ;

he’s in the back of your mind
learn to forget
love, leave, forget
and when i sit alone,
i think of what you said
better off just friends
i’m better off just dead
and the hardest thing i do
is to wake up without you
when everything falls apart
the emptiness leaves a mark.

sigara dumanından halka yapmak

genis agizlilarin sigaradan cektikleri her bir nefes sonrasi, zararsiz olan dumani di$ari hemen yollamayip, agizlarini oval bir hale getirdikten sonra, ileriye dogru cene yardimiyla iterek yapilmaktadir. tamamen etkileyici olma hevesi ile yapilan harekettir ba$ka bir nedeni yoktur.


felsefenin en temel konularini, bu konularin felsefe icinde i$lenmesi acisindan ele alan bilgi dali. tek tek ve farkli bicimlerde varolan nesnelerden ayri, genel ve bir butun olarak varligin ya da varolmanin ne oldugunu ara$tirir. metafizik terimi felsefe tarihi boyunca bir yandan en ust felsefe disiplini olarak olumlu, bir yandan da bo$ ve anlamsiz onermeler iceren bir alan olarak olumsuz anlamda kullanilmi$tir.


insanin tercihiyse, bir derece katlanilabilir.ama tercih degil , zorunluluksa aci verir.sevgisizlik insanin yureginin katila$masiysa, zaten bahsedilen insan degil ta$tir.sevgisizlik eger kimse tarafindan sevilmemekse, i$te o cam keskini yalnizliktir.


system of a down`in toxicity albumuunun 11. parcasi ve sozleri ;

education, fornication, in you are, go,
education, subjugation, now you’re out, go,
education, fornication, in you are, go,
don’t be late for school again boy

i think me, i want life,
i think me, i want a house and a wife,
i want to shimmy- shimmy- shimmy through the break of dawn, yeah.

education, fornication, in you are, go,
education, subjugation, now you’re out, go,
education, fornication, in you are, go,
don’t be late for school again girl

i think me, i want life,
i think me, i want a house and a wife,
i want to shimmy- shimmy- shimmy through the break of dawn, yeah.
i think me, i want life,
i think me, i want a house and a wife,
i want to shimmy- shimmy- shimmy through the break of dawn, yeah.

indoctrination, of a nation,
indoctrination of a nation,
subjugation of damnation,
subjugation of damna?

don’t be late for school again boy,
don’t be late for school again girl,
don’t be late for school again boy,
don’t be late for school again girl.


system of a down’in toxicity albumunun 10. parcasi.

making two possibilities a reality,
predicting the future of things we all know,
fighting off the diseased programming
of centuries, centuries, centuries, centuries.

science fails to recognize the single most
potent element of human existence
letting the reigns go to the unfolding
is faith, faith, faith, faith.

science has failed our world
science has failed our mother earth.

science fails to recognize the single most
potent element of human existence
letting the reigns go to the unfolding
is faith, faith, faith, faith.

science has failed our world
science has failed our mother earth.

letting the reigns go to the unfolding
is faith, faith, faith, faith
letting the reigns go to the unfolding
is faith, faith, faith, faith.

science has failed our world
science has failed our mother earth.


science has failed our mother earth.

the legend of zelda

dinlerken insani kendinden geciren system of a down parcasi ve akabinde sozleri ;

link, he come to town
come to save, the princess zelda
ganon took her away, now the children dont play
but they will, when link saves the day

now link, fill up your hearts
so you can shoot, your sword with power
and when your feeling all down, the fairy will come around
so you’ll be brave, and not a sissy coward

now link, has saved the day
put ganon, in his grave
so now zelda is free, and now our hero shall be
link, i think your name shall go down into history.


system of a down’in nadide parcalarindan.

we want peace without patriot missiles
blown to bits are civilian targets
parade! laugh! rejoice! sing!
we are the victors of...nothing
spend more money on a war
your people stop, turn to whores
slaves of the chosen one paying millions for each bomb

country without a race
formed from people you disgrace
white right conservative might
killers of kennedy’s with no fright
the american way!

freedom cried the marching man
flags ripped out of their black hands
beaten! slain! tortured! killed!
their only mistake was being born here
invade countries just for oil
send your troops all down to boil
iraq! grenada! nam and chile!
truman doctrine our own way

country without a race
formed from people you disgrace
white right conservative might
killers of kennedy’s with no fright
the american way!

the government can suck my balls
policing the world in overalls
armed rebellion minority
disrespected race, colored mind
crazed loonies all walk the streets
missing children on milk cartons
mother selling child for crack
mr. president check you back

country without a race
formed from people you disgrace
white right conservative might
killers of kennedy’s with no fright
the american way!
the american way!
the american way!


the unsettled mind is at times an ally,
leaving the senses to fend for them selves,
the senses collect undeniable data,
about beta carotine and theta waves,
the unsettled mind is at times an ally,
leaving the senses to fend for them selves,
then, the senses wanted the sky,

dinlenilmesi farz system of a down parcasi.

all rise, i fall,
time feels like a midnight ride,
finality waits outside,
weeping in perplexity’s arms,
curessing our smiles inside,

the national debt is at times an ally,
leaving the people to fend for them selves,
the poeple collect undeniable data,
about high pulse weapons and microwaves,
the national debt is at times an ally,
leaving the people to fend for them selves,
then, the people found out the lie.

all rise, i fall,
now i rise, and then fall,
time feels like a midnight ride,
finality waits outside,
weeping in perplexity’s arms,
curessing our smiles inside,

wanting to get you high,
wanting to touch the sky,

all rise, i fall,
now i rise, and then fall,
time feels like a midnight ride,
finality waits outside,
weeping in perplexity’s arms,
curessing our smiles inside.

yazıklar olsun

bir ugra$ verilmi$,cali$ilmi$,hatta belki de cok fazla ozveride bulunulmu$ ama kar$iliginda sadece mal mal bakip butun yapilanlari gormezden gelen tiplerle kar$i kar$iya kalinmi$tir.tek soylenecek sozdur bu durumda.

karlofca antlaşması

osmanli devletinin gerileme doneminin ba$langicidir. 2. viyana ku$atmasinin ba$arisiz olmasi sonucunda osmanli ordusu bozguna ugrami$ ve bu antlasmayi imzalamak zorunda kalmi$tir. 26 ocak 1699 imzalanan antla$ma sonrasi osmanli buyuk toprak kayiplari vermi$ tabiri yerindeyse birdaha da belini dogrultamami$tir.

antla$ma ko$ullari $u $ekildedir;
-banat haric tum macaristan, avusturya’ya verilecekti,
-podolya ve ukrayna, lehistan’a verilecekti,
-more ve dalmacya kiyilari, venedik’e verilecekti,
-antla$ma avusturya’nin guvencesi altinda 25 yil gecerliligini koruyacakti,
-rusya ile ate$kes yapilacakti.

karlofca antla$masiyla osmanli devleti batida ilk defa toprak kaybetmi$ ve orta avrupa’daki egemenligini de sonsuza dek yitirmisti. bununla birlikte osmanli devleti duraklama devrinden cikip, gerileme devrine girmi$ti.

bizden geçti artık

kaybettik o heyecanlari, umutlari, gucu, $evki. gorduk ki her$ey olacagindan fazlasina varamiyor. $imdi yorgunuz. yeniden hayal kirikliklarina ugramak istemiyoruz. bilsek bile sonunda mutlak ba$ari var, kaybettiklerimiz o kadar cok ki tek tuk sevincler, ba$arilar onlarin yarattigi yaralari, yiktiklari guveni, kemikle$tirdikleri umutsuzluklari yok edemeyecekler.o yuzden geri cekilip meydani size birakiyoruz. bizden daha iyilerini, daha guzellerini ba$arip hic degilse umutlarinizi kaybetmeyin diye...
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