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ocean soul

nightwish’in dinlenesi parcalarindan;

one more night
to bear this nightmare
what more do i have to say

crying for me was never worth a tear
my lonely soul is only filled with fear

long hours of loneliness
between me and the sea

losing emotion
finding devotion
should i dress in white and search the sea
as i always wished to be - one with the waves
ocean soul

walking the tideline
i hear your name
is angels wispering
something so beautiful it hurts

i only wished to become something beautiful
through my music, through my silent devotion.

slaying the dreamer

nightwish’in yapmis oldugu harika bi calismanin eseri ;

i’m a priest for the poorest sacrifice
i’m but a raft in a sea of sorrow and greed
you bathed in my wine
drank from my cup, mocked my rhyme
your slit tongues licked my aching wounds

put a stake through my heart!
and drag me into sunlight
so awake for your greed
as you’re slaying the dreamer

swansong for the wish of night
god it hurts, give a name to the pain
our primrose path to hell is growing weed

blame me, it’s me
coward, a good-for-nothing scapegoat
dumb kid, living a dream
romantic only on paper

tell me why you took all that was mine!
stay as you lay - don’t lead me astray!

wake up, mow the weed
you’d be nothing without me
take my life if you have the heart to die

you bastards tainted my tool
raped my words, played me a fool
gather your precious glitter and leave me be
the great ones are all dead
and i’m tired, too

i truly hate you all!

ever dream

nightwish dinlemeyen birinin bile dinleyecegi harika bir parca ;

ever felt away with me
just once that all i need
entwined in finding you one day

ever felt away without me
my love, it lies so deep
ever dream of me

would you do it with me
heal the scars and change the stars
would you do it for me
turn loose the heaven within

i’d take you away
castaway on a lonely day
bosom for a teary cheek
my song can but borrow your grace

come out, come out wherever you are
so lost in your sea
give in, give in for my touch
for my taste for my lust

your beauty cascaded on me
in this white night fantasy.

bless the child

nightwish in century child albumunun acilis sarkisi ve akabinde sozleri;

i was born amidst the purple waterfalls.
i was weak, yet not unblessed.
dead to the world. alive for the journey.
one night i dreamt a white rose withering,
a newborn drowning a lifetime loneliness.
i dreamt all my future. relived my past.
and witnessed the beauty of the beast"

where have all the feelings gone?
why has all the laughter ceased?

why am i loved only when i’m gone?
gone back in time to bless the child
think of me long enough to make a memory
come bless the child one more time

how can i ever feel again?
given the chance would i return?

i’ve never felt so alone in my life
as i drank from a cup which was counting my time
there’s a poison drop in this cup of man
to drink it is to follow the left hand path

"where have all the feelings gone?
why is the deadliest sin - to love as i loved you?
now unblessed, homesick in time,
soon to be freed from care, from human pain.
my tale is the most bitter truth:
time pays us but with earth & dust, and a dark, silent grave.
remember, my child: without innocence the cross is only iron,
hope is only an illusion & ocean soul’s nothing but a name...

the child bless thee & keep thee forever...

kemal sunal

sanatcinin kendi agizindan hayat otobiyografi’si ;

1944’de istanbul’da dogdum. lise son siniftayken felsefe ogretmenim belkis balkir, elimden tuttugu gibi beni musfik kenter’e teslim etti. bu arada universiteye basladim. bir sure sonra turneler nedeni ile ogrenimime ara vermek zorunda kaldim. kent oyunculari’ndan sonra sirasiyla ulvi uraz tiyatrosu, ayfer feray tiyatrosu ve en son devekusu kabare tiyatrosu’nda oynadim. 1972 yilinda ertem egilmez’in beni begenip secmesiyle sinemaya adimimi attim. ozel televizyonlarin yayginlasmasi uzerine diziler yaptim. bu siralarda da universiteyi bitirmeyi ve boylece genclere ornek olmayi kafama koymustum. cunku turkiye’nin okuyan insana ihtiyaci vardi. marmara universitesi iletisim fakultesi radyo-tv ve sinema bolumu’nu 1995 yilinda bitirdim. bu da yetmez deyip yuksek lisans ogrenimimi de tamamladiktan sonra tez muddetim basladi. bundan sonra da cok ozledigim tiyatroyu ve sinemayi birlikte yapmayi planliyorum...
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