

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 614
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 51961

sacco ve vanzetti

bundan 79 yıl kadar önce abd’ye göç etmiş italyan kökenli iki anarşist nicola sacco ve bartolomeo vanzetti.işlemedikleri bir cinayet nedeniyle abd hükümeti tarafından öldürülmüşlerdir.. dünya çapındaki protesto ve destek gösterilerine, bir mafya üyesinin cinayeti kendilerinin işlediğini itiraf etmesine rağmen mahkeme yeniden yargılama isteğini reddetmiş ve 23 ağustos 1927’de sacco ve vanzetti’nin elektrikli sandalyede infaz edilmişlerdir.

gates of tomorrow

iron maiden şarkısı.bunlar da sözleri:

weaving a thread round your heart and your soul. decieving your eyes and delaying your goal
ships in the night when they pass out of sight. deliver their cargo of eartly delights
to the women and the children the souls of the dead. i’ve opened their book and no mercy is shed

you want forgiveness and you want it cheap. i don’t give redemption rewards for the meek
suffering evil when you pay the price of fame. there isn’t a god to save you if you don’t save yourself
you can’t blame a madman for this if you go insane. give me the strength so i carry on

trapped in the web but i cut the threads. show you the gates of tomorrow
trapped in the web no mercy is shed. show you the gates of tomorrow
trapped in the web slaves to the dead. show you the gates of tomorrow
trapped in the web but i cut the threads. show you the gates of tomorrow

suffering evil when you pay the price of fame. there isn’t a god to save you if you don’t save yourself
you can’t blame a madman for this if you go insane. give me the strength so i carry on

trapped in the web but i cut the threads. show you the gates of tomorrow
trapped in the web slaves to the dead. show you the gates of tomorrow
trapped in the web no mercy is shed. show you the gates of tomorrow
trapped in the web but i cut the threads. show you the gates of tomorrow

salih tozan

1914 yılında balıkesir’de dünyaya gelmiş sinema oyuncusu.1963 yılında siroz hastalığı nedeniyle hayatını kaybetmiştir.balıkesir’in ve türkiye’nin birçok cadde ve sokağı onun adını taşımaktadır.
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