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prime evil renaissance

satyricon’un 1999 tarihli rebel extravaganza albümünden...

he would kill the whitedraped men
he would kill all holly men
he would kill the powers in control
to waste these jokers in this pathetic game
he would choke the sleaze pig
he would shepherd the sheep off the cliff
he would crush all organs of speech
to start the process of renewal
he would avenge the dead
he would crave divine protection
he would sing the songs of darkness
to call upon it to manifest
he would "mirror" himself in the tundra frost
he would rape its virtue
he would disable its ways of hurting him
to give him that advantage
this would be the way of the misanthrope
in order to create you must destroy
we would greet the nuclear morning mist
we would smile at all life dying
we would cherish each and every moment
and celebrate the return of sin
we would bow to the planet’s iconoclast
we would march under the flag of dominion and hate
we would burn all conspirators
and their works with’em
we would reveal the only truth
we would make them really sorry
we would show them sovereignty in true fashion
and then be a reflection of their loss
we would soak up the last joys of our lives
we would hail that grotesque destiny we would walk on the last glory
and hope for blessing to come

havoc vulture

satyricon’un 1999 tarihli rebel extravaganza albümünden...

wonder how it would be to be the great redeemer
the one to bestow upon you life and death
the one to poison you when you’re down
or to be the one to hand you the crownofthorns
when your hands are sore
(and) to save you from the everything you care for
are you bitter when you see how pale you are?
do you feel hate without direction?
a kind of seed inside you that never blossoms
it is at the gallows end one forgets that everything
has to have a greater meaning
an unrecognisable call drags you towards the unspoken word
to suffer martyrdom for the others
the saviour cut off your wings, somehow just to remind you that he exists
those who wait for his salt with open wounds have a way to go
the shadows of your must rest (first)
though i ask, why do you dig your own grave when others do it for you?
the force behind the hit can not be mistaken
’cause he’s the saviour with magnanimity and
...a light in the dark
maybe it is intimidating more than lighting the way
where is the road going? to a place where you can wash the blood of your
where did the knowing go?... with a saviour to transcendental kingdoms
or to the valley of the forgotten?
behind the vault of the sky’s mystery lies a dream
damned or saved, how could we ever know?


satyricon’un 1999 tarihli rebel extravaganza albümünden...

fitlhgrinder, no-love machine, cleaner
unknown to remorse and pity
cynical, electrical fucking murderer
what a scenery, the heavy pulsebeat of the
unholy alliance and the white fear
take a look around and understand, (that) your days are numbered
the demon on the wall and the ticking clock
closing in (on that final) grasp for air, do you still believe?
the future beast is rising and tyranny has come for 777 years
reach out for mercy, it’s just a bygone anyway
filthgrinder - practice aggression
filthgrinder - protect the wealth of the elite
filthgrinder - tremble upon the ugly
trueborn creature, twist that firm grasp of yours
like in days of old
he can feel it, he knows they can’t
to be in league with the underworld can’t be mistaken
you don’t believe, you know!
he chants a primitive gospel, so very hard
the mechanisms of destructive behaviour can be an artform in itself
the beast risen represents no so called dark mercy
evil knows no good, good knows no evil
but a saviour he is in all forms, but religious
a grand engine carrying years of built up hatred and powers.
you know that, isn’t that why i can smell your fear?
your heart trying to rip its way through your chest
fitlhgrinder a beastified being risen form the collective
hatred of an oppressed people.
a people representing pride, dignity and honour!

tied in bronze chains

satyricon’un 1999 tarihli rebel extravaganza albümünden...

sinful woman with me cause i’m the wolf on your shoulder
but complain not to me, cause i’m the accuser
if you dare to withhold the immense power and the greed
you shall walk among us the subterranean fields
why don’t you come with me
and dance the snakepit dance
rhythmic moves to the eerie bell, the boiling blood
evils breath on your neck, the morbid rite
i’m tied in bronze chains
(so) where do all the flowers come from (in october 1997)
i am tired, should i care anymore?
the rusty claws who reach for me are too far away
sense no anger for that, be at one
the sleaze on the wall is all gone (anyway)
it’s just flowers, flowers
come, come let’s join the orgy
decay and wine, sodomy all the way
no rest for the holly
forbidden fruit is always best
drift’n filth tastes so good
i see the cross of peter overwhelming their coward countenance
oh you’re so damned clean, now take my dirty whore, hellfire is inside her
contaminate the clean, woman. let him feel you’re woman
it’s the only way to release the chains
my candle is burning at both ends, i just want to be released before i go
it’s a harsh voyage, to the land of sin
i had to make sure to bring’em down with me
i am the lost of my kind i’m tied in bronze chains

immortality passion

satyricon’un 1996 tarihli nemesis divina albümünden...

am the beast in passionate pain
i am the grim being of the highlands
of the other side...
i am winter when you freeze
i am the hammer and you are the anvil

forever in warfare my heart is
with my passion of despair
still though i was there when the hills were born
and when the wind blew for the first time
so there are reasons for my existence

seems like i dwell in a circle
somewhere in the nordic hemisphere

where the howling winds rage
and the mountains are majestic
i can breathe and where there is
human flesh i feel strangled

open the gate to immortality
i stand proud awaiting the glory
of a new morning... darkness

du som hater gud

satyricon’un 1996 tarihli nemesis divina albümünden...

du som hater gud og kristent liv
fíler hans n‘rv‘r som en bitter kreft
her m† det skjendes og skjendes kvasst
himmerikets enger dynket i blod

hater av gud
og lyspesten

se inn i guds lamme íyne
s† soytter de i hans †syn
sl† i hjel hans ynkelige lam
med klibbe

gud med diff og dine
har du lagt mitt norgesrike i ruiner
fordumstiders staute skikk og bruk
kvestet du med dine stygge ord
n† skal du bort fra v†r mark


satyricon’un 1996 tarihli nemesis divina albümünden...

forhekset av tidenes vind, besatt av nattens kolde gufs
under ravnsvart himmel de bedriver blodskam og hor
med skingrende stemmer de p†kaller dypets makter
i en sirkel bundet av grimme visjoner

b†ret av dyrets glans, omfavnet av dídens vinger
av det dypeste hat i det sorteste av det morke
i en eng av torner... n† i fullm†nens besettende lys

de nagler englene til jorden med sjel og kropp
kaos hersker over de hvite domener
profetier blir oppfylt
jorden st†r i et hav av flammer

the dawn of a new age

satyricon’un 1996 tarihli nemesis divina albümünden...

this is armageddon

"and i looked, and behold a pale horse:
and his name that sat on him was death
and hell followed with him. and power was given
unto them over the fourth part of the earth,
to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death,
and with the beasts of the earth".

and then again "i saw and beheld, a black horse;
and he that sat on him had a scythe; and a crown
was given unto him and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
and there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black
as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.

and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth,
even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs,
when she is shaken of a mighty wind. and the heaven
departed as a scroll when it is rolled together,
and every mountain and island were moved out of their places."
almighty mountains and rocks, i beg you fall on them.

for the great day of wrath is coming, and who shall be able to stand?

the king of the shadowthrone

satyricon’un 1994 tarihli the shadowthrone albümünden...

he wander the fields of death... in eternity wandering our own path
which has been the quest of immortality
yet to conquer for me, but dreams shall not be torn

he is spirit
he is stone
and he is immortality
the king of the shadowthrone

and even the conquerer (of death)
fell as a stone from the mountain
and time led to destruction
once he left, he knew then in the past
that the seeds should be worthless
spirit rise from your rest and return for them

i am spirit
i am stone
and i am immortal

dominions of satyricon

satyricon’un 1994 tarihli the shadowthrone albümünden...

from beyond come the storms
landscapes turn to ash before my pressured eyes
nothingness turns to nothingness
and my imagination fades like dustclouds over
this deserted land feel to now satyricon
wonder how stormclouds rage
and all you can feel is the cold winds of
funeral times, timeless they are

he saw lived and died
in these dreams of demons
wondering how he could open the gate to
dark medieval times and bring forth to the domains
of satyricon, two great spears and a flag of dominion
and hate

above it all creations fall
living for the quest and the search
dying for the key, living for the domains
arise northern spirit and come forth under
the might of the castle satyricon


satyricon’un 1994 tarihli the shadowthrone albümünden...

langt inn i mellom híye fjell og dype daler
gjennom norske skoger og mírke huter
bak her en drím for over tasen aar siden
til hordaland kom pesta og bragte død og pine
thekseskogen ble plantet rítter for et rike som skulle komme

hedningenes land vikingland
svarte sjelers land vikingland

mens telemarks fosser og bekker enda renner i strie strímmer som
evigheten selo

en ny tid kom hoor turdenbrakene dundret og jorden skalo
som naar trollene kriger om hoem som skal herske ijotanheimen

en ny tid kont... hvor vinteren blaaser og pisker
det er ikke ly aa finne for den ensomme
pandere som maatte síke fred i nordland

her oppe paa fjeller ved inidnattsilden kan man endu se
de komme som ville dyr ut av skogsmírket
over trollberg...

woods to eternity

satyricon’un 1994 tarihli the shadowthrone albümünden...

in grey depressive autumn times i wander the woods to eternity searching for
him trying to remember while the same shy still rules the night
we knew then. that these were the children of god
the ones who betrayed me and my desire

this must be the desolate land. this is the kingdom of the shadowthrone
centuries have gone beyond time, and we in the land beyond the forest, we
burnt them in the purgatory, them the children of god. barerly forgotten these
times are, but not for a soul whose rest hasn’t been found.

in the mist by the hills

satyricon’un 1994 tarihli the shadowthrone albümünden...

in the mist of the shadows by the river of the fogpalace
two great spears and a flag of dominion and hate
over the chasm riders of doom

and sometimes the water dares to reflect... as days pass by and the light
is becoming weaker i can watch the death of the sun from my
enormous view
still sometimes i thought my own eyes were deceiving me

many a misty morning’s battle. further on more experience
soon it’s time to hear the sound of the horn in far distance
the deathtone call for war

in the mist by the hills the day darkens
in this forest death rules
over this chasm riders of doom and face him with a deadly pale
spectre face
grim as stone, ride to the deathfields... blackness and doom
a total eclipse of the sun
die by the northern triology in the mist by the hills

hvite krists dod

satyricon’un 1994 tarihli the shadowthrone albümünden...

evig minnes vi de tapre som levde under v†r hordes hammer
evig er krigen mot de av lyset, til de míter dødens ansikt, dødens kulde
vinder av kulde skal komme, for † fryse kristenmanns blod

v†rt korstog har begynt og hvert skritt er en stake gjennom hvite krists

vl brenner guds barn p† b†let
vl brenner guds hus
tidens mírke skal dekke for solen
perleporten skal knuses

og hver torne i hans skalle, hver spiker i hans kropp gir liv til nye
sjeler fídt under dødens mektige trone

vi g†r v†rt dødningtog til dødens land med de endelíse vidder
n†r korsfarerne dingler og hvite krists †nd er død
n†r m†nen skinner blek og ensom, skal lyden av en dødsmarsj bestige
nordens mekrige fjell

borte var de av guds jord, bak en mírk sky m†nen s† r† og kald
sungen er siste tone av en gravsang

the dark castle in the deep forest

satyricon’un 1993 tarihli dark medieval times albümünden...

dark forest trees over the funeral,
all day the army ride
they moved in deeper
so dark that they weren’t even...
too lead us passed this wicked dense
i can fell the presence of the shadowthrone in the deepest dark
when cold winds freeze
when night came and dark fog came over me
let that horde come to me
as they walk right by
when all the death is near
i wander eternally
invincible fog is near
we walk the fields of war
the cloak of the moon it can slip all them through
and the flame is the wrath of his sword
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