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beauty slept in sodom

cradle of filth’in 1996 tarihli dusk and her embrace albümünden...

death, spirit me away
my anguished soul doth strain
on taut and twisted reins
yet, insatiate i still remain
like a proud, unfalled star
that dares thee from afar
to calm my thund’rous heart
else, rend it’s knots apart
so i may never sing

of jewelled skies o’er my strings
and love, a wanton thing
can plunge on burnt, black wings
to hang amid the thorns
in scarlet, like velvet worn
about the clouded moon
who wanes in solitude....

i am alone
thirsting for the dark
that lurks beneath marbled stone
what black witchcraft
shalt prise thee from thy dreams
and what perverse world-strategy
will wend it’s way with thee from sleep?

"rouse my disease
and with cadent naked dance i shalt teach
thee wisdom of darkness
from earth and red sea

lightbearing samael
coalesce with me...."

through pagan city gates
bred shadows play like twining snake
by candlelight
thanateros rites
death seduced and chaos wakes....

obsession grips, blindragon fever
in throes of scythed orgasm, eros dies
and saturn rapes faith’s lovelorn diva
upon a cyprean altar, stripped bare for sacrifice
virtue births a demon
pandora’s box, unhinged, sets loose the night
winged lilith born for want of eden
fanning plumes of harlotry
like pearls before the desert swine

the skies, they darken
and the oceans part

storm forth indignant kraken
reborn venus as thou art
feasting at my banquet
of saturnalia
i call thee having wrestled
the tides from lonely diana

"for thee endymion
i forsake the cerements of this star-flung tomb"

be-with-us come
unveil the ancient flame
throw the cats our enemies
desire’s menstrual strain
eastern devil eyes
a cruel erotic plague
the shekhina is in exile
and the israelites enslaved to shame

a tenebrous phantasy
revelates to men
their celestial walls crumble
when walks the xul
born to the scarlet whore in babylon

the centuries of wait have all but gone
behold dark beauty stirs to conquer on and on

now worship everything

dusk and her embrace

cradle of filth’in 1996 tarihli dusk and her embrace albümünden...

when the sun has wept upon the waveless lake
and the mists steal in with ease
covened wolves are their eerie dissonant napes
in adoration of the moon and thee

"they call as i to thee...."

and i will come, as if in dream
my languid, dark and lustrous malaresian queen
of vengeful, ancient breed
gilded with the pelts of many enemies
erishkigal, raven-haired
thy seduction haunts the castle in erotic despair
i can taste thy scent by candlelight
legs of porcelain traced and laced to their lair
appease the beast on spattered sheets
dyed unearthly red as sobriety weeps

she shall come for me

a black velvet painting sprung to elegant life
like a poignant madonna perverted to night
and i have ridden from the westerning light
to expend my lust
tear away the funereal dress
know that i will escape from my death
surrendered to the splendour of her sharpened caress

lo! the pale moonlight
weaves a poetic spell of vital death and decline
of mist and moth and the hunger inside
kisses took to fever and the fever, demise

"through twilight, darkness and moonrise
my scarlet tears will run
as stolen blood and whispered love
of fantasies undone"

countess swathed in ebony
and snow-white balletic grace
rouge-filmed lips procure the wish
for lust and her disgrace

dusk and her embrace

we shall flit through the shadows
like a dream of (were)wolves in the snow
under deadly nightshade
still warmed with the kill’s afterglow

beneath the stars thy flesh bedevils me
(beneath the stars taste the death in me)
bequeath to me thy fiery kiss
to sever thin mortality

my heart is thine
thy fragrant words warm within like wine....

"let me come to thee
with eyes like asphodel
moon-glancing, loose desires free
to writhe under my spell"

ereshkigal, raven-haired
thy seduction haunts the castle in erotic despair
i know thy scent by candlelight
immortal flesh i yearn to share
appease the beast on spattered sheets
dyed malefic red as sobriety weeps
she shall come for me....

unfurl thy limbs breathless succubus
how the full embosomed fog
imparts the night to us....

malice through the looking glass

cradle of filth’in 1996 tarihli dusk and her embrace albümünden...

konserlerinden birinde dani incili çatır-çatır yırtmıştır.

take away the wine
for restlessness plagues me....
i am assailed by a spectre profounder
than hatred and grief or the sum of their hideous crime

i shalt suffer this confessional mime

awaiting the sun to set, crimsoning seas
only once it is dark doth my misery cease

she died to a sky dressed in flame
eyes full of curses for her killers by choice
who fell to their god o’er her vision and voice

"i am as dusk come to ravish the light"
steal me from their stares and mute christ into night
"i will answer thy prayers"
if thou wouldst drink of my life....

encroaching evening skies
die with such tragedy
and those interred in cold graves
dwell on pleasures to be
in deep hysteria
where our legend still breathes
through sweet death and thereafter
sweeping nightmares.... shalt feed

noctumal supremacy 96

cradle of filth’in 1996 tarihli dusk and her embrace albümünden...

weak midnight promises of love
were wept upon her grave
and shunned by stars above
in mortal life lurks my dismay
an angel stole my heart
and death took her away

she sleeps beyond the grace of god
a dreaming beauty
if wishes could only fray that bond
the dead would sing for me....

twelfth moon arose with ghostly voice
a poet’s serenade
her name a whisper ’pon my lips
and lo, rorasa came

"fear me not my grieving king
funereal in breath
the secrets of the dark i know
and thus, we shall cheat death"

my promises wrought though despondence that night
have delivered me gifts from the grave
rorasa enshadowed and eternal life
never a devil so vain
the angel is fallen, for i thought her lost
and no heaven would silence the pain
teach me these secrets, the sensual frost
desire for warm blood again

princess lay down thy florid cheek
in drunken splendour
tonight rare regal fate has cast
the wolves among the sheep

dark nature clasp my soul
around her throat mine arms enfold
to sleep, perchance to dream
and then....
to dusk and flesh ascend

the sun descends, magenta spirits fill the skies
and wreak erotic maladies where sex and death abide
from writhing tides where gothick siren weave their song to shore
through the ashes of the battlefields where ravens and angels war

we rule like the red and risen moon upon the sea
the stars of judgement silent, for we share joyous
stigmata plague

the wine of bacchus flows
listen to the thunder rage

deceivers dragged before their cross
i am he that vanquished death
and bore the sting of loss
what vulgar christ will unprise my grasp?
his temple, ruined, burns
and sweet rorasa laughs

i am enamoured and imparadised
to catch the fires dancing profanely in her eyes
"i will crush them all
if this holds thy delight"
rather dead forever than to lose her
nymph-lascivious aphrodite

heaven torn asunder

cradle of filth’in 1996 tarihli dusk and her embrace albümünden...

rise, ablaze, libidinous
devildom voyeurs
ascend to smother the light
nascent aeons confer....

chaos is spat
from the black eternal sea
serrated mountains of mad shadows
carving towards misdeed

stormchoirs gather
a pestilential hiss
sunset evokes luciferian fire
the skies are ruptured like a knifed orifice
supernal vestments hang tattered
cathedrals shriek to pulpit oratory
invasions scale babel’s ivory towers
poised to sodomise a world upon it’s knees

(victory spent
breathe deep benighted scent)

we are as a flame born unto the darkness
desires burning in palatial glades
and virtues once aloof, now worming beneath us
shalt see their children, pleasuring as slaves....


wreak atrocities on those we have despised
judgements be riven, from the skies
darkness empower let us master prophecy
fulfilling destiny - the promised fever

bedizens eyes paralysed with blasphemy
written in flesh across the howling ether

spread the bliss of this lupercalia

with stars erased, throw wide the gates
the infidel soon unmasks her face
neath silken shroud she waxes horn
sharpened to skewer dawn....

i am as a plague, born to the priestess
the secret amour of her archangelic rape
jaded-eyed when my lovers, possessed
screamed out their agonies, upon the stake

"the most august sorcerers of hades
darkly seized for me a throne
and the upraised scythe so terribly scribed
vengeance in jesuit blood on stone

from this ransacked celestial temple
i hold the prophet’s severed head unto all nations"

tremble before us
lords of the star-veiled red sepulchres
rushing deathwards, our tartarean fires
kindle pandemonia to furnace the earth

"our voices are opened graves
through which the never-dead escape"

from dank, abyssic dream
pursuing ascendancy....

the enemy has held three seasons
imparadised, whilst we writhed
to psycho-dramas penned by aerial decree
now freed to plunder....
heaven torn asunder

imperium tenebrarum

cradle of filth’in 1994 tarihli the principle of evil made flesh albümünden...

swords in hand at the bloody fields of history
we rend our blades through dogma and humility
carve the future according to our will
set worlds ablaze with our seething fire
let you all acknowledge that we are here
as masters to rule this failing humanity
our beings formed in rage and defiance
with strength to trample the weak and the foolish
and so we march with burning brands
temples of flame on our path to glory

summer dying fast

cradle of filth’in 1994 tarihli the principle of evil made flesh albümünden...

through acrid clouds of summer flies
the garden swells with a thousand more wise
forever flung to celestial dreams
clawing at the grave of the dead nazarene

i watch the storm approaching
the darkness calls my name
the trees are growing restless
they feel the season change
their fruit has putrified
forbidden once and bound to die
the thread of life lies severed
on the brink of paradise

grinning winds of hate unfurled
dash towers tall that grip the sun
talons stretch her veil
reclamation, our time has come...

autumn spreads its golden wings
and lays the path for those unseen
a tangled web of evil spun at last...
winter spawn from barren thighs
to readdress, to slay the blind
and throw the reins untethered to the skies

they pray to the full moon rising
diana moving with such infinite grace
wrapped alone in a blanket of nightfall
how many secrets can they read by your face?

will they know of majesty
of beauty held in dream-dead sleep
and scarlet seas that bleed the frozen shores?
will their "god" of bridled love
assuage our rule from planes above
or shrink in fear from chaos roused for war?


wrest askew the nails
that have held you, lurking deep
september prayers are waning
burn the shrines of fettered sheep
spearhead the insurrection
of a world that seeks no end
"we are what we are, what we shall be, again..."

appear; draped in terror
to the comfort of your kin
stain the milky sunset red
and let the other in...

summer’s dying...

a dream of wolves in the snow

cradle of filth’in 1994 tarihli the principle of evil made flesh albümünden...

"oh, listen to them
the children of the night
what sweet music they make"
[from bram stoker’s "dracula" (1897)]

may dreams be brought that i might reach...
the gentle strains of midnight speech
and frozen stars that gild the forest floor

through the swirling snow
volkh’s children come
to run with me, to hunt as one
to snatch the lambs of christ
from where they fall...

of mist and midnight skies

cradle of filth’in 1994 tarihli the principle of evil made flesh albümünden...

we, the nocturnal few
bound by other laws
to the service of the enemies of god
are silent and hidden
yet our exquisite fire burns on
poised to engulf...

tie a man to his god
he may not walk for fear
of falling foul to temptation
where once faith stood her ground

renounce the guilt, ignite the flame
cast the fetid virgin back from where she came
drink deep of the promise in my eyes...
of mist and midnight skies

i drown in fathomless dreams
and in the reeking mire of virtue scream
i yearn to sell my very soul
(and you shall
for none so dark & sinister
will arise to embrace the arts)
do what thou wilt
until the stones in my heart stand still
regardless of the cost to your repugnant god

the last may frost may blight the crops
and will never be ascribed to be heavenly dog
or nature, but infernal tasks...
"by your cursings and imprecations
you wrong both man & beast
by whatever whim you serve
of the devil your leige"

tie belief to the trinity, and seven ways
will be wrought to condemn thee
conspiring to cull the pagan ways

twist back their lies, personify their needs
the war begins by satanic decree
if evil we be, we will our lives...
to mist and midnight skies

(i will avenge the deaths of a thousand burning children)

be bound to a covenant with us in our hellish league
and bring the host of the nazarene to their knees
breath the life of an entity never-born
darkness now descend in raven form
the words, the burning rasp, vibrate the cosmic thread
arcturus is risen queen, hold forth the severed head to me

i pour my lovelorn kisses at your feet
raper of all my worldly enemies

lycanthropy, please poison me
send acausal instincts crawling my brain
take me, mistress, until perversion is fed
dark magick pleasures weaved under the jewelled moon-head
the cross-stick will fade when the usurper hangs
for now we congregate where once my angel sang

that night they came and took her away from me
i lost the woman i loved and i learned how to curse
and to spit in the face of their... "god"

we will ride again
in the midnight skies

to eve the art of witchcraft

cradle of filth’in 1994 tarihli the principle of evil made flesh albümünden...

crawl in awful stealth to me
forever a voyeur i’ve been
nocturnal goddess of the moon
so she comes, unseen

thus (uzza and azel) speak

the burning seed, is thrust in eve
and yearning keeps me, captive of desire

make me as a flower that grows
forever in your throne
that i might pollinate the world
with darkness as your own
embrace me in spellbinding eyes
the fire of life that never dies
tear deeper through my paper wounds
and never leave inside

love shall consume and bathe the lady
whom i worship and ride thereon
she will greet me as a serpent
in her dark, secret eden
and i will always want
for her witchcraft is
desire... (desire...)
my soul is poisoned from within...

i crawl with languid guilt to thee
forever flushed in sin
lamia, latria i give
my soul is poisoned from within

wisdom breeds, fecundity
and her cunt she feeds, to fulfill her desire

to eve i cum...

sevenfold my passion wrought
to ransack eden, and to taste the whore
i cling beyond her sabled court
she is a gateway, to that darkness lost

(now dream...)

i am the gentle stream
that trickles through the summer glades
of ever green peace
therefore we will drink my sleep and dream
i am the bleeding sky,
the snatching wind of war
blowing through the savage garden
my crown is fire, the erotic sinews of lust
like strings to be pulled, and cut
i will make my puppets dance
the men will bow down before me
to take my flesh as lucid thoughts
of dark, unbridled lust
i am all these things and more
thus i await you, nemesis of restraint
the code of life, and the bride of evil itself

oh, the fevered need for her
when greed and lust are sharpened in that one desire
the all-consuming fire
reveal to me your mysteries, witch
the tree is plundered but i have the seed
to be sown in thee

"mon sortilege a ete le pouvoir qui diovent
avoir les ames fortes sur les espirits faibles"

a crescendo of passion bleeding

cradle of filth’in 1994 tarihli the principle of evil made flesh albümünden...

spells lay daggers before me
passion speaks in grue vehement stabs
trance my eyes, fix my focus to pain
the tumour grows until the enemy is slain

(gut the church)

slightless storm
knee-deep in hate i seeth
my purpose here has woken to breath
total war on the brethren of men
millions regardless
dying by my hand

a black age of fire
brief in its vicious eloquence
removing the dross
love will arise from the ashes of your loss

then and only then
will the pleasure of eden be mine
and the sinews of life itself will be tied
in the very veins of my bloodline

and their tears taste like wine...

i will rule as a king
and the goddess will sit as my guiding queen
in the glory of the earth our crowns are studded
with the jewels of blasphemy

the blood is the life!

i seek to evoke a new order in man
a flood of compulsion to resurrect khem
the lion is vexed to uproot and descend
chaos my steed in the thick, clinging dust
tempering weapons of criminal lust
i hold sway from the east to fulfill prophecies
thinning the cause as fresh cells to disease

the blood is the life!

even the moon will not lend thee her light
the darkness serves will to snuff out human life
that i might reclaim the world as my right

i kill without scruple or silent regret
in haunts of the sinister lunar aspect
for i am the pleasure that comes from your pain
tiny red miracles falling like... rain

the incessant pall of death surrounds me
but this is not the part of me that wishes to breed
there will be no dread thereafter
the mysteries i reveal unto thee

i stir the hearts of the wisest
by the fools i will always be feared
my kingdom feeds off their slaughter...

a crescendo of passion bleeding...
on the pale reflection of dawn

devour the sun

"the great man of his time
is he who expresses
the will of his time;
who tells his time what it wills;
and who carries it out"

the black goddess rises

cradle of filth’in 1994 tarihli the principle of evil made flesh albümünden...

thee i invoke, bornless one
all woman, pure predator
wherein conspiracy and impulse dwell
like a seething fall from grace

thee i worship...

thou art darkest gabrielle
lilith who rode the steed
thou art pale hecate
rising from thessaly

crush their unworthy idols
no church shall bar our path
seductive evil, drink your fill
of the bleeding christ in your arms

you are in my dreams
the darkness in my eyes
the rapture in my screams
black goddess arise

nothing will keep us apart
we could kill them all
if our desire tore free
our union is one, sweet, sinful eve

and the night draws in beside her
as we embrace the dark side by side
i pour my soul to those eyes full of fire
to harvest the seed ploughed inside her

archangel, snare the flesh
suck dry the ebbing wound
leave them lifeless and broken
my beloved...

oh, how i have craved for you
you so pure and other-worldly with your scent of winter
am i to bleed myself dry just to see your delight?

and the fear retreats forever
(come to me... black goddess arise)
when my secrets are buried in thine
(come to me... black goddess arise)
under seven stars we came together
(come to me... black goddess arise)
to plot the new age’s decline
(come to me... arise!)

ishtar my queen
come forth to me
and help me seize
my future from the house of death

that in the release of immortality
i should slay their fucking nazarene
ah... the lies... the jew... i kill for you

hidden lusts will break the gates and swarm
as love secretes the thrill for war
the virgin raped shall seek to whore
she-wolf bare your snarling jaw

"caught in thy net of shadows,
what dreams hast thou to show?
who treads the silent meadows,
to worship thee below?"

to the mountains

satyricon’un 2003 tarihli now diabolical albümünden...

i lost touch with me
i was and still am fire
ignite! to the mountains

live breath sense move
i know it pains me too
ignite! to the mountains

lies, deceit
fright, escape
caught, burdened
gone, trapped
get up, on your feet
give me, your very self
it’s time to rise!

persist progress
chin up
and ignite!
to the mountains

cast the light - deadly trail
i see it now
sky is lit - opens up
i want my share
lift me up - carry me
i need you now
heal the wounds - bloody deep
i have to stop
ignite! to the mountains


satyricon’un 2003 tarihli now diabolical albümünden...

a bitter blow - a darkened maze
can take you down
a fearless man - a shattered spirit
will immerse in misery

come see it - come feel it
it is here
come see it - come feel it
it’s alive

delirium - out of bounds
delirium - dying inside
delirium - left to wither
delirium - infernal majesty

count me in
(let’s) ride the storm
(and) fend them off
set me free

a source of light - a tower call
can lead the way
a scent of blood - a lust for life
will take you home
a broken mind - a fiery soul
will stand the pain
a tightened fist - a will divine
can break the chain

come see it - come feel it
it is here
come see it - come feel it
it’s alive

delirium - out of bounds
delirium - dying inside
delirium - left to wither
delirium - infernal majesty

count me in
(let’s) ride the storm
(and) fend them off
set me free

the darkness shall be eternal

satyricon’un 2003 tarihli now diabolical albümünden...

they’ve come into this sphere
with (their) natural born fire
to spread and protect new found truth
no man is man more noble the the cause he fights (for)

from the heavens
from the abyss
from the depths of man
from the mind
from the heart
from the soul

in the day and hour of depression
fate is on our side
the twilight is soon over
and heads are turned northwards
behind the wall of sleep is and always was

from the heavens
from the abyss
from the depths of man
from the mind
from the heart
from the soul

the will to win and timeless strength
holy holy union made in hell
no dark force for you to overcome

from the heavens
from the abyss
from the depths of man

the rite of our cross

satyricon’un 2003 tarihli now diabolical albümünden...

freedom, urge, faith - and deeper he falls
hatred, rage, fear - the stronger denial
anger, heat, lust - the higher he climbs
slave - the shackles are off
act - do it your way
horns - the abyss ascends

now gather the earth
it’s the coming of the dark lord
all tribes unite
this is the rite of our cross

viewing, judging, killing - a formula known
fading, paling, rotting - a story too old
wielding, might, just - now throw me the fight
glowing, thriving, winning - the truth will be told
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