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killing spree

death’in 1990 tarihli spiritual healing albümünden..

to the world around he was the perfect person
planning for an alibi he then starts rehearsing
a human bomb just waiting to explode
this secret rage can’t be controlled

slaughtered the dreams of others
on left to recover
self-inflicted wounds
life he has comsumed

planning a killing spree
victim of a conspiracy?

getting bored with his current life
rearranging with a knife

greed before despair suspicion starts to grow
his life was spared for this he does not know
screams filled the air there was no way to help
the ones he mourns he killed himself

slaughtered the dreams of others
on left to recover
self-inflicted wounds
life he has comsumed

planning a killing spree
victim of a conspiracy?

low life

death’in 1990 tarihli spiritual healing albümünden..

those who are a waste of life
use up air that others could breathe
human leaches all around
looking superion is what they believe

fake is the word you represent
your existence on earthj i resent
at the cost of others you get by
each word that you speak is a lie

low life - that’s all you’ll ever be
lies in effect - that’s what you like to see

hiding behind material values
that help cover up your weakness
never to change, always to look
for an easy way out of life

a pathetic excuse for a human being

nothing to back you up, never giving second thought
thinking you fool the world, into seeing something you are not

fake is the word you represent
your existence on earthj i resent
at the cost of others you get by
each word that you speak is a lie

low life - that’s all you’ll ever be
lies in effect - that’s what you like to see

within the mind

death’in 1990 tarihli spiritual healing albümünden..

transforming your mind from the inside out
overcoming fear that made you doubt
observing what is stored in the subconscious
trusting what you feel with your gut responses

see past the dark and use your energy
learn from these images
thoughts that we call dreams

this power lies within the mind
gain wisdom through abilities
change what’s to come in future time
avoiding pain and misery

look through the fake from what is real
making desicions by what you feel
live for the future and not the past
the weak of mind will never last

perceiving visions that reoccur
analyse your dreams to gain
a better perspective of your life
in control of your destiny with mind and soul

see past the dark and use your energy
learn from these images
thoughts that we call dreams

this power lies within the mind
gain wisdom through abilities
change what’s to come in future time
avoiding pain and misery

defensive personalities

death’in 1990 tarihli spiritual healing albümünden...

one mind divided into three, for every problem a personality
each one trying to protect, for the crisis a person they’ll select
with sorrow comes reassurance, with confusion there’s ignorance

deny who they are, a fantasy gone gone too far

protecting the weak points of the mind
defensive personalities
violent one minute calm the next
defensive personalities

passed down from generations, years of pain and complication
darkness was a punishment, memories time cannot mend
brutalised from the day of birth, to reality they can’t return

existing in a world of three lives inside of one

protecting the weak points of the mind
defensive personalities
violent one minute calm the next
defensive personalities

altering the future

death’in 1990 tarihli spiritual healing albümünden...

creating a life only to destroy
saved from a life of the unemployed
where crime is the only way to survive
which is the best to be dead or alive?
maybe a chance but maybe not
born to be thrown in the trash to rot
to exist in this world may be a mistake
the one who is with child, it’s their choice to make

death and life taken so easily
right or wrong, whose choice will it be?

abortion, when it is needed
execution, for those who deserve it
the giving and taking of life will always be
altering the future

[solos: shuldiner, murphy]

look into the future to prepare us for our fate
controlling our existence with every life we take

life for a life should remain the rule
the innocent victim that is what’s cruel
look to the past is what we should do
when justice was done and justice was true
using our laws to help their escape
an easy way out is what they create
claiming insane is the way to freedom
people are stupid enough to believe them

death and life taken so easily
right or wrong, whose choice will it be?

abortion, when it is needed
execution, for those who deserve it
the giving and taking of life will always be

living monstrosity

death grubunun 1990 tarihli spiritual healing albümünün giriş şarkısı.bir albüm girişi için oldukça güzel bir giriş.

every day blows by in a world of corrupt addiction
with life comes pain withdrawals and deformation
breaking the mould human appearance
contorting bodies with chamical interference

the guilty one, innocent she now cries
a life of hell, better off to die
born without eyes, hands, and a half a brain
being born addicted to cocaine

living monstrosity
a freak for life they’ll always be
never knowing love or hate
only pain the drug creates

some say she’s naive, she’s a stupid bitch
some say to forgive, guilty she should die

the beginning of the end begins at birth
breeding masses of twisted screaming flesh
an example we should make out of theses creators of misfortune
a serious crime that should not be forgiven

the guilty one, innocent she now cries
a life of hell, better off to die
born without eyes, hands, and a half a brain
being born addicted to cocaine

this place is terrible

king diamond’un 2000 tarihli house of god albümünden...

i’m back in the church... night has taken over
i’m breathing hard... in the dark
through the hole in the floor, i hear the winds from the catacomb
here it comes, out of the hole, a magnificent light
blinding the entire church
contorted faces and bodies too, powerful entity floating high above
i was no more scared of dying, but i was terrified of knowing the truth
i don’t want to, but i have to... i have to know who you are
"you have entered where no human must go
you have seen the lie... the lie about the cross"
i am many... we are one, the highest
you’ll never know why we kept him here
the one who did not die on the cross
could it be we kept him away from god... so that he may never walk
never walk the earth again?"
"or could it be that we’ve kept him... safe from you
so you may never try to do again what... you did back then?
i guess it all depends on who you are
i guess it all depends on who you really are"
"god and satan are just puppets on our strings
creating conflicts in your little human minds, keeping us alive
it doesn’t matter who or what you think we are
it only matters that you know we are
god, the devil, good and evil, we’re all that and so much more"
"live this life the best you can, and leave the rest to us"
but i can’t... i won’t be one that feeds an unknown god
show to mankind that you really exist
and then explain to us the meaning of chaos
give us reason to persist, to go on living through this hell on earth
all i want is peace of mind from all you non existing gods
i bet that not even you will ever understand the truth
cause you are nothing but a puppet on even higher strings
your unholy eyes, i wanna sew them shut
oh you meaningless little god, and so i choose death over you
up up the grey cold stairs, up into the tower of hell
with a rope in my hand, i’m searching for the unknown land
father of the universe, here i come.. this place is terrible


king diamond’un 2000 tarihli house of god albümünden...

down into the dark i go, armed with just a candle and then my soul
cryptic messages written on the floor
rats are nibbling at my feet, i send one off to nevermore
too much darkness, spiders on my eyes
webs are hanging from my thighs, the fatter ones must die
i see shadows walking straight and tall
i don’t know how they move, dancing on the walls
presence of fear, a presence so near
i wonder what could be so powerful beyond the dark
human bones... in little chambers all along the narrow halls
catacomb, death over life... catacomb, am i here to die?
i see a light, i push some bones aside
down into the dark i go, another chamber, a chamber with a glow
could this be a doorway to another world?
or darkness playing tricks, with my little mind?
the virgin mary is standing tall
a full size figure carved in wood up against the wall
her face is peeling from all the years gone by
is it just a statue, or is it what i’m looking for?
i break her face and see another one instead
the mummy’s face appears as the bandages they fall
dried out face with hate upon me gaze
how grotesque... the mummy wears a crown of thorns
from the empty sockets where its eyes should be
an entity of light is pouring out towards me
and then the sound... jesus christ,what have they done to you?
i’m running for my life, i’m running from the night
but it’s so hard to breathe, the stench down here is much too much
satan help me, help me god
help me anyone, anyone who hears my cry of fear
cold winds from far beyond the dark
chasing through the catacomb and breathing down my neck
human bones... in little chambers all along the narrow halls
catacomb, death over life... catacomb, am i here to die?
i know i’m here to die

passage to hell

king diamond’un 2000 tarihli house of god albümünden...

what was that sound?
i slowly turn around, something moved
a void of darkness in the floor, where the altar stood
i move a little closer, cause i cannot see from where i stand
blood still running down my arm, from all the cuts in my hands
i must enter the unholy cell
i must enter a passage to hell
someone is ringing the bell
but there is only me, there is no one else
i think i hear a voice from deep within the hole
i wonder who could be in there, the strong smell of old
i must enter the unholy cell
i must enter a passage to hell
i can barely see the stairs below
stairs on which i know my feet must go


king diamond’un 2000 tarihli house of god albümünden...

help... help... can anybody help me now?
help... help... my mind is lying on the ground
i don’t know, i just don’t know if i’m still alive
i see the sun, the sun is up again, another day of just the same
i’m slowly going mad, emptiness is all i have
i see the sun, the sun is up again, another day of just the same
help... help... can anybody help me now?
help... help... my mind is lying on the ground
in the mirrors on the walls, with the crosses standing tall
i see misery take another hold of me
i’m hanging on to a memory... i’m hanging on to myself
the wine is turning sour, i’m longing for my final hour
never to be free, cursed for eternity
i’m hanging on to a memory... i’m hanging on to me
be it god or satan, whoever you are
you’re hiding in the shadows
you cursed me with the devil’s mark
i’m hanging to a memory... i’m hanging on to myself
the wine is turning sour, i’m longing for my final hour
never to be free, cursed for eternity
i’m hanging on to a memory... i’m hanging on to me
help... help... i’m slowly going mad
help... help... emptiness is all i have
i smash the mirrors... the mirrors on the wall
i have to smash them all before they crush my soul
help... blood... i’m bleeding now, help... i’m bleeding bad
i’m bleeding on the floor
help... help...
i can’t take this anymore

just a shadow

king diamond’un 2000 tarihli house of god albümünden...

again i’m so alone, the wine is pouring down
no one to share with, no one to care with
the only light in my life
comes from the candlelight, black candles left behind
as i’m sitting through the night
i’m so cold and dark inside
angel, your memory will haunt me till the day i die
just a shadow, a shadow of a man
i’m just a shadow, a shadow of a man
the eyes of statues standing along the nave
they seem to follow my every move, every tear i shed
i am no longer living, but i am still not dead
i’m somewhere in between, i am of the unseen
must we have the other side, just to feel alive?
oh i wonder what would be had we not created me
just a shadow, a shadow of a man
i’m just a shadow, a shadow of a man
the eyes of statues standing along the nave
they seem to follow my every move
they drive me insane
surrounded by darkness in this cold church of thine
i try to remember, all that once was mine
i don’t know what tomorrow will bring
but if life is so divine, how come i suffer so in mine?
how come i suffer in mine?
the eyes of statues standing along the nave
they seem to follow my every move
they drive me insane
i am no longer of the living, but i am still not dead
i’m somewhere in between, i am of the unseen
i lived a lifetime of sorrow and hate, up until the other day
that’s when i left this sick old world behind
oh how love can make you blind
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