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before the vision

satanist yiyen kedi
iced earth un bir parçası.

oh, god, am i going crazy
what is happening to me, i need some answers
i’ve been chosen by the darkest force in nature
but why, why me?

call of the spirits:
go now, into the plains
seek out, the answers you’ll find
visions will be shown to you
at night by the lit desert moon

be strong, ride forth in pride
our destiny, lies in your hands
visions will be shown to you
you’re truly his chosen one

the path i choose

satanist yiyen kedi
iced earth un night of the stormrider albumunden bir parça.

during the last rays of the sacred moon
i walk the desolate terrain cold and all alone
the rider came to me a black tornado, a violent mass
the cloud of evil rose, now i’m marked for all time

temptation befell me
darkness is calling for me
this is the path that i choose
this is the path that i choose

forced power besieged in me
showing visions of what will be
now obsessed with my fate
i must go forth and conquer

the chosen one to lead the pack
this boiling hate has risen
from the depths of my blackened heart
this madness is my destiny

temptation befell me
darkness is calling for me
this is the path that i choose
this is the path that i choose

life and death

satanist yiyen kedi
bir iced earth parçası.

i came into this world
a screaming infant
forced entry into this life
as i grow the pain sustains
deep inside my soul
visions come and visions go
but hate will never leave me
as i grow the pain sustains
deep inside my soul
visions come and visions go
but hate will never leave me
life and death never again
i shall not return
soul sucking pious man
i shall not return
the reflection, an aging soul
my body’s old and cracked
death soon will be with me
coldness, inactive pain
soul sucked at the speed of light
trapped in someone else
no please not again
evil reincarnated
the cycle’s spun once more
soul sucked at the speed of light

written on the walls

satanist yiyen kedi
iced earth un iced earth albumunden bir parça.

one the night the darkness fell
across the naked land
a demon force was summoned up
from the bowels of hell
the stench of death grew thick that night
we knew it was the end
we run to find a place to hid
the land was raped and bare
the wind it blows a eerie cold
a fog that never lifts
their tears will flood the land tonight
and the thunder’s drowned by screams
as i lay here
freezing veins of ice
what will be for me
what will be the price
is it what they say
is it written on the walls
why can’t we stop
this shattered worlds’ fate
why didn’t we try at all
armageddon town life is gone
we knew it was the way
written down so long ago
implanted in our minds
our fathers told us of this hell
they read it on the walls
it’s written on the walls
it’s written on the walls
the frightened children know not why
and no one will explain
we’ve brought it all upon ourselves
an ending to this world
forgiveness for your soul you pray
but it’s written on the walls

curse the sky

satanist yiyen kedi
bir iced earth parçası.enter the realm albümündendir.

how much hate
can one man feel
when his kingdom is crumbling
how much pain
can one man take
when his future is melting
eyes of fire blast his brain
cursing heaven and hell
nothing barred just asking why
no answers to be heard
fire eyes, curse the skies
thanks maker for questions unanswered
falsify, disposition died
you detest the faker
eyes, lies
i curse the skies
tell me something
tell me why
terror reigns, i’m in pain
why, why, i curse the sky
tattered times and brainwashed minds
cluttering up his thinking
boiled hate just can’t wait
there’s no more self control
eyes, lies
i curse the skies
tell me something
tell me why
terror reigns, i’m in pain
why, why, i curse the sky


satanist yiyen kedi
iced earth un 1989 ciki$li enter the realm albumunden bir parça.

the feeling that you get when we creep inside
you won’t see us there, you won’t feel our stare
but when we’re next to you we do all we can do
to get the cold sweat out, watch you squirm about
and as you try to move we grab and strangle you
with all of your deceit and our reality
in the night
hell is coming down, your fate has turned around
too scared to make a sound
now you’re frozen there in your human shell
it’s a nightmare i am the god of fear
in the night


satanist yiyen kedi
bir iced earth klasigi.

walking in the subway
alone late at night
new york city gangs
everywhere in sight
your fell their anger upon you
you feel their hateful eyes
walk a little faster now
you’re fighting for your life
as they walk on closer
their eyes burn down your back
you feel a thousand cries
not prepared for their attack
a mission bell sent sign
a sign that you board soon
you’ve come this far, no turning back
we hope you make it too
don’t expect, sympathy
we don’t know, the word
your walked my turf, insanity
but in this place you die
your life is wasted
your blood is tasted
as it drips down the blade
you didn’t make it
you couldn’t take it
you walked the subway you paid
your money’s gone
your clothes they’re torn
you’re lying in a pool of blood
you know you’re leaving
we watch you grieving
but in this place you die
don’t expect sympathy
we don’t know the word
you walked my turf, insanity
but in this place you die

in jason s mind

satanist yiyen kedi
iced earth un psychotic dreams albümünden bir parça.

he’s the creeper in the night
he’s the reaper with a knife
he wears a mask to hide his face
he’s always ready for the chase
killing for the vengeance
of his mothers death
he’s got murder on his breath
run from the creeper
hide in the night
his knife is plunging deeper
he’s got you wrapped up tight

creeper in the night
reaper with a knife
creeper take your life
reaper with a killing bite

down in the lake
he’s gaining his strength
his vision is blurred
his mind is obscured
from behind a tree
or underneath your bed
he’s looking for you
he’ll cut off your head
behind his mask
he lies in wait
his mind is obsessed
he’s gone insane
only to know the look in his eyes
the pain and the fear
and the tast of spite

creeper in the night
reaper with a knife
creeper take your life
reaper with a killing bite


satanist yiyen kedi
iced earth un psychotic dreams albümünden bir parça.

out in the streets
out in the night
slime oozes from her gutter
street walkin’ bitch
makin’ it rich
desperate man involved
take a knife
take her life
worthless debutante

jack is out there
jack is near
jack be nimble
jack brings fear
jack has blades and axes, too
jack had blades, i warned you

one more block
and you’ll be safe
if you get that lucky
but you don’t
you poor thing
his axe is swinging proudly

jack is out there
jack is near
jack be nimble
jack brings fear
jack has blades and axes, too
jack had blades, i warned you

swing his axe
twenty whacks
and you’re into bite-sized peices

take his knife
slice your life
shreaded prostitution
jack has won
in jacks mind
jack has the resolution
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