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satanist yiyen kedi
horror show albumunden bir iced earth parçası.

do you believe in love?
do you believe in destiny?
true love may come only once in a thousand lifetimes...
i too have loved... they took her from me.
i prayed for her soul... i prayed for her peace

when i close my eyes
i see her face, it comforts me
when i close my eyes
memories cut like a knife

the blood is the life, and christ i defy.
my sworn enemy... birth of a new creed.

is this my reward for serving god’s own war?
the blood i’ve spilled for faith fulfilled.
to damn her, a disgrace, you spit back in my face.
i served you loyally, and you spew blasphemy.

i avenge with darkness, the blood is the life
the order of the dragon, i feed on human life

there are far worse things awaiting man than death
come taste what i have seen
i’m spreading my disease
i will feed upon his precious child
the human race will bleed, they will serve my need.

i avenge with darkness, the blood is the life
the order of the dragon, i feed on human life

i am the dragon of blood, the relentless prince of pain
renouncing god off his throne
my blood is forever stained

for true love i shall avenge
i defy the creed that damned her


satanist yiyen kedi
a mastermind in the old watchtower
prying eyes must never find.
playing god in the final hour
insanity, such a fine line
overwhelmed by the mourning process
and the loss of his dearly loved
the doctor’s work is now obsession
what is life? what’s beyond?
he wants to know what it’s like to be god
creating life with his own hands
to reanimate lifeless tissues
the devil’s work, the doctors plan
a man of wealth and a genius mind
a slave to passion and his morbid side
robbing graves of the nearly dead
erratic tendencies, a troubled mind

i will create in my own image
if god can then why can’t i?
no thought of the consequences
i’ve got to know the meaning of life

lightning strikes, it’s the witching hour
the monstrosity comes alive
a victim of man’s vanity
born in delirium, a deranged child
he turns his back on his own creation
chaos ensues, the innocent die
who’s the monster?
who’s the victim?

crucify!!! crucify!!!

jeckyl and hyde

satanist yiyen kedi
mukemmel bir iced earth parcasi.horror show albumundendir.

what’s the reason for me to be this way?
i’m lying on the floor
i’ve broken through some door
i don’t know how i came to this
there is blood lust in my eyes
and someone in my mind saying

i have forced you here
i’m hiding, right here inside you
trapped in here so long
you’ll find me growing in every man

who is this that speaks to me?
tearing down my mind
my reality
this must certainly be the one
what will i pay for this?
this evil synthesis!

i’m out of control
evil takes my soul

i can feel you inside me
you’re not stronger than me
i won’t let you
no, you can’t have me!

i won’t let you destroy me
you took away my life
with your wicked seed
if you’re able to take control
you’ll bring damnation upon my soul

im ho tep

satanist yiyen kedi
bir iced earth parcasi.

(bkz: pharoah s curse)

time is the bond of mortal life
isis with the scroll of life
raised her love osiris from the dead
live can transcend the mortal coil
with this script, the high priest of
the pharaoh commits his sacrilege
death is but a threshold
to another life, you will arrive
with this power
you shall live again, there is no end
you’ll live again...

love was the curse upon my soul
for it i would risk salvation
and utilize the scroll to save this one
time is the sentence for my sin
three thousand years my angry soul’s
been trapped inside this tomb of my condemn.

death is but a threshold
to another life, i will arrive
with this power
i shall live again, there is no end.
i’ll live again

dawn shines a light on pain untold
scarred from the millennia
the heart that beats inside my chest is cold
rise, i’m rising from these sands of time
by the scarab’s power i am given strength
with hate in hand, this misery i drink

death is but a threshold
to another life, i will arrive
and with this power
i shall live again, there is no end
this pain won’t end

ghost of freedom

satanist yiyen kedi
iced earth un horror show albumunden nefis bir parça.

every time you think about it
it tears you up inside
you curse the day your mother
told you, your father died
now you’re always searching
searching for the reason why i’ve gone
but i will always be here
by your side, through the darkest night

here i’ll stand on the firing line
here i’ll walk through the field where i died
i will fight and let the voice ring true
i am the ghost
standing next to you

every night you go to sleep
you pray the lord my soul to keep
you don’t know i’ve not gone away
you see i watch over fighting men
so they can have peace again
and maybe someday you will all be free

here i’ll stand on the firing line
here i’ll walk through the field where i died
i will fight and let the voice ring true
i am the ghost
standing next to you

you speak to me
and i feel your pride
assuring me i’ll never die
i write mother...
"he’s here with me..."
he’s in our minds
he’s in our souls
of sacrifice his story’s told
he holds the flame of freedom for all to see

here we stand on the firing line
here i’ll walk in the field where i fight
i will fight of die for liberty
with the ghost standing next to me

don’t tread on me... live free or die!!!
to our fallen brothers
you died to keep us free
to our fallen brothers
who gave us liberty!!!


satanist yiyen kedi
innocence tainted by pure lunacy
cursed by the slash of a shape-shifting beast
oh no, this can’t be
demonic infection, a doomed changeling
his future concealed as he begs to be told
a kiss from the gypsy, he’ll never grow old
oh no, this can’t be
demonic infection, a doomed changeling

even a man who’s pure
and says his prayers by night
(he won’t hear your prayers)
man become a wolf
when the wolf bane blooms,
and the autumn moon is bright
(there’s a full moon tonight)
man may become a wolf.

he who is bitten by a wolf and lives
possession soon follows, no use to resist
oh no, this can’t be
cursed by the moonlight, a doomed changeling
the madness a turmoil that swells up inside
to truly find peace is to truly die
oh no, this can’t be
cursed by the moonlight, a doomed changeling

now comes the rampage, a killing spree
hunting his loved ones comes instinctively
oh no, it’s maddening
a shape-shifting demon of pure lunacy
a shot from the darkness tears through its flesh
a bullet of silver lays it to rest

oh no, it’s maddening
an innocent victim finds his peace.

the ripper

satanist yiyen kedi
iced earth un the melancholy ep inde bulunan bir judas priest parcasi.

you’re in for surprise
you’re in for a shock
in london town streets
when there’s darkness and fog
when you least expect me
and you turn your back
i’ll attack

i smile when i’m sneaking
through shadows by the wall
i laugh when i’m creeping
but you won’t hear me at all

all hear my warning
never turn your back
on the ripper

you’ll soon shake with fear
never knowing if i’m near
i’m sly and i’m shameless
nocturnal and nameless
except for ’the ripper’
or if you like ’jack the knife’

any back alley street
is where we’ll probably meet
underneath a gas lamp
where the air’s cold and damp
i’m a nasty surprise
i’m a devil in disguise
i’m a footstep at night
i’m a scream of the fright

all hear my warning
never turn your back
on the ripper...the ripper....the ripper

the coming curse

satanist yiyen kedi
bir iced earth parcasi.

i walk the earth just as they planned
baptized in fire for my ancient land
the coming curse, your anti-christ, i am the watcher’s eye
i vindicate and cleanse the earth of all mankind

for many years, i’ve walked among you
through the folds of time and space
kingdoms fall, leaders die, as i see fit
i devour souls of those that pose a threat

i walk the earth another day
the wicked one that comes this way
savior to my own, devil to some
mankind falls, something wicked comes

i bide my time planning your fate
with bated breath, the elder wait
the coming curse, your anti-christ, i am the watcher’s eye
for your crimes on our kind you all will die

i walk the earth another day
the wicked one that comes this way
savior to my own, devil to some
mankind falls, something wicked comes

forged in the sacred flames
on the sixth day
of the sixth month
in the sixth hour

i am your anti-christ, i will destroy mankind
born of the beast and flames
i will devour, i will divide

hellfire rages in my eyes
blood will fall like rain this night
the coming curse, the anti-christ, i am the watcher’s eye
i vindicate and cleanse the earth of all mankind

i walk the earth another day
the wicked one that comes this way
savior to my own, devil to some
mankind falls, something wicked comes

birth of the wicked

satanist yiyen kedi
iced earth 98’ ciki$li albumunden bir parca.

daylight breaks hard on sacred ground
for centuries we’ve questioned them of his birth
but in this hour, on this day, the elder knew
years of madness must now subdue
order must be enforced to hide the truth
cause on this day, in this hour it’s coming true

child of the wicked and ancient man
baptized in black magic, their master plan
born of the watch, his prophecy, by their command

so, behold the birth, the wicked child
born of the beast, in eastern sands
he will arise, he will divide
he has the power to bring the end

it’s up to us now to seal his fate
marked with the proper math the child’s none to late
blessed by the beast, our chosen one was born this day
he’ll rise from the ashes of our dying race
manipulate history, time and space
the elder, men of the watch, professed this day

child of the wicked and ancient man
baptized in black magic, their master plan
born of the watch, his prophecy, by their command
conceived of the beast and in stars above
we`ll shape and guide him with undying love
born of the watch, through sands of time, by their command

so, behold the birth, the wicked child
born of the beast, in eastern sands
he will arise, he will divide
he has the power to bring the end
behold the birth, the wicked child
born of the beast, in eastern sands
he will arise, he will divide
he has the power to bring the end

blessed are you

satanist yiyen kedi
tuyleri diken diken edebilen nadir parçalardan biri.

pure ambition burns in me
it’s a beast, never to be tamed
and the only peace i can find
is when i’m here with you
you are the ones that keep me high
you are the ones for which i’ll die
forever we will be
standing tall, side by side
we’re the children of the night

blessed are you
blessed am i
children of the night

so this song is for all of you
by my side, through and through
we’ll roam that world true and free
feeding you the inner beast
you are the ones that keep me high
you are the ones for which i’ll die
forever we will be
standing tall, side by side
we’re children of the night

blessed are you
blessed am i
children of the night

the storm we ride
side by side
you keep me high
for you i’ll die
through the storm we ride

reaping stone

satanist yiyen kedi
there is a place far from her home
she strayed her path too long
in that wood, she found the stone
lost souls should never look upon

at first glance, a lone monolith
lifeless, cold and grey
she looked in deep, this timeless relic
the lost fall easy prey

come into my world, my child
i will take you home
i’m your reaping stone

come into my world, my child
i will take you home
i’m your reaping stone

think not of ones you’ve lost
nor of ones you leave
i shall give you strength to pass
i will set you free

come into my world, my child
i will take you home
i’m your reaping stone

come into my world, my child
i will take you home
i’m your reaping stone

stand alone

satanist yiyen kedi
bir iced earth parcasi.

listen not to ones who preach
those who feel you’re a freak
everything about you is wrong
you must be sick, you don’t belong

father said, worry not what they say
use your mind, your own free will
in a time when everyone follows
ignorance can kill

they only say what they want you to hear
half-truths have been twisted to conceal your fate
in a world of spoon-fed emotion
intelligence can save

stand alone
hear what i say
stand alone
you will seize the day

son, say what you mean, don’t be afraid
tell them how you feel, hear what i say
be true to yourself and true to your own
your spirit will crush the hearts of stone

stand alone
hear what i say
stand alone
it’s a leap of faith

disciples of the lie

satanist yiyen kedi
iced earth un something wicked this way comes albumunden bir $ahane.

you abuse and you victimize
but you’re dignified, so you justify
it’s in your eyes where deception lies
so you criticize with cruel eyes
father in black, black as sin
pure hypocrisy to no end
condemnning me and my fellow man
i live my life among the damned

i’ve gotta do as you say, not as you do
you’re a man of the cloth, i’m comin’ for you
you say you can save me, cleanse me of my sin
a holy predator, the wolf in sheepskin
disciples of the lie

breeding fear in your twisted smile
pedophile, in denial
i taste revenge when i think of you
a life of hell you put me through
when i find you i’ll take youout
no remorse, you’re going down
you see satisfaction in my eyes
i vindicate, now you die

i’ve gotta do as you say, not as you do
you’re a man of the cloth, i’m comin’ for you
you say you can save me, cleanse me of my sin
a holy predator, the wolf in sheepskin
disciples of the lie

the blackness inside overwhelms me
the pain engulfs and turns to rage in me
trapped so deep in my mental hell
release the demons, set me free

i’ve gotta do as you say, not as you do
you’re a man of the cloth, i’m comin’ for you
you say you can save me, cleanse me of my sin
a holy predator, the wolf in sheepskin
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