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rape humanıty with pride

mayhem’in chimera albümünün 3.parçasıdır.sözler:

inside a mind so deranged
how i wish you all were dead
annoying humanity sickens me
i contemplate your extinction
the beast i caress you never see
everyday i destroy your lives
inside my castlewalls life runs red

i have you now inside my head
i crush your feeble maggot minds
the flies collect the remnants
the locusts shatter flesh

my work almost complete

the spells are cast
your dreams won’t last
in perfect destruction

the spells are cast
your dreams won’t last
you fell for my seduction

dark night of the soul

mayhem’in chimera albümünün 2.parçasıdır.sözler:

caress the deceitful snake
the one who speaks in tongues
of all my devastating truths
collect the power of my dreams
cast by the devious fire demons
a thousand whorish tongues
a fiendish lust, a hollow trust

in black death, salute the visions
mayhem of living, infected blood
in this dark night of the soul

i close my eyes to the world
kiss my skinless corpus
make me revel in your weak souls
make me feast on your nightmares

in black death, salute the visions
mayhem of living, infected blood
in this dark night of the soul

death’s needs enshrined in my heart
i deal exclusively in mysterious pain
i seal the orbits of misanthropy

the mystical blood runs tonight
sifting through your inner thighs
a moment of inconceivable lust


ing. fahişe,orospu anlamını taşır.

mayhem’in chimera albümünün açılış parçasıdır.sözler:

incorporated bloodlust
incinerated carcass
incarnated in my blood
indecent deathwhore rules

inanimated deathfuck
interlocked repulsive souls
incantations flowing free
indecent deathwhore rules

she fucking hates you all

intermented in my inhumanity
interdicted from the human face
incompatible with this fucking world
indecent deathwhore rules

intercourse with raping demons
interlude in collapsing ethics
invincible now and in eternity
indecent deathwhore rules

she fucking hates you all


incorporated bloodlust
incinerated carcass
incarnated in my blood

inanimated deathfuck
interlocked repulsive souls
incantations flowing free


mayhem’in 2004 çıkışlı albümünün ismidir.maniac abimizin vokali sayesinde mayhem’e yakışmayan bi albüm olarak gözükür.oysa fena bi albüm değildir.ayrıca albümün son parçasıdır.albümde emeği geçenler:

maniac - vokal
blasphemer - gitar
necrobutcher - bass
hellhammer - davul

albümdeki parçalar:

2.dark night of the soul
3.rape humanity with pride death must fall
6.slaughter of dreams
7.impious devious leper lord

chimera parçasının sözleri:

i will present you with this fornication
something in space time is logically ill

what can be seen in the rear view mirror
expectancy was a mephisto’s gasp,
your past was never quite there
there was nothing that loose in the
constituents of your substance
it does indeed exist in parts of your
neural commitments to the mind body,
or does evil exist?
there was always something paranoid in the
ways she behaved in your guilt
conclusions are never to be trusted

you are not dead,
you never existed,

you are not dead

her devotees were never that pure,
pure existence was never arbitrary,
not in my convictions of the truth
she gave the demon seeds life,
the necessity of the game given
displayed a virtue unseen in you
there is gang grene in the tubes
of the vermicular ethics of how
your world view presents itself

contradictions in terms of how
your life evolves in the chain of being
i claim you were never a part of reality,

this is where your life lie grows pale,
never known to your mirror self
she was a creature alive in you
but i put my hand through the
object of her desire inside your iris
and she ran down my fingers
like the sand in the desert of your mind

hell was never an option for you,
luciferian tolerance yields the given,
your dissolving truth tables

you are not dead,
you never existed

the sum of all you ever knew
equals zero

you are not dead,
you never existed


yarım yamalak bilen adamla oynaması en zor oyundur.

- o ne lan?

- rok yaptım.

- ne roku lan siktir git olmaz öyle şey!

- çüş be çüş senimi beklicem.hızlı oynasana lan.

- mat

- hassktr ya yanlış oynadım.geri alıyorum hamlemi.heh şimdi oyna.


1997 yılında almanya’da kurulmuş black metal grubudur.parça sözlerinde savaş ve karanlığı tema olarak benimsemişlerdir.ayrıca burzum’un det som engang var albümündeki snu mikrokosmos tegn parçasını yorumlamıştır.grup burzum hayranlığını açıkça dile getirmektedir.kadrosu:

draug - gitar-bass-vokal
thauron - gitar-vokal-programlama

gruba arada sırada uğrayanlar:

hrim - bu adam çok ilginçtir.sadece çığlık atmaya gelir
tiusson - davul


chaosaxt (demo)
namenlos (demo)
vargulf / fornost split 7" (split)
der wind hat mir ein lied erzählt (ep)
der wind hat mir ein lied erzählt


almanya’lı melodik black/death metal grubudur.1994’te oldenburg’ta kurulmuş dağılmıştır.kadroları:

eike kroeger - vokal
jury kowalczyk - gitar
garvin boesch - bass
selphratus - davul


invoking the eternal (demo)
landscape symphonies
songs of the desolate ones
modern instinct’s purity
death unveiled


bi baltaya sap olamamış 5 parlak isveçli’nin 2000 senesinde kurduğu melodik black metal grubu.bu zamana kadar neden adam gibi albüm çıkarmadıklarını anlamış değ dissection olamazlar,imkansızdır.kadroları:

magnus persson - vokal
daniel gustavsson - gitar
david göransson - bass
andreas blomkvist - gitar
emma storm - keyboard


of malice
thorns scar her soul


soulfly grubunun 3 albümünde yer alan bi parçadır ayrıca.sözleri:

come around, come around
predatory jungle law
come around, come around
predatory jungle law

one soul
one heart
one man
one truth
one tribe
one life
one god

come around, come around
predatory jungle law
come around, come around
predatory jungle law

embrace one feeling left inside
the more we breathe
the more it takes my breath away
everything you do
everything in you
everything you do and say
doesn’t wash it all away

come around, come around
predatory jungle law
come around, come around
prdatory jungle law

one fate
one rise
one sky
one breed
one pain
one light
one fire

come around, come around
predatory jungle law
come around, come around
prdatory jungle law

embrace one feeling left inside
the more we breathe
the more it takes my breath away
everything you do
everything in you
everything you do and say
doesn’t wash it all away

come around, come around
predatory jungle law
come around, come around
prdatory jungle law


isviçre’li mutasyona uğramış bi gruptur.1987’de kurulmuştur.eskiden parça sözleri satanizmden bahsederken şu an ruhsallık ve maneviyattan söz etmektedir.grupta xy ve vorph kardeşlerdir.sonuçta güzel bi gruptur ve saygıyı haketmişlerdir.kadroları:

vorph (vorphalack): vokal ve gitar
xy (xytraguptor): program,keyboard,perküsyon
makro : gitar
masmiseim (christophe mermod) : bass (alastis grubundada çalar)


into the infernal storm of evil (demo)
medieval prophecy (ep)
macabre operetta (demo)
from dark to black (demo)
worship him
blood ritual
after the sepulture (ep)
ceremony of opposites
1987-1992 (best of)
rebellion (ep)
exodus (ep)
black trip (dvd)
since the creation (boxed set)
telepath (single)
reign of light
on earth (single)
era one & lesson in magic #1
aeonics - an anthology


nagelfar grubunun 1999 çıkışlı güzel bi albümüdür.albüm 5 parçadan oluşmasına rağmen,albümü dinlemek toplam 1 saat 10 dakika sürer.kapitel eins der frühling als die tore sich öffnen parçası mükemmeldir.albümün parça listesi:

1.kapitel eins (der frühling) - als die tore sind affnen
2.kapitel zwei (der sommer) - die existenz jenseits der tore
3.kapitel drei (der herbst) - endzeit
4.kapitel vier (der winter) - trammer
5.kapitel fünf - willkommen zu haus
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