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fat bottomed girls

muthis bir queen parcasi

are you gonna take me home tonight?
ah down beside that red fire light
are you gonna let it all hang out?
fat bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round

hey i was just a skinny lad
never knew no good from bad
but i knew love before i left my nursery
left alone with big fat fanny
she was such a naughty nanny
heap big woman you made a bad boy out of me
hey hey!

i’ve been singing with my band
across the wire across the land
i’ve seen every blue eyed floozy on the way
but their beauty and their style
went kind of smooth after a while
take me to them lovely ladies every time

oh won’t you take me home tonight
oh down beside your red firelight
oh and you give it all you got
fat bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round
fat bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round

hey listen here
now your mortgages and homes
and the stiffness in your bones
ain’t no beauty queens in this locality (i tell you)
oh but i still get my pleasure
still get my greatest treasure
heap big woman you made a bad boy out of me

oh you gonna take me home tonight (please)
oh down beside that red firelight
oh you gonna let it all hang out?
fat bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round
fat bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round
get on your bikes and ride
fat bottomed girls
fat bottomed girls

thank you for loving me

bon jovi’nin muthis bir sarkisi

wear no disguise
if i tried, you’d make believe
that you believed my lies

thank you for loving me
for being my eyes
when i couldn’t see
for parting my lips
when i couldn’t breathe
thank you for loving me

you pick me up when i fall down
you ring the bell before they count me out
if i was drowning you would part the sea
and risk your own life to rescue me

lock the doors
we’ll leave the world outside
all i’ve got to give to you
are these five words when i

when i couldn’t fly
oh, you gave me wings
you parted my lips
when i couldn’t breathe
thank you for loving me


benim aylardir ziyaret ettigim guzel bir bilgi yarismasi sitesi.bunun icin http:/ sitesini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.benim icin en zevkli yani kendi gondermis oldugum sorularin bazen karsima cikmasi.

another one bites the dust

queen sarkisi.sarkinin sozleri soyledir:

ooh, let’s go
steve walks warily down the street
with the brim pulled way down low
ain’t no sound but the sound of his feet
machine guns ready to go

are you ready, hey, are you ready for this
are you hangin’ on the edge of your seat
out of the doorway the bullets rip
to the sound of the beat - yeah

another one bites the dust
another one bites the dust
and another one gone and another one gone
another one bites the dust, eh
hey, i’m gonna get you too
another one bites the dust

how do you think i’m going to get along
without you when you’re gone
you took me for everything that i had
and kicked me out on my own

are you happy ? are you satisfied ?
how long can you stand the heat
out of the doorway the bullets rip
to the sound of the beat
look out

another one bites the dust
another one bites the dust
and another one gone and another one gone
another one bites the dust, eh
hey, i’m gonna get you too
another one bites the dust

oh take it
bites the dust - bite the dust hey
another one bites the dust
another one bites the dust, ow
another one bites the dust, hey hey
another one bites the dust, heeey
ooh show down

there are plenty of ways that you can hurt a man
and bring him to the ground
you can beat him
you can cheat him
you can treat him bad and leave him
when he’s down, yeah
but i’m ready, yes i’m ready for you
i’m standing on my own two feet
out of the doorway the bullets rip
repeating to the sound of the beat
oh yeah

another one bites the dust
another one bites the dust
and another one gone and another one gone
another one bites the dust, yeah
hey, i’m gonna get you too
another one bites the dust
shoot out
hey, alright

dont stop me now

bir queen sarkisi.cok hareketlidir:)

don’t stop me now (freddie mercury)

tonight i’m gonna have myself a real good time
i feel alive and the world turning inside out yeah!
and floating around in ecstasy
so don’t stop me now don’t stop me
’cause i’m having a good time having a good time
i’m a shooting star leaping through the sky
like a tiger defying the laws of gravity
i’m a racing car passing by like lady godiva
i’m gonna go go go
there’s no stopping me
i’m burning through the sky yeah!
two hundred degrees
that’s why they call me mister fahrenheit
i’m trav’ling at the speed of light
i wanna make a supersonic man out of you
don’t stop me now i’m having such a good time
i’m having a ball don’t stop me now
if you wanna have a good time just give me a call
don’t stop me now (’cause i’m havin’ a good time)
don’t stop me now (yes i’m havin’ a good time)
i don’t want to stop at all
i’m a rocket ship on my way to mars
on a collision course
i am a satellite i’m out of control
i am a sex machine ready to reload
like an atom bomb about to
oh oh oh oh oh explode
i’m burning through the sky yeah!
two hundred degrees
that’s why they call me mister fahrenheit
i’m trav’ling at the speed of light
i wanna make a supersonic woman of you
don’t stop me don’t stop me
don’t stop me hey hey hey!
don’t stop me don’t stop me ooh ooh ooh (i like it)
don’t stop me don’t stop me
have a good time good time
don’t stop me don’t stop me ah
i’m burning through the sky yeah!
two hundred degrees
that’s why they call me mister fahrenheit
i’m trav’ling at the speed of light
i wanna make a supersonic man out of you
don’t stop me now i’m having such a good time
i’m having a ball don’t stop me now
if you wanna have a good time just give me a call
don’t stop me now (’cause i’m havin’ a good time)
don’t stop me now (yes i’m havin’ a good time)
i don’t want to stop at all

bohemian rhapsody

guzel turkcemize soyle cevirebiliriz

gercek hayat bu mu
yoksa bu hayal urunu mu
bir toprak kaymasina yakalandim
gercekten kacis yok
ac gozlerini, gokyuzune bak ver gor
ben zavalli bir cocugum, ama acimaniza ihtiyacim yok
cunku kolay gelip kolay giderim
biraz yuksek, biraz alcak
ruzgar nereden eserse essin benim icin farketmez

anne, birisini oldurdum
silahi dayadim kafasina, tetigi cektim ve simdi olu.
anne, hayat yeni baslamisti
ama ben hepsini bir kenara attim
anne, seni aglatmak istememistim
eger yarin bu saate kadar geri donmezsem
devam et, devam et, hic birseyin onemi yokmus gibi

cok gec, vaktim geldi
sirtim urperiyor, vucudum devamli agriyor
elveda herkese, gitmem gerekiyor
sizi geride birakip gercekle yuzlesmem gerek
anne, olmek istemiyorum
bazen keske hic dogmamis olmayi diliyorum

bir adamin kucuk siluetini goruyorum
scaramouche, scaramouche fandango yapacak misin
firtinalar kopuyor, beni cok korkutuyor
gallileo, figaro
magnifico; ben zavalli bir cocugum, beni kimse sevmez
o zavalli bir cocuk, zavalli bir aileden
bu canavarliga karsi hayatini bagislayin
kolay gelir, kolay giderim, beni birakicak misiniz?
bismillah! hayir, seni birakmayacagiz
mamma mia, birakin beni
beelzebub benim icin bir iblis bekletiyor

demek beni taslayip gozume tukurebilecegini saniyorsun
demek beni sevip olume terkedebilecegini saniyosun
bebegim, bunu bana yapma
sadece cikmam, sadece buradan cikmam gerek

hic birseyin onemi yok, herkes bunu gorebilir
hic birseyin onemi yok
benim icin hic birseyin onemi yok
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