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  1. toplam entry 156
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  3. puan 8477

punchdrunk lovesick singalong

radiohead in bass akorlarini ogrenemedigi icin nadiren caldigi b side’i.

i wrapped you inside my coat
when they came to firebomb the house
i didn’t feel pain, ’cause no-one can touch me
now that i’m held in your spell

a beautiful girl
a beautiful girl
can turn your world into dust

sell me a car that goes
sell me a house that stands
i never cared before, i never cared before
i never cared before, before, before, before

a beautiful girl
a beautiful girl
can turn your world into dust

a beautiful girl
a beautiful girl
can turn your world into dust

i stood in front of her face
when the first bullet was shot

pipiye hasmet kazandırmak

pipiye isim takmak , kendini maymun etmek, asina olmadigimiz bi jenerasyon defosu.takdir etmiyoruz pipiye hasmet kazandirma cabasi icinde olanlari ve almanyadaki bilimum aile fertlerine de burdan selam yollamiyoruz.almanyada aile ferdi yok pipiye hasmet kazandirmak yok.


turkce meali: hic bir yere gitme kal

chasing amy adli cok guzel filmde calan coal sarkisi.cok caresiz cok kirik cok buruk.

sozleri soyle:
you don’t have to lie about where you’ve been.
we both know you’ve been schemin’.
so why don’t you give your little voice a rest,
climb on up inside my bed, and just pretend you need me?

you don’t have to lie about what you know.
we both know that i’ve been sufferin’.
and i don’t need to be your only one,
and i don’t need your comfortin’,
i just need you with me.

(chorus)(stay, stay, stay with me.
stay, stay with me.
stay, and don’t you ever run away from me.)

oh,and if she ever let’s you down,
after she has run out of your money?
well then just crawl on back to me, i’m the one that
sets you free, and i’m the one that needs you.

and if she ever let’s you go,
we both know what you’ll be needin’.
and if you need somewhere to rest,
somewhere to lay your
head, you’ll know where to find me.


and if you need somewhere to rest,
somewhere to lay your head, you know where to find me.

stay with me!
(this part repeats several times)
i can’t live another day,
i won’t live another day without you baby!
stay with me!

turn down the headlights. empty the ashtrays.
sweep out of the airway, what’s left of our time.
oh, you can use my body to
do what you have to, but stay a little longer, stay with me.

brand new

aklimi basimdan alan the quiet things that noone ever knows diye bir sarki yapmis yeni ogrendigim grup.
sozleri de soyle bu sarkinin:
we saw the western coast
i saw the hospital
nursed the shoreline like a wound
reports of lovers trysts
were neither clear nor descript
we kept it safe and slow
the quiet things that no one ever knows
so keep the blood in your head
and keep your feet on the ground
if today’s the day it gets tired
today’s the day we drop out
gave up my body and bed
all for an empty hotel
wasting words on lower cases and capitals
so keep the blood in your head
and keep your feet on the ground
if today’s the day it gets tired
today’s the day we drop out
gave up my body and bed
all for an empty hotel
wasting words on lower cases and capitals
i contemplate the day we wed
your friends are boring me to death
your veil is ruined in the rain
by then you i can do without
there’s nothing new to talk about
and though our kids are blessed
their parents let them shoulder all the blame
so keep the blood in your head
and keep your feet on the ground
if today’s the day it gets tired
today’s the day we drop out
gave up my body and bed
all for an empty hotel
wasting my words on lower cases and capitals
so keep the blood in your head
and keep your feet on the ground
if today’s the day it gets tired
today’s the day we drop out
gave up my body and bed
all for an empty hotel
wasting words on lower cases and capitals
i lie for only you
and i lie well
i lie for only you
and i lie well
so keep the blood in your head
(i lie for only you)
and keep your feet on the ground
if today’s the day it gets tired
today’s the day we drop out
gave up my body and bed
all for an empty hotel
wasting words on lower cases and capitals
(and i lie well)
so keep the blood in your head
and keep your feet on the ground
if today’s the day it gets tired
today’s the day we drop out
gave up my body and bed
all for an empty hotel
wasting words on lower cases and capitals

a strange day


give me your eyes
that i might see the blind man kissing my hands
the sun is humming
my head turns to dust as he plays on his knees
as he plays on his knees

and the sand
and the sea grows
i close my eyes
move slowly through drowning waves
going away on a strange day

and i laugh as i drift in the wind
dancing on a beach of stone
cherish the faces as they wait for the end
sudden hush across the water
and we’re here again

and the sand
and the sea grows
i close my eyes
move slowly through drowning waves
going away
on a strange day

my head falls backs
and the walls crash down
and the sky
and the impossible
held for one moment i remember a song
an impression of sound
then everything is gone

a strange day

siamese twins

i chose an eternity of this
like falling angels
the world disappeared
laughing into the fire
is it always like this?
flesh and blood and the first kiss
the first colours
the first kiss

we writhed under a red light
voodoo smile
siamese twins
a girl at the window looks at me for an hour
then everything falls apart
broken inside me
it falls apart

the walls and the ceiling move in time
push a blade into my hands
slowly up the stairs
and into the room
is it always like this?

dancing in my pocket
worms eat my skin
she glows and grows
with arms outstretched
her legs around me

in the morning i cried

leave me to die
you won’t remember my voice
i walked away and grew old
you never talk
we never smile
i scream
you’re nothing
i don’t need you any more
you’re nothing

it fades and spins
fades and spins

sing out loud
we all die
laughing into the fire

is it always like this?
is it always like this?
is it always like this?

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