peter hammil parcasi:
where are all the joys of yesterday?
where, now, is the happiness and laughter that we shared?
gone, like our childhood dreams, aspirations and beliefs --
time is a thief, and he ravages our gardens,
stripping saplings, felling trees,
trampling on our flowers, sucking sap and drying seeds.
in the midnight candle-light of experience
all colour fades, green fingers grey....
time, alone, shall murder all the flowers,
still, there’s time to share our plots and all that we call ’ours’.
how much worse, then, if we all deny each others’ needs
and keep our garden’s privately?
its getting colder, wind and rain leave gashes;
looking back, i only see the friends i’ve lost.
fires smoulder, raking through the ashes
my hands are dirty, my mind is numb,
i count the cost of ’i’ :
"i need to get on, i’ve got to tend my garden;
got to shut you out, no time to crave your pardon now".
now i see the garden that i’ve grown is just the same
as those outside;
the fences, erected to protect, simply divide....
there’s ruination everywhere, the weather has
played havoc with the grass --
does anyone believe his garden’s really going to last?
in the time allotted us, can any man keep miserly his own?
is there any pleasure in a solitary growth?
come and see my garden if you will ----
i’d like someone to see it all before each root is killed.
surely now its time to open up each life to all ----
tear down the walls, if its not too late!
there is so much sorrow in the world;
there is so much emptiness and heartbreak and pain;
somewhere on the road we have all taken a wrong
turn ----
how can we build the right path again?
through the grief, through the pain,
our flowers need each others’ rain....
görmemle birlikte yarilmama vesile olan ukde.anlami söylemek pek de önemli değil sanirim.
(bkz: dr tech)
an itibari ile sözlüğümüzü sarmis hastalik.
(bkz: dunyanin en buyuk tsunamisi)
(bkz: dunyanin en pahali interneti)
(bkz: dunyanin en kalabalik konseri)
(bkz: dunyanin en guzel golu)
(bkz: dunyanin en genis bulvari)
(bkz: dünyanin en gudik sarkisi)
(bkz: öeah)
(bkz: dunyanin en buyuk tsunamisi)
(bkz: dunyanin en pahali interneti)
(bkz: dunyanin en kalabalik konseri)
(bkz: dunyanin en guzel golu)
(bkz: dunyanin en genis bulvari)
(bkz: dünyanin en gudik sarkisi)
(bkz: öeah)
pulp fiction in 9.
reservoir dogs ün 61.
kill bill vol 1 in 89.
kill bill vol 2nin 115 inci olduğu ve benim gibi tarantino hayranlarini sevindiren listedir.
reservoir dogs ün 61.
kill bill vol 1 in 89.
kill bill vol 2nin 115 inci olduğu ve benim gibi tarantino hayranlarini sevindiren listedir.
eylül ün 17sinde refreshde konser vericek olan kişilik.
fatih solmaz adli kişinin esi.
ayse ülker saygan solmaz adli kişinin kemikteki harika kösesinin adi.
en sevdiğim seinfeld karakteri elainei canlandiran süper yatenekli sirin insan.son emmy de ödül almiştir ayni zamanda.
(bkz: olsa da yesek)
(bkz: sempatik insanlar)
(bkz: olsa da yesek)
(bkz: sempatik insanlar)
(bkz: elaine marie benes )
oyuncularindan jerry seinfieldin gelmis gecmis en iyi 5 stand up ci arasinda olduğu dizi.
(bkz: severek izliyoruz)
(bkz: severek izliyoruz)
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