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fate of norns

amon amarth’in 2004 cikisli muhtesem albumu. sarkilarin genelde mid-tempo olmasi albumun beklenen etkiyi yaratamamasina sebep olmustur.

an ancient sign of coming storm
where death seems to dwell
the fate of norns
pursuit of vikings
valkyries ride
beheading of a king
once sealed in blood


yunan mit. styx huzurunda soz veren tanrilar sozlerini yerine getirmezlerse zeus tarafindan nehirden su icmeye zorlanirlar ve 9 yil boyunca seslerini kaybetmis bir sekilde aptal aptal dolasirlar.


anathema’nin en cok bilinen sarkilarindan biridir. sozleri de

feel my heart burning
deep inside... yearning
i know it is coming

a fettered heart, waking
a tainted youth, fading
leave it all behind
delirious again
mesmerise my senses
souls entwine one more time

all our times will come
searching oblivion
leaving nothing but the memories of
all the things you give
they’re all you’ll leave behind
within their mind

open laughter held in distant days
eternal stars have changed
i know that it can’t be the same
there’s no romance for you tonight

feel my heart burning
deep inside... yearning
i know it is coming

all our times will come
searching oblivion
leaving nothing but the memories of
all the things you give
they’re all you’ll leave behind
within their mind

and time recedes every day
you can search your soul but you won’t see
as we pass ever on and away
towards some blank infinity
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