  1. toplam entry 3
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 45750


iki fark arasindaki yedi resim
orchid (1995)
1. in the mist she was standing
2. under the weeping moon
3. silhouette
4. forest of october
5. the twilight is my robe
6. requiem
7. the apostle in triumph

morningrise (1996)
1. advent
2. the night and the silent water
3. nectar
4. black rose immortal
5. to bid you farewell

my arms your hearse (1998)
1. prologue
2. april ethereal
3. when
4. madrigal
5. the amen corner
6. demon of the fall
7. credence
8. karma
9. epilogue

still life (1999)
1. the moor
2. godhead´s lament
3. benighted
4. moonlapse vertigo
5. face of melinda
6. serenity painted death
7. white cluster

blackwater park (2001)
1. the leper affinity
2. bleak
3. harvest
4. the drapery falls
5. dirge for november
6. the funeral portrait
7. patterns in the ivy
8. blackwater park

deliverance (2002)
1. wreath
2. deliverance
3. a fair judgement
4. for absent friends (instrumental)
5. master’s apprentices
6. by the pain i see in others

damnnation (2003)
1. windowpane
2. in my time of need
3. death whispered a lullaby
4. closure
5. hope leaves
6. to rid the disease
7. ending credits
8. weakness

ghost reveries (2005)
1. ghost of perdition
2. the baying of the hounds
3. beneath the mire
4. atonement
5. reverie/harlequin forest
6. hours of wealth
7. the grand conjuration
8. isolation years


iki fark arasindaki yedi resim
parcalari cok uzun oldugundan dolayi bayiyor yorumlari yapilabilecek denli muzik zevkleri tam zit kisilere bile kendini dinletebilmis... hope leaves, harvest, face of melinda gibi parcalari yapabilmis fin grup... adini bir fantastik kurgu romaninda adi gecen bir sehirden almistir... damnation albumu bastan sona dinlenilmesi tavsiye edilir...

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