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p5hng me awy

linkin park reanimation albümünün 6. şarkısı.hybrid theory deki pushing me away adlı şarkının remixidir.sözleride şöyledir:

when i look into your eyes,
there’s nothing there to see.
nothing but my own mistakes,
staring back at me.

i’ve lied, to you
this is the last smile
that i’ll fake for the sake of being with you

everything falls apart,
even the people who never frown
eventually break down

everything has to end
you’ll soon find
we’re out of time left to watch it all unwind
(the sake of being with you)

everything falls apart,
even the people who never frown
eventually break down

the sacrifice is never knowing

why i stay,
when you just push away,
no matter what you see,
you’re still so blind to me.

i’ve tried like you
to do everything you wanted to
this is the last time
i’ll take the blame for the sake of being with you

everything falls apart,
even the people who never frown
eventually break down

the sacrifice of hiding in a lie

everything has to end
you’ll soon find
we’re out of time left to watch it all unwind

the sacrifice is never knowing

why i stay,
when you just push away,
no matter what you see,
you’re still so blind to me

reverse psychology
is failing miserably
it’s so hard to be
left all alone

telling you is the
only chance for me
there’s nothing left
but to turn and face you

when i look into your eyes,
there’s nothing there to see
nothing but my own mistakes,
staring back at me, asking


the sacrifice of hiding in a lie.

the sacrifice is never knowing

why i stay,
when you just push away,
no matter what you see,
you’re still so blind to me.

why i stay,
when you just push away,
no matter what you see,
you’re still so blind to me.

bindir bir gece

bir demet tiyatro da yayınlanmış olup binbir gece adlı diziyi tiye alan dizi.konusuna gelince kahramanımız şirazın oğlu (bkz: fünf kanseri) olmuştur.tedavisi ise ancak 150 bin dolarlık bir ameliyatla mümkündür.şiraz önce kayınpederine gider borç istemek için ama kayınpederinden red yanıtı alınca bu sefer patronu nakit bey e gider.nakit bey ise parayı verir ama bir şartla.şartı zaten siz biliyosunuz...


şu anda test yayınında olan cnbce nin 2. kanalı.birkaç gün sonra ise test yayını bitecekmiş.fakat bu kanalda yayınlanan dizilerin türkçe dublajla yayınlanacağına dair bir duyum aldım.inşallah beni keklemişlerdir de diziler yine türkçe altyazılı yayınlanır.

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