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ahmet çakar

yedigi 5 kursundan sonra daha bi uslu gozuken futbol yorumcusu.yazdigi kosede cesur yurek seklinde tanimlanan sahsiyet.akillara cesur yurek’in gotu mu korktu da uslandi sorusunu getiren insan.gunumuz futbolundan pek anladigi soylenemez fakat iyi hakemdi kendileri zamaninda.


satellite albumleri ile olaya giren ve gectigimiz yil payable on death albumlerini cikaran grup.genel kani yeniyetmelere gore olduklari fakat basarililar kanimca.


rakamlarinin toplaminin 2kati olan sayi.almanlara cok sey ifade eder zira bu rakamlar alfabede’a’ ve’h’ye karsilik gelir.(bkz: adolf hitler).
ayrica sozlukteki 60000. entry’nin dolmasi icin gerekli olan entry miktarinin karsiligidir.

you know you are right

kurt cobain’in omeden once grupla kaydettigi son sarki.ayrica bu sarkiya kurt cobain oldukten sonra klip cekilmistir.sozler:
will never bother you
i will never promise to
i will never follow you
i will never bother you

never speak a word again
i will crawl away for good

i will move away from here
you wont be afraid of fear
no thought was put in to this
i always knew it would come to this

things have never been so swell
i have never failed to feel

you know your right

i’m so warm and calm inside
i no longer have to hide
let’s talk about someone else
steaming soup against her mouth
nothing really bothers her
she just wants to love herself

i will move away from here
you wont be afraid of fear
no thought was put into this
i always knew to come like this

things have never been so swell
i have never failed to feel

you know your right



insanlari ’dik yuruyen domuz’ seklinde tanimladiklari soylenir.hatta aralarinda ’sen hic dik yuruyen domuz yedin mi’seklinde bi geyik de varmis da bu pek inandirici degil sanki cunku yemeseler yamyam olmazlardi zaten.


ismi ayni olan 2 kavramin algilarinin ayni olup olmadiginin hicbir zaman bilinemeyecek olmasidir.1kavrama bakan bakis acilarinin farkli olmasindan kaynaklanan degiskenliktir.ornegin bilgisozluk kimine gore bilgi paylasmak icin guzel bir ortamdir,kimisi icinse milletle tasak gecmek icin bi firsattir ama bilgisozluk bilgisozluktur.bu noktada dunyadaki kavramlarin sonsuzlugunu dusunursek hayatin karmasikligini ortaya koyar izafiyet.

blue american

brian molko’nun annesine ithafen yazdigi,black market music albumunde yer alan sarkinin adi.sozler:
i wrote this novel just for you
it sounds pretentious but it’s true
i wrote this novel just for you
that’s why it’s vulgar
that’s why it’s blue
and i say, thank you
and i say, thank you

i wrote this novel just for mom
for all the mommy things she’s done
for all the times she showed me wrong
for all the time she sang god’s song
and i say thank you mom
hello mom
thank you mom
hi mom

i read a book about uncle tom
where a whitey bastard made a bomb
but now ebonics rule our song
those motherfuckers got it wrong
and i ask
who is uncle tom?
who is uncle tom?
who is uncle tom?
you are

i read a book about the self
said i should get expensive help
go fix my head
create some wealth
put my neurosis on the shelf
but i don’t care for myself
i don’t care for myself
i don’t care for myself
i don’t care

i wrote this novel just for you
i’m so pretentious, yes it’s true
i wrote this novel just for you
just for you
just for you


muse’un icinde muscle museum,sunburn,uno gibi asmis sarkilar bulunduran ve 1999 yilinda yayimlanan albumunun adi.ayni zamanda albumle ayni adi tasiyan sarki:

controlling my feelings for too long
controlling my feelings for too long
controlling my feelings for too long
controlling my feelings for too long
forcing our darkest souls to unfold
and forcing our darkest souls to unfold
pushing us into self destruction
pushing us into self destruction

and they make me
make me dream your dreams
and they make me
make me scream your screams

trying to please you for too long
trying to please you for too long
visions of greed you wallow
visions of greed you wallow
visions of greed you wallow
visions of greed you wallow

and they make me
make me dream your dreams
and they make me
make me scream your screams

controlling my feelings for too long
controlling my feelings for too long
and forcing our darkest souls to unfold
and forcing our darkest souls to unfold
and pushing us into self destruction
and pushing us into self destruction

and they make me
make me dream your dreams
and they make me
make me scream your screams

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