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  1. toplam entry 651
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 52379

istanbul lisesi

oss’den 2 ay once turev ve integralden sinav yapmaya devam eden,bunyesindeki tiplerin normalden farkli olduklari asina olan,yil boyu her hafta en az 2 sinav yapan ve dersleri almanca olarak veren psikopat yetistiren psikopat okul.


adenin tri fosfat acilimi.bu uc fosfat arasinda yuksek enerji bagi bulunur.enerji gerektiginde bu baglardan birini kopartiriz ve yedi bin kusur cal.enerji elde ederiz.kalan ise adp’dir.


gerceklesirken enzim kullanilmaz,herhangi bir enerji harcanmaz.kokunun yayilmasi bir difuzyon olabilir de bunun kolaylastirilmis difuzyon adli bi turu vardir.ayrica suyun difuzyonuna osmoz denir.


ayrica placebo’nun black market music albumunden bana soz yazdiracak kadar asmis bi sarki.sozleri sole oluyor.
i was hanging from a tree
unaccustomed to such violence
jesus looking down on me
i’m prepared for one big silence

how’d i ever end up here
must be through some lack of kindness
and it seemed to dawn on me
haemoglobin is the key

haemoglobin is the key
to a healthy heartbeat
haemoglobin is the key
to a healthy heartbeat

at the time they cut me free
i was brimming with defiance
doctors looking down on me
breaking every law of science

how’d i ever end up here
a latent strain of color blindness
then it seemed to dawn on me
haemoglobin is the key

haemoglobin is the key
to a healthy heartbeat
haemoglobin is the key
to a healthy heartbeat

haemoglobin is the key
to a healthy heartbeat
haemoglobin is the key
to a healthy heartbeat

now my feet don’t touch the ground
now my feet don’t touch the ground, go
now my feet don’t touch the ground
now my feet don’t touch the ground

as they drag me to my feet
i was filled with incoherence
theories of conspiracy
the whole world wants my disappearance

i’ll go fighting nail and teeth
you’ve never seen such perseverance
gonna make you scared of me
’cause haemoglobin is the key

haemoglobin is the key
to a healthy heartbeat
haemoglobin is the key
to a healthy heart beat

haemoglobin is the key
to a healthy heart beat
haemoglobin is the key
to a healthy heart beat

now my feet don’t touch the ground
now my feet don’t touch the ground, go
now my feet don’t touch the ground
now my feet don’t touch the ground, go

now my feet don’t touch the ground
now my feet don’t touch the ground, go
now my feet don’t touch the ground
now my feet don’t touch the ground, go.


mutluluk,isteklerin giderilmesiyle olusur.istek,var oldugu bilinen bir olguya taleptir.dunya’da bir cok olgunun var oldugu bilindigine en azindan bilindigi umulduguna gore mutluluk,ya surekli hareket eden bi amactir kopek yarislarindaki kopeklerin pesinden kostugu kemik gibi,ya da bi hictir ki hic oldugunu kabul eden felsefeler yok degildir.

seray sever e tinerci tacizi

sonu oyle ya da boyle yurdum polisinin salakligiyla bitmis olaydir.hadisenin yasandigi yere polis diksen nolur ki be salak herifler?sonucta bu tur olaylar her yerde ve her daim yasanmakta bu da bi toplumsal sorunun yansimasi.cozum her olayin gerceklestigi yere 2-3 polis dikmek degil,toplumsal problemin kokune inmektir.zaten isin icinde seray sever olmasa kimsenin .ikleyecegi yok olayi.nitekim bu olayin 8kat beteri yilbasi aksami taksim’de yasandi,kimsenin kili kipirdamadi.


gun itibariyle galatasaay’dan 3 yiyen caykur rizespor’un temsill ettigi il.turkiye’nin cay ihtiyacinin buyuk bi kismi burada uretilir.plaka kodu 53 bu arada.
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