the cake sale albumu icin, lisa hannigan ve snow patrol dan gary lightbody’ nin birlikte seslendirdikleri duet.
some surprise
your lips come as some surprise,
that they would want to come and meet mine,
they never taste like the last time,
your lips come as some surprise!
i was always a special child,
circuit boards for my insides.
all i dreamed of was flying high,
so your lips came as some surprise.
your lips come as some surprise,
that they would want to come and meet mine,
they never taste like the last time,
your lips come as some surprise!
i was never one of the boys
throwing shapes and power ploys.
in your arms warmth i did find,
in your seat i did decline.
your lips come as some surprise,
that they would want to come and meet mine,
they never taste like the last time,
your lips come as some surprise!
now that we’ve sat for a while
you’ve shown me yours and i’ve shown you mine
even after all this time
your lips come as some surprise.
your lips come as some surprise,
that they would want to come and meet mine,
they never taste like the last time,
your lips come as some surprise!
your lips come as some surprise!
your lips come as some surprise!
sozler icin copy - paste kaynagi :
that they would want to come and meet mine,
they never taste like the last time,
your lips come as some surprise!
i was always a special child,
circuit boards for my insides.
all i dreamed of was flying high,
so your lips came as some surprise.
your lips come as some surprise,
that they would want to come and meet mine,
they never taste like the last time,
your lips come as some surprise!
i was never one of the boys
throwing shapes and power ploys.
in your arms warmth i did find,
in your seat i did decline.
your lips come as some surprise,
that they would want to come and meet mine,
they never taste like the last time,
your lips come as some surprise!
now that we’ve sat for a while
you’ve shown me yours and i’ve shown you mine
even after all this time
your lips come as some surprise.
your lips come as some surprise,
that they would want to come and meet mine,
they never taste like the last time,
your lips come as some surprise!
your lips come as some surprise!
your lips come as some surprise!
sozler icin copy - paste kaynagi : linkinden videosuna da ulasmak mumkundur. adresinden ulastigimiz bilgiye gore, iki sanatci da parcadaki vokal kayıtlarını farkli zamanlarda ve farkli ulkelerde yapmis, sadece final mix inde birarada bulunmuslar.
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bu sözlük, duygu ve düşüncelerini özgürce paylaştığın bir platform, hislerini tercüme eden özgür bilgi kaynağıdır.
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