necronomicon exmortis

evil dead uclemesinde genclerin ba$ina olmadik i$ler acan ,insan kani ile insan etinden yapilmi$ sayfalardan olustugu iddia edilen kitap.kitabin sayfalarini cevirirsiniz okumaya ba$larsiniz topraktan sisler dumanlar cikmaya ba$lar ve ormanin ortasinda join us ! sesleri yankilanmaya ba$lar.
ash bu kitapla fazla ha$ir ne$ir olmasi neticesinde sag elini kaybetmi$ ve cozumu elektrikli testereyi eline monte etmekte bulmu$tur.enfes bir fikirdir bu kanimca.
mortician grubunun domain of death albumundeki kapani$ parcasidir.
parcanin sozleri ise

darkness falls in the forest of the dead
evil forces lie dormant in the earth
waiting for the summoning to arise
to terrorize and claim fresh mortal lives
necronomicon exmortis
passages invoke the demons
reciting from the pages in the book
summoning evil creatures from the wood
unleashing evil forces on the earth
demons possess your soul and bring you death
evil dead hunt human victims
horrifying gruesome killings
ghastly demons coming for you
take your body, possess your soul
unseen forces of deadly evil killing
all who enter the woods
chainsaw cutting, blood is spraying
limbs are flying, guts are spilling
ghouls attacking, blood is spewing
hell’s dominions butchering
no escape evil forces sent off to eternal darkness

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