globalrichlist com

wily blake
şöyle demişler:

richer than you think?

how do you feel about that? a bit richer we hope. richer and ready to give some of your newly found wealth to those who need it most. it not hard - just slip your hand in your pocket and pull out something special. something that can help redress the balance - and also make you feel uncommonly good. many peoples lives could be happier if you donated just one hour’s salary.

all you have to do is make a choice.

$8 could buy you 15 organic apples or 25 fruit trees for farmers in honduras to grow and sell fruit at their local market.

$30 could buy you an er dvd boxset or a first aid kit for a village in haiti.

$73 could buy you a new mobile phone or a new mobile health clinic to care for aids orphans in uganda.

$2400 could buy you a second generation high definition tv or schooling for an entire generation of school children in an angolan village.

why are we doing it?

we are obsessed with wealth. but we gauge how rich we are by looking upwards at those who have more than us. this makes us feel poor.

we wanted to do something which would help people understand, in real terms, where they stand globally. and make us realise that in fact most of us (who are able to view this web page) are in the privileged minority.

we want people to feel rich. and give some of their extra money to a worthwhile charity.

how do we calculate it?

the global rich list calculations are based on figures from the world bank development research group. to calculate the most accurate position for each individual we assume that the world’s total population is 6 billion¹ and the average worldwide annual income is $5,000².

who’s behind this?

poke are a creative company based in london. our aim is to inspire people through interactive media.

we built this site because we wanted to challenge people’s perception of their personal wealth. and while we’re at it hopefully raise some money for a good cause. for contact details visit: poke

with thanks to: meghann mackenzie for bringing us donuts and number crunching.

¹ 2003 world population data sheet of the population reference bureau.
² steven mosher, president of the population research institute, cnn, october 13, 1999.

wily blake
yıllık gelirinize bakarak dünyadaki kaçıncı zengin olduğunuzu tahmin eden site.
yüzde kaçın içinde bulunduğunuzu, sizden daha fakir, daha zengin kaç kişi olduğunu da gösteriyor.

böylelikle ne kadar şanslı olduğunuzu anlamanızı ve sizden daha fakirlere yardım etmenizi sağlamak istemişler, (güzel de olmuş).
bu enformasyon ertesinde bir saatlik gelirinizi bağışlamanızı istiyorlar, (tabii ağanın eli tutulmaz).

poke’nin yaptığı sitede toplanan paralar "care" adlı, yoksullukla mücadele eden bir kuruma gidiyor.

global rich list:



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