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  1. toplam entry 2898
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  3. puan 79752

love speak

tarkan’in yeni kasetindeki parcasi.kaset cikmadan bu sarki her yerde caliniyordu zaten fazla tutulmadi..

don’t speak, you’re beautiful
don’t say a word at all
look at me, i hear your voice in my head like a song in an hall
i wanna see, are you the one for all time skin next to mine
am i lost in a dream ?
do you really wanna let us slip away ?

if you say it, do you mean it ?
if you feel it, let me see it !
if you want me now, i wanna hear love speak ... sisst
when you dance with your heart in motion
you pull me in just a little closer
don’t say a word, i wanna hear love speak ... sisst


why be so afraid of the silence ? ssshhh
all the day with the beats in your hair, what you don’t say
sets me feel like flames of the fire
like heat gettin’ higher
talk to me with your eyes so that i can believe
show me love deeper than words ... ooohhhh

if you say it, do you mean it ?
if you feel it, let me see it !
if you want me now, i wanna hear love speak ... sisst
when you dance with your heart in motion
you pull me in just a little closer
don’t say a word, i wanna hear love speak ... sisst

if you say it, do you mean it ?
if you feel it, let me see it !
if you want me now, i wanna hear love speak ... sisst
when you dance with your heart in motion
you pull me in just a little closer
don’t say a word, i wanna hear love speak ... sisst

don’t say a word ... ohhohh

let me feel it
you can’t conceal it, if the connection’s deep
uuuhhh, if this is meant to be
then you’ll have to speak

if you say it (ooohhh)
if you feel it
if you want me now, i wanna hear love speak ... sisst
when you dance with your heart in motion
you pull me in just a little closer
don’t say a word, i wanna hear love speak ... sisst

if you say it, do you mean it ?
if you feel it, let me see it !
if you want me, if you feel it, love speak ... sisst
when you dance with your heart in motion
you pull me in just a little closer
don’t say a word, i wanna hear love speak ... sisst..

güneş carpması

gunes carpmasi kizgin gunes altinda uzun sure kalanlarda ve daha cok cocuklarda gorulen bir yaz hastaligidir. siddetli bas agrisi, bulanti, kusma ve yuksek atesle kendini gosterir. boyle bir durumda hastanin serin bir yere goturulmesi, vucudu sikan giysilerin cikarilmasi, basima soguk kompres veya buz torbasi konulmasi onerilir. ates cok yuksekse vucudun islak bir carsafla sarilmasi, hastanin havadar bir yerde tutulmasi ve serin bir cankurtaranla hastaneye tasinmasi gerekir. basa ve kasiklara uygulanan soguk kompres de vucut sicakligini dusurur.asiri sicak sonucu beden isisini ayarlayan mekanizmanin bozulmasina bagli gelisen sicak carpmasi tedavi edilse bile oldurucu olabilir ya da kalici zararlar verebilir. bu nedenle de onlem alinmasi buyuk onem tasir.


klavyesinin sorumlulugunu tasiyabilen insanlardan. yazarim olmadi silerim laylayloy takilirimcilardan degil. entry’sini takip ettigim bilgicler arasindadir.kisa zamanda gayet iyi bi insan olduguna kanaat getirdigim beyfendi kisidir kendileri.

david silveria

21 eylul 1972’de california’da dunyaya geldi.13 yasinda iken davula olan ilgisi yuzunden arkadaslari tarafindan davulcu olarak cagirildi.1997 yilinin nisan ayinda shannon bellino ile evlendi.imaj degiskligi olarak saclari sariya boyatti , halen korn’un bateristidir. 1 adet altin 1 adet titanyum baterisi vardir ,adeta dans eder incitmeden vurur baget’leri davula..
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