

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 4232
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 82832

ya basta viva zapatista

zaten sözlüğe yazmayı bırakmış bir daha yazmayacakken uçurulmasına niye şaşırıldığını gene olay haline getirildiğini anlamadığım yazar. kayıp deniyor, yahu zaten yazmıyor yıllardır kayıp değil miydi? ha uçmuş ha yazmıyor.(okuyordur bunu yanlış olmasın sorunum olmamıştır hiç kendisi ile)

this is halloween

the nightmare before christmas’ın açılışında çıkan, kanımca what s this kadar eğlenceli şarkı.

boys and girls of every age
wouldn’t you like to see something strange
come with us and you will see
this is our town of halloween
this is halloween, this is halloween
pumpkins scream in the dead of night
this is halloween, everybody make a scene
trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright
it’s our town, everybody scream
i am the one hiding under your bed
teeth ground sharp and eyes glow red
i am the one hiding under you stairs
fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair
this is halloween, this is halloween
halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween
in this town we call home
everyone hail to the pumpkin song
in this town, don’t we love it now?
everybody’s waiting for the next surprise
around that corner, man hiding in the trash can
something’s waiting now to pounce
and how you’ll scream! this is halloween
red and black, slimy green
aren’t you scared, well that’s just fine
say it once, say it twice
take a chance and roll the dice
ride with the moon in the dead of night
everybody scream, everybody scream
in our town of halloween
i am the clown with the tear away face
here in a flash and gone with out a trace
i am the "who" when you call who’s there
i am the wind blowing through your hair
i am the shadow on the moon lit night
filling your dreams to the brim with fright
this is halloween, this is halloween
halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween
tender lumping everywhere
life no fun without a good scare
that’s our job, but we’re not mean
in our town of halloween
in this town, don’t we love it now?
everybody’s waiting for the next surprise
skeleton jack might catch you in the back
and scream like a banshee
make you jump out of your skin
this is halloween, everybody scream
won’t ya please make way for a very special guy
our man jack is king of the pumpkin patch
everyone hail to the pumpkin king now
this is halloween, this is halloween
halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween
in this town we call home
everyone hail to the pumpkin song.

what s this

the nightmare before christmas’ta, jack’in christmas town’da iken söylediği pek güzel ve şirin şarkı.

what’s this? what’s this?
there’s color everywhere
what’s this?
there’s white things in the air
what’s this?
i can’t believe my eyes
i must be dreaming
wake up, jack, this isn’t fair
what’s this?

what’s this? what’s this?
there’s something very wrong
what’s this?
there are people singing songs

what’s this?
the streets are lined with
little creatures laughing
everybody seems so happy
have i possibly gone daffy?
what is this?
what’s this?

there are children throwing snowballs here
instead of throwing heads
they’re busy building toys
and absolutely no one’s dead

there’s frost on every window
oh, i can’t believe my eyes
and in my bones i feel the warmth
that’s coming from inside

oh, look
what’s this?
they’re hanging the mistletoe, they kiss
why that looks so unique, inspired
they’re gathering around to hear a story
roasting chesnuts on a fire
what’s this?
what’s this?

in here they’ve got a little tree, how queer
and who would ever think
and why?

they’re covering it with tiny little things
they’ve got electric lights on strings
and there’s a smile on everyone
so, now, correct me if i’m wrong
this looks like fun
this looks like fun
oh, could it be i got my wish?
what’s this?

oh, my, what now?
the children are asleep
but look, there’s nothing underneath
no ghouls, no witches here to scream and scare them
or ensnare them, only cozy little things
secure inside their dreamland
what’s this?

the monsters are all missing
and the nightmares can’t be found
and in their place there seems to be
good feelings all around

instead of screams, i swear
i can hear music in the air
the smell of cakes and pies
is absolutely everywhere

the sights, the sounds
they’re everywhere and all around
i’ve never felt so good before
this empty place inside of me is filling up
i simply cannot get enough

i want it, oh, i want it
oh, i want it for my own
i’ve got to know
i’ve got to know
what is this place that i have found?
what is this?
christmas town,hm..

300 soundtrack

1-to victory
2-the agoge
3-the wolf
4-returns a king
6-the ephors
7-cursed by beauty
8-what must a king do
9-goodbye my love
10-no sleep tonight
11-tree of the dead
12-the hot gates
13-fight in the shade
14-come and get them
15-no mercy
16-immortals battle
17-fever dream
18-xerxes tent
19-tonight we dine in hell
20-the council chamber
21-xerxes final offer
22-a god king bleeds
24-message for the queen
25-remember us

şeklindeki leziz eserlerden oluşan soundtracktir, tyler bates ’e aitlerdir.
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