

- Yazar -

  1. toplam entry 890
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 55285


iktisadi ve idari bilimler fakultesi’nin en zor bolumudur.dort yilda mezun olmak icin kasmak sarttir.dersler bunaltsa da cok havali bir bolum oldugunu dusundugum,diplomasini tasimaktan gurur duyacagim bir bolum.

hayalet sevgilim

gazetedeki roportajinda sarkinin adinin "hayalet sevgilim" degil "hayal et sevgilim" oldugunu belirtmis oldugundan dolayi sehir efsanesi tabirinin kullaniminin hic dogru olmadigini dusundugum bir genc kizin yazmis ve soylemis oldugu sarkinin adi.


14.yuzyil fransiz efsanelerinden birine gore yari balik yari kadin bir su perisidir.Poitier kontu ile evlenmistir ve kont onu suda yikanirken görüp kimligini farkedince ayrilmislardir.Alman halk masallari kitabinda da melusine su perisi olarak geçer.

mantıgi yok ezberleyeceksin

genelde sinifa ezberlemis de gelmis ogretmenler tarafindan sarfedilen cumledir.tek sebebi kendisine de mantigini bilerek ogretilmemesi ve bu nedenle mantigini bilmemesi nedeniyle ogrencilerine de ayni ogrenme metoduyla ogreten "boyle gelmis boyle gider" mantigindan hareket eden kisiler tarafindan soylenir.

the way i am

ana johnson’in bir sarkisinin adidir.

the way i am

i’ve been messed up, tossed around
i’ve been flying high, just to get knocked down
i always kept my feet, on solid ground
i’m a sinner, i’m a saint
i’ve been creeping down the fast lane
i’ll rush this life, at my own pace

i’ll race you down the highway
so beat me, if you can
life’s the game, that i play

that’s the way i am
that’s the way life goes
this is who i wanna be
and that’s the way, it’s gonna be
that’s the way i am
and baby, this i know
in all of this insanity
i’m everything, i wanna be
that’s the way i am - yeah
that’s the way i am

i’m known to be wrong, when i’m right
i’m colourful, in black and white
i’m a beam of sunshine in the night
i’m a snob, i’m a sleaze
i can make a fire freeze
i come and go, just as i please

so baby, this is my way
to make you understand
life’s the game, that i play

that’s the way i am
that’s the way life goes
this is who i wanna be
and that’s the way, it’s gonna be
that’s the way i am
and baby, this i know
in all of this insanity
i’m everything, i wanna be
that’s the way i am - yeah (the way i am)
that’s the way i am (the way i am)

i’ve been messed up, tossed around
i’ve been flying high, just to get knocked down
i always kept my feet, on solid ground
i’m a sinner, i’m a saint
i’ve been creeping down the fast lane
i’ll rush this life, at my own pace

that’s the way i am
that’s the way life goes
this is who i wanna be
and that’s the way, it’s gonna be
that’s the way i am
and baby, this i know
in all of this insanity
i’m everything, i wanna be
that’s the way i am - yeah (the way i am)
that’s the way i am (the way i am)

that’s the way i am - yeah
that’s the way i am - alright (the way i am)

i’ve been messed up, tossed around
i’ve been knocked down
the rest is the way life is now
that’s the way i am

animal instinct

the cranberries grubunun eski sarkilarindan biri.

animal instinct

suddenly something has happened to me
as i was having my cup of tea
suddenly i was feeling depressed
i was utterly and totally stressed
do you know you made me cry
do you know you made me die

and the thing that gets to me
is you’ll never really see
and the thing that freaks me out
is i’ll always be in doubt
it is a lovely thing that we have
it is a lovely thing that we
it is a lovely thing, the animal
the animal instinct

so take my hands and come with me
we will change reality
so take my hands and we will pray
they won’t take you away
they will never make me cry, no
they will never make me die

and the thing that gets to me
is you’ll never really see
and the thing that freaks me out
is i’ll always be in doubt

the animal, the animal, the animal instinct in me
it’s the animal, the animal, the animal instinct in me
it’s the animal, it’s the animal, it’s the animal instinct in me
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