  1. toplam entry 2074
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you and me

john maynard keynes
millow’un söylediği versiyonu oldukça naif, bazen komik amerikan tabiriyle cute bir şarkı;

i wish you smelled a little funny
not just funny really bad
we could roam the streets forever
just like cats but we’d never stray
i sometimes wish you were a mermaid
i could raise you in the tub at home
we could take a swim together
on weekly day trips to the bay

oh you and me
it would be only you and me
oh you and me
it would be only you and me

i wish you were a little bigger
not just big but really fat
doors you would no longer fit through
in my bed you would have to stay
i often wish that you had feathers
i’d keep you in a giant cage
all day long i’d sit and watch you
i’d sing for you and that would be okay

people say there are plenty of fish
in the sea, baby, all i do is wish

i wish you were a little slower
not just slow but paralyzed
then i could plug you into a socket
so you could never run away
i really wish that you were smaller
not just small but really really short
so i could put you in my pocket
and carry you around all day

murathan mungan

john maynard keynes
ayrıldığımız gündü.
mutfaktaydık, buzdolabının yanında, kapısı açıktı, herşey bambaşka
görünüyordu yüzüne vuran o soğuk ışıkta
"biliyor musun " dedin. "sen neye benziyorsun biliyor musun?"
epeydir aradığın bir şeyi bulmuş olmanın hem sevinç, hem keder veren gizli bir an için bulandırmıştı yüzündeki tedirginliği, kırgınlığı.
sis ışığa çıkmıştı. sonra yavaşça çevirip başını yüzüme baktın kuyuya düşmeye benzeyen derin bir korkuyla.
"neye?" dedim,yan yanayken yaşadığımız ayrılığın adını sorar gibi,"neye?"
"bilardo toplarına."
"neden?" dedim.
"yazgını hep başkalarının ıstakalarının insafına bırakıyorsun da ondan..."
bir uçurum gibi derinleşen sessizlik o an başlamıştı bile bizi birbirimizden uzaklaştırmaya.
beni terk etmeden önce yaptığın son konuşma oldu bu. sonra iki arkadaşım geldi,birinin omzunda ağladım,hangisiydi şimdi hatırlamıyorum. sonra birlikte başka bir kente gittik,anlarsın ayrılığın ilk günlerinde o eve katlanamazdım, sonra ben başka aşklara, sonra başka evlerin
duvarlarına başka takvimler aştım.
şimdi ne zaman birinden ayrılsam ıstakaların sesi patlıyor kulaklarımda
ardından bilardo topları
dağılıyor dört bir yana
seni hatırlıyorum o soğuk ışıkta
bir daha
bir daha
bir daha


john maynard keynes
snoop dogg şarkısı ama david guetta versiyonu dinlenmeli;

big snoop dogg
can you be my doctor?
can you fix me up?
can you wipe me down?

so i can make you give it up give it up
until you say my name
like a jersey jersey shuttin’ down the game

be my head coach
so you can...
and never take me out
till you can taste the way
do it again, and again till you say my name

and by the way
i’m so glad
i just wanna make you sweat
i wanna make you sweat
i just wanna make you sweat
i wanna make you sweat
sweat, sweat

drip drip drip for me mommy can you drip drip drip
drip drip drip for me mommy can you drip drip drip

shes hot on a rainy day
don’t drown
call call me up, i i i can save you now
(lick your feet and kiss your lap)?
there’s only one way we can stop the drought
come with me
we can take a trip down south

i can tell shes thirsty
i’m in the whoa like a birdy
whatcha wanna do tonight?
it’s still early

wanna get some tonight
shes all sturdy
i’m in i’m in
like a cigarette
she wanna quit

i just wanna make you sweat
i wanna make you sweat
i just wanna make you sweat
i wanna make you sweat
sweat, sweat

drip drip drip for me mommy can you drip drip drip
drip drip drip for me mommy can you drip drip drip

can you, can you get me up like i’m late for my first class
so i can give it to you rough like a first draft
hold you like a paper plane
you know i got paper babe
them dollar bills
girl i’ll make it rain

holiday inn
come and meet me on my eighth floor
damn it feels good but i feel bad for (them next door)?
and i, i i i up on the [?]
when i slip slip slip like two girls into slip n’ slide

(there’s a flood in your heart love)?
girl, let me pop up in your hot tub
every night every day,
sippin’ on a different drink
different chicks, different tastes
i do it different ways

where you goin?
whatcha say?
i’m why her river flowin’
to another lake
by to ocean by the ocean
on the beach on the beach
i’m bout’ to take a swim

let me dip my feet in and make you sweat
i wanna make you sweat
i just wanna make you sweat
i wanna make you sweat
sweat, sweat

drip drip drip for me mommy can you drip drip drip
drip drip drip for me mommy can you drip drip drip

changed the way you kiss me

john maynard keynes
example şarkısı diyelim ve sözlerini verelim;

i’ve never been afraid of the highest heights
or afraid of flying high
i’ve never been afraid of the wildest fights
not afraid of dying
but now i’m off this ride, cause you’re scaring me
and i don’t like where we’re going
i need a new funfair, cause you’re scaring me
and i don’t like where we’re going.

and now you gonna miss me,
i know you gonna miss me,
i guarantee you miss me
cause you changed the way you kiss me

cause you changed the way you kiss me

we used to be so so soulful
out green on the background vocals,
tee-total, we’re on the next hype
we get by with the so called soulmate
made for each other chit chat
but that dried up
wise up
to the cutting edge facts
so i’m chilling on my jack jones
looking for a way back home
but i can’t get back

our love feels wrong, please want me back
our love feels wrong, can’t hide the cracks
i guarantee you miss me
cause you changed the way you kiss me

i’ve never been afraid of the highest heights
or afraid of flying high
i’ve never been afraid of the wildest fights
not afraid of dying
i need a new funfair, cause you’re scaring me
and i don’t like where we’re going.
i guarantee you miss me
cause you changed the way you kiss me

cause you changed the way you kiss me

our love feels wrong, please want me back
our love feels wrong, can’t hide the cracks
i guarantee you miss me
cause you changed the way you kiss me

i guarantee you miss me
cause you changed the way you kiss me

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